[fic] Beer

May 02, 2010 19:20

Title: Beer
Pairing: Yamamoto/Gokudera
Rating: PG-13 for underage drinking, language, and mentions of past sexual situations.
Prompt: 5drunkfics “Mistakes”
Word Count: 1,487
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! is owned by Amano Akira.
Summary: Yamamoto discovers the dangers of drinking and cooking.
A/N: Fourth fic in my series for 5drunkfics . The rest of the series can be found here:
1. Punch (PG)
2. Vodka (PG-13)
3. Sake (R)

I was able to finish this one sooner than expected, but it was written under the influence of copious amounts of caffeine, so please forgive the insane ramblings and never-ending sentences.

March was a damp affair in Namimori, but in between the mud and grey skies, the first signs of spring could be found. Tiny, green buds were already sprouting from the bushes in the front lawn of the Sasagawa residence on the day of Kyoko’s eighteenth birthday. Ryohei had opened her party with a speech about his sister coming into the springtime of her womanhood, while Kyoko stood blushing amongst her friends. When he got to the part about breaking Tsuna’s face if he tried anything funny with her, he almost lost a foot due to a well aimed mini-bomb.

But that was a half hour ago; now, Kyoko was chatting with Tsuna on the couch and Ryohei was strong-arming Gokudera and Yamamoto into the kitchen. Shifting aside some pots and pans on the counter, he proudly displayed a six-pack of Asahi.

“Don’t tell Kyoko, but I got them from some guys in the boxing club,” he whispered loudly enough that he could probably be heard from the living room.

There are other people in the boxing club? Yamamoto thought absentmindedly as he shook his head. “You know, Sempai, I’m not sure-“

“C’mon, guys! Drink to the extreme!” Ryohei said, forcing a can into Yamamoto’s and Gokudera’s hands. Yamamoto tried to protest again, but Ryohei interrupted with, “Don’t mention it,” and slapped him on the back, nearly knocking him over. “Kampai!”

Gokudera popped the tab on his beer and glared at Yamamoto as he took a swig. Feeling the challenge in the stare, Yamamoto followed suit, thanking Ryohei and taking a sip. He almost spilled the entire can when the boxer slapped him goodheartedly again before running off to make sure Tsuna wasn’t taking advantage of his sister in the other room.

Yamamoto and Gokudera were left standing in the kitchen with an awkward silence growing between them, punctuated by brief glances and sips. Gokudera leaned back against the counter, and Yamamoto had to fight down an intense urge to lean in closer, to feel the heat radiating from his bare skin. He broke the silence with a nervous chuckle, at which Gokudera raised a thin eyebrow.

“I guess this is becoming a tradition on special occasions, haha,” Yamamoto said. “Drinking, I mean.”

Gokudera let out a bored grunt in response and gave up his surreptitious glances to stare blatantly at Yamamoto instead. Yamamoto’s smile faltered under the intensity of his eyes.

“You probably would rather hang out with Tsuna than with me, right?” Yamamoto asked. “Don’t feel like you have to stay here.”

Gokudera took another sip before finally speaking. “The Tenth is talking with Kyoko-it would be rude to interrupt them.”

“Oh, umm, yeah,” Yamamoto responded. “I guess you’re right.” He wasn’t stupid enough to read too much into Gokudera’s comment-the storm guardian was just staying with him in order to give Tsuna a chance to be alone with his girlfriend-but that didn’t stop something in his chest from swelling a little.

His eyes widened when Gokudera downed the rest of his drink in one gulp. “Hey, slow down! You’ll make yourself sick that way!”

“Shut up,” Gokudera said with a scowl. “I’ll do whatever I damn well please.” When he reached for another beer and Yamamoto laid a hand on his wrist, he jerked away. “Don’t fucking touch me!”

“Ah, sorry,” Yamamoto said, letting his arm fall limply to his side, and watched as Gokudera opened another can. “It’s just, you shouldn’t drink so much. You’re kind of a light-weight.”

“I’m not a fucking light-weight,” Gokudera growled, but Yamamoto could already see a telltale glow spreading across his face and a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. The storm guardian wasn’t too hard to handle when drunk, but Yamamoto didn’t want a repeat of the last two occasions he’d been intoxicated. Not that the kiss and blow job hadn’t been enjoyable-they had, oh, God how they had! But he didn’t think his sanity could bear it if he had to suffer in silence again when Gokudera woke up showing no recognition of his actions.

His heart ached every time he looked at Gokudera and knew that the only way he would ever have a chance with him was if they were both under the influence. There was something growing inside him, something that made his feelings for Gokudera seems so right even if they were wrong, so wrong, dirty, filthy wrong. He tried his best to ignore it, to deny it, but it was always at the back of his mind, lurking at the edges of his dreams, and he knew he was probably in too deep to save himself anymore. He hadn’t tried to reestablish himself as simply a friend since his plan on New Year’s Eve had backfired, and in the three months after, he had made sure never to be alone with the other boy. Drinking with him in Sasagawa’s kitchen didn’t count since their friends were just a room away, but otherwise he always made sure someone else was with them, or if that was impossible, came up with an excuse to leave. He didn’t want to tempt himself with any notion that he had a chance with Gokudera, but despite his best efforts, it was a losing battle.

Gokudera was eyeing him again, and Yamamoto could feel himself projecting a hungry look in the other boy’s gaze.

Just your imagination, just what you want to see, he thought bitterly. He would have dashed out of the kitchen right then and there because the fault line he was standing on had grown treacherous, but Kyoko chose that moment to enter the room.

Yamamoto lamely tried to hide his beer can behind his back-not that it would have mattered, since the rest of the six-pack was sitting in plain view next to Gokudera on the counter-but Kyoko just gave a tinkling giggle and said, “Don’t worry, I already knew my brother had alcohol in here. He’s not the greatest at keeping secrets.”

Chuckling, Yamamoto set his can on the counter. “Did you need anything?” he asked with a grin.

“Actually, I really hate to ask this of you, Yamamoto-kun, but I was wondering if you could help me make more croquettes? Lambo-kun already ate the first batch.”

“No problem! You can go back to your party-I’ll take care of it!” Yamamoto replied. A distraction was exactly what he needed, and he did his best to avoid Gokudera’s eyes as Kyoko thanked him profusely and showed him where the ingredients were. When she had left, Yamamoto busied himself with cutting up and boiling the potatoes, and sautéing the onions and beef. Gokudera made no move to help, satisfied to simply watch him with a small, involuntary smile on his face.

As Yamamoto bent down to pull a towel out of the cupboard to wipe his hands, he felt his movements grow just a tad bit sloppy, a sign that the alcohol was starting to affect his system. It had only been one can, but it was enough to make him feel a little lightheaded. He returned Gokudera’s grin with a wide one of his own.

“You know, Gokudera, I-“ he felt like there was something he wanted to say, sitting on the tip of his tongue, but the warmth in his limbs distracted him just enough to make him forget the words. Maybe it was just as well, because Gokudera chose that moment to speak as well.

“Hey, Yamamoto….You know, I-the towel!” Gokudera suddenly interrupted himself and gestured wildly. Yamamoto looked down at the towel in his hands just in time to see one end of it burst into flames from being too close to the stove burner.

“Shit!” he shouted, nearly tripping over his own feet as he ran to the sink. He threw the towel in and turned the faucet on full blast with shaking fingers. Once the flames had been doused, he and Gokudera stared at the sink for a few long seconds.

“Woah,” Yamamoto finally muttered, not sure what else to say at the moment.

“Yeah, woah,” Gokudera repeated. They stared at each other a moment, and then Gokudera busted out laughing, bent over and slapping his thigh with tears gathering at the corners of his eyes, and it was so contagious and the situation was so absurd that Yamamoto couldn’t help laughing along with him.

And in that moment when their eyes met again, it hit Yamamoto-hit him so hard his heart skipped a beat and he had to gasp for breath. He was in love, completely, utterly, head-over-heels in love with Gokudera. The realization made him want to cry-whether in pain or joy, he wasn’t sure, so he just laughed along with the other boy and felt his heart burst into a thousand pieces.

He didn’t stop until long after the tears had started streaming down his face, until long after the other guests had rushed into the kitchen to see what was the matter, until long after Gokudera had pulled him into a bone-breaking, heartrending, Oh-God-I-can’t-take-it-anymore-I-need-you-need-you-need-you hug.

Because really, what else could he do?

-->5. Wine (NC-17)

5drunkfics, c: yamamoto takeshi, p: 8059/5980, f: katekyo hitman reborn!, c: gokudera hayato, fanfic

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