Title: Special Privileges
Characters: Lambo, I-pin and Tsuna
Rating: G
khrfest II-52. Lambo & I-pin - bullying; "Broccoli Monster !!!!"
Word Count: 319
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! belongs to Amano Akira
Summary: No one else is allowed to insult Lambo.
“Lambo-san can swing the highest!”
The two children had been verbally sparring the entire way to the park. While Lambo seemed to be sticking with his old favorite, “dumpling head,” I-pin had graduated from “broccoli monster” to the more sophisticated “lollipop that’s been sitting behind the couch for six days.” How she had managed to master that phrase and not “no you can’t” was beyond Tsuna, so he just listened to the insults in disbelief. Even at the playground they kept fighting, until Lambo threw one of his grenades that Tsuna had managed to miss confiscating. After sheepishly smiling and mumbling something about “toys these days” (he hoped the mothers who were present were as gullible as Yamamoto), He enjoyed a moment of peace while I-pin played on the swings and Lambo sat sniveling in time-out on a bench. Five minutes later, Tsuna let Lambo go with a warning, and the two children played surprisingly quietly together. He’d hoped the rest of the day would go by smoothly, but since when had things worked out for No Good Tsuna? I-pin and Lambo were on the teeter-totter when a group of slightly older boys came up to them. Straining his ears, Tsuna couldn’t quite make out everything they were saying, but stood up when he heard “stupid afro.” Before he could intervene, however, I-pin had already flipped the lead bully face-first into the gravel. Paying the now irate mothers no attention, Tsuna dashed across the park, scooping the kids up on his way. Once they were a safe distance away, he finally set them down.
“I saw what happened, but try not to be so extreme next time,“ he said, patting I-pin on the head. She replied in Chinese, so he could only assume it was in acquiescence.
The kids bickered a little on the way back to the house, but they held each other’s hand the entire way.