Frayed Ends Of Sanity, 8/? (R, Gen)

Dec 18, 2006 18:40

Title: Frayed Ends Of Sanity
Chapters: 8/?
Warnings: R, Gen. Only s2 spec--no spoilers.
Summary: AU. Post Devil's Trap. Everything has an aftermath...

Previous Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

this is longer than the usual chapters so I'm hoping it'll tide you guys over for a bit :) not too long I promise it's just with Christmas around the ( Read more... )

storyfrayed, fanfic, supernatural

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Comments 35

legoline December 18 2006, 20:15:17 UTC
Oh dear, I just read the whole thing and I love it. It's so painful and that's what makes it so real and Gosh, I wish I could write like that. Great job.


mellaithwen December 18 2006, 22:19:59 UTC
the whole thing? eek!

the angst is scaring me, you don't see as much as it in this story but the next knife twistingly hurty.

glad you liked it though :) will try to update soon


legoline December 18 2006, 22:39:18 UTC
Oooooooooooooh angst is good :-)

The part when John came to check on Sam...after he had NOT come to check on Dean in Faith? Pierced me right to the core :-) I really like your style :-)


mellaithwen December 18 2006, 23:01:35 UTC
worrying me where its coming from lmao

You would not believe (then again, you probably would) how many reviewers on FFN were like "John is evil and mean and like...omgz seeing sam and not dean" and I never saw it like that :S always thought that well, it's different now. John knows how easily he can lose them, because he nearly did...never occurred to me that it might be favourtism even though I wrote Dean thinking that


apieceofcake December 18 2006, 21:44:01 UTC
They are all coming undone..where's the glue.... :-)


mellaithwen December 18 2006, 22:19:11 UTC
there is no Winchester glue! aaaaaaaaah they're broken and shattered


pixel_0 December 18 2006, 22:12:50 UTC

You know I'll be looking forward to the next chapter arriving in my inbox. :)


mellaithwen December 18 2006, 22:18:44 UTC

working my ass off dude trying to work out the plot o.O


pixel_0 December 18 2006, 22:46:07 UTC
*flaps hand* Oh plot. Plot, shmlot. Who needs it?

Okay, so actually you do need it. I probably shouldn't poke you for this one anyway. I should poke you for a certain AU or crossover instead. *wink*


mellaithwen December 18 2006, 22:59:39 UTC
well that's the thing, since both have John I was getting confused o.O

AU is currently on 9, 970 words, crossover is officially to be done after these two are waaayy finished


forgotten_pixie December 19 2006, 01:26:04 UTC
I just read the whole thing, and really enjoyed it. It's a very realistic and painful aftermath and their emotions ring very true. Poor boys, they've all got it rather hard! Great job :)


mellaithwen December 19 2006, 15:29:36 UTC
go you for reading all 8 chapters :D very glad you like it :) boys have got it very hard mwahaha thank you!


mandatora December 19 2006, 02:17:04 UTC much angst! I love it lol! Can't wait for the next chapter!!


mellaithwen December 19 2006, 15:30:45 UTC
lol 'fraid so :) and thank you! glad you like it, will try to get the chapter up just after christmas--promise :)


mandatora December 20 2006, 01:10:21 UTC
Yay! Can't wait!


mellaithwen December 20 2006, 01:13:57 UTC
lol, for the update, or Christmas? hehe


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