Title: Heritage (The Good Girl Remix)
melissimaRating(s): G
Pairing(s): Gen Tosh, Jack
Warning(s): spoilers for Fragments, Captain Jack Harkness
Summary: Tosh can't help envying Jack's freedom
Author's Note: This fic is a remix of
Heritage by
donutsweeper Toshiko tried to focus on the phone, on Auntie's rapid-fire instructions. Ashamed, she remembered huddling in a grimy cell, willing to trade life's blood for a voice from home. Jack's coat swished through her field of vision as he checked readings on a nearby screen, and jealousy flared. Jack was always free. Even trapped in 1941 he'd laughed, danced, loved. She'd been distrusted, dismissed, degraded. Now, Auntie waited; Toshiko promised she'd hurry. The weight of heritage and duty swept over her, webs of tradition and expectations layered one over the next, inextricable. She had her family.