Title: Woman Hunt
Pairing: Charlie/Officer Morris, CHP
Rating: G? light PG at most
Summary: Charlie wishes his dad were less enthusiastic about the girl he brought home.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: very mild for 1x13 Manhunt
Notes/Warnings: Remember the cute highway cop in Manhunt, the one Charlie flirted with?
Later in the episode, they ended up back at the house together so Charlie could show her his math. :-P When Alan and Larry saw them together, they looked ready to start naming the grandchildren. I always wanted to write them, but recently I found out that the good Officer was played by my current girl-crush, Christina Cox--and I HAD to.
ETA:There's more of these two--check out the Officer Hottie 'verse
Master List Disclaimer: Property of CBS/Scottfree/Heuton-Fallacci. Don't bother to sue, I have no assets.
"I'm sorry about Dad and Larry," Charlie apologized as he walked Officer Morris to her car. "I could say they aren't always that bad, but...at least grandchildren didn't come up."
She grinned crookedly. "So I got off easy?" Instead of getting in, she turned and leaned on the car. "Don't you want a family, though?"
"Don't you think I've got enough?"
She laughed and kicked Charlie's sneaker to get him to look up. His eyes went wide when she stepped close, licking her bottom lip as she slid her hand up his arm. She leaned in and pressed her mouth to his. He froze, so she pulled back and mugged at him in mock-exasperation, patiently taking his arm and putting it around her waist. He chuckled, and the tension drained away. He captured her lips softly, with a little heat. She hummed in appreciation when he slipped his other arm around her, and again when the tip of his tongue brushed hers. "Someday," she murmured between kisses, "You might--"
The front door opened behind them. "Sorry!" Alan called, shutting it.
Charlie groaned. "I might want to disappear."
She turned to the car, gesturing for him to get in. "Done."