Title: Sleepless
Pairing: Billy/Charlie
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After a snowboarding accident, Billy watches Charlie sleep.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: very mild for 1x13 Manhunt
Disclaimer: Property of CBS/Scottfree/Heuton-Fallacci. Don't bother to sue, I have no assets.
Snowboarding. Billy had relished the idea of playing in the snow with his California boy, but Charlie was not Don. A lifetime of being the smaller, nerdier brother made him reckless. Billy often shrugged off danger in his life, but rushing down the slope toward a motionless Charlie had been a nightmare dark enough to make a fugitive of sleep. He sat leaning against the headboard watching his lover’s slow, rhythmic breathing. Billy thanked whatever unseen powers might have protected him from serious harm.
Charlie rolled over, pillowing the uninjured side of his face on Billy's thigh. The bruise spread across his cheek, blending into the shadow of late evening beard. Billy's fingers hovered, absorbing the heat rising from damaged skin, wishing he could take the pain as well.
Blinking sleepily, Charlie pressed soft lips above his knee. His expression was blurred by swelling and pain, but as his eyes focused they beckoned as clearly as ever. He withdrew just enough to let Billy slide down next to him in bed and curled against his side.
Billy relished the scent of his skin, the life that radiated from his body. Sleep might elude him, but for now he could rest.