Learning to Fly (6/?)

Oct 13, 2008 23:21

TITLE: Learning to Fly (6/?)
AUTHOR: Melificent811
RATING: NC-17 (some parts anyway...)
PAIRING: Callie/Erica
SUMMARY: Set after the season 4 finale kiss. Coming out can be quite the rocky journey...
DISCLAIMER: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Previous chapters here:


“So where exactly are we going for dinner?”

Callie sat in the passenger seat of Erica’s BMW 3 series and looked out the window as their familiar hang out spots whizzed past them. She was very excited to be heading out on her first romantic evening with Erica. Not to mention incredibly hungry since she had spent the whole day getting ready and neglected to feed herself anything more than a glass of milk in the morning.

“There’s this place I used to go to when I worked at Seattle Presbyterian. It’s a little out of the way but it’s no where near anywhere that anyone from the hospital would be hanging out. I figured that we could use a break from hiding from everyone.”

Instantly Callie’s face fell. She felt horribly ashamed that her inability to handle being open around her coworkers has affected what the couple could do on their off time. “I’m sorry… I’m trying to be comfortable around everyone from work… really I am.”

“Baby,” Erica took one hand from the wheel and placed it into Callie’s, instantly intertwining her fingers with the other woman’s. “I didn’t mean it that way… And yes, I know you’re trying. I know that it’s going to take time. I just want you to be able to relax for once and not worry about those things.”

“Really?” Callie’s gaze ran from their interlaced fingers and straight into Erica’s eyes. They were so genuine and filled with love. “God, what did I do to deserve you?”

“All you had to do was be yourself.” Erica smiled.

A few minutes later, Erica pulled her car up to the valet drop off in front of a little restaurant called Galliano’s. It was a small hole in the wall Italian bistro that had a red and white striped awning in front for outdoor seating. A wrought iron fence surrounded the outdoor space and twisted vines fell from the roof of the awning to the floor, providing a sense of privacy for those who chose to dine outdoors. Candlelight chandeliers and tea lights at each place setting provided the only light for diners to see.

“Erica, this is so beautiful. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this place.” Callie stared around the entrance in wonder, expecting to be seated outside at one of the private tables closest to the sidewalk.

“It’s even better inside…” Erica held the door open and let Callie cross the threshold.

Erica was right. If the patio area of the bistro could be considered romantic, the inner dining area looked as if it was transplanted straight from a small eatery in Venice. The walls were painted light beige with a finish that made it look like they were delicate like pieces of parchment paper. The same candlelit chandeliers on the patio were hanging all over giving the entire dining area an ethereal glow. An over sized mural covered the longest wall of the room creating the illusion that one was dining overlooking the Venetian Canals.

Callie hadn’t realized that she was still standing at the threshold with her mouth hanging agape until Erica gently took her by the hand and led her to the table for two that she had reserved a few days before. There were two place setting of fine china and crystal wine glasses waiting for the pair. A bottle of red wine stood as the center piece with the cork already popped and two glasses of the velvety liquid awaiting their arrival. The surrounding area was filled with the aroma of the freshly baked rosemary bread sitting next to the bottles of virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Without hesitation, she pulled out the chair for Callie to take a seat and then gave her a light peck on the cheek as she sat down. “So I take it I made the right choice?” Erica asked as she sat across from the Latin beauty.

“Erica, if you wanted to take me home right now and take full and complete advantage of me, I would not complain.”

Erica felt a slight blush creep up her neck into her cheeks. She loved that Callie didn’t hold back a single iota when they were around each other. Although it could be slightly embarrassing, she loved the fact that Callie’s mouth tended to work two steps ahead of the filter in her brain.

Since there was no one else in the dining area yet, Erica took Callie’s hand from across the table and leaned in so she was inches from her darker woman’s face. She gazed deep into the dark chocolate pools of Callie’s eyes and smiled, “If I knew you were that easy, I would have done this weeks ago.”

Unable to respond with words, Callie reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from Erica’s cheek and took her in for a passionate kiss. They leaned their foreheads together the instant their lips parted. Smiles took over their faces and their eyes couldn’t help but get lost in each others. It was their first real intimate moment in a public place, if you didn’t count the kiss in front of the hospital, and neither felt the need to run and hide.

“Dr. Hahn…. Dr. Torres…”

The pair quickly parted and turned towards the male voice that seemed to be getting closer and closer to the table. Neither could believe their eyes. Erica swore that there was a higher chance of seeing pigs flying than this happening.

“Richard!… um…Hi,” Erica could barely get the words out of her mouth. This was a completely unexpected turn of events. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound rude but what are you doing here?”

“Adele and I are… oh I don’t know how else to put it… dating again. I thought this would be a great place to take her.” The Chief responded proudly and then stared at the pair with a slight look of confusion. “What are you two ladies doing here on this fine evening?”

Before either could answer, Adele walked up behind Richard exclaiming, “Now Richard, why don’t we leave these two lovely ladies alone to enjoy their romantic evening together.”

“Romantic evening?...”

Noticing that Richard was still standing there trying to figure out what was going on, she took him by the hand to drag him away, “Yes Richard, a romantic evening...” Adele quickly turned to the ladies with a slightly apologetic look. “Dr Hahn, Dr Torres. I hope you ladies have a wonderful evening.”

When Richard and Adele made their way to the table across the room, the pair finally settled back into their seats. Callie couldn’t believe what had just happened. Under her breath she exclaimed, “I thought you said no one else knew about this place.”

“I guess I was wrong.”

“Erica Hahn wrong? Never!” Callie teased, finally letting her guard down after their surprise interaction.

“The instances are few and far between but it’s been known to happen.” Knowing that Callie was now slightly on guard, Erica reached under the table and rested her hand on her lover’s knee. “Look, the chief just wanted to take his wife out for a nice dinner. Look at them… They’ve practically forgotten that we’re here.”

Callie turned to see the Chief and his wife laughing over a glass of wine and feeding bits of bread to each other. “I guess you’re right…”

“So now I’m right?” Erica teased.

Callie smiled and shook her head. “Yes dear, you're right...”

“Pardon me madams,” A waiter appeared carrying a tray with 2 plate fulls of aromatic food. “Your meal is ready to be served.”

Callie looked at the waiter and then Erica in confusion. “You must be mistaken. We haven't placed an order yet.”

Before the waiter could turn around to go back to the kitchen Erica interrupted. “It's okay, Cal. I already arranged for our meal when I made the reservations. I wanted to be sure that the chef had all the right ingredients available for tonight.”

The waiter presented the tray to the ladies and with Erica's nod of approval, he set the steaming plates in front of each woman. Callie gazed in amazement as she took in the sight of a heap of angel hair pasta drizzled with olive oil and pesto topped with a cut of deliciously pink salmon and a side of steamed asparagus. Erica saw the awe in Callie's eyes and grinned at her achievement.

“Wow... This looks amazing.”

“I'm glad you think so. I had the salmon flown in from Alaska this morning.”

“Really Erica, you don't need to spoil me like this.”

“The most beautiful woman in the world deserves nothing but the best.”

Callie couldn't help but blush. She couldn't believe that anyone would ever say anything like that to her. Even when she was with George, she never heard such a compliment fly out of his mouth. There was something so unique about the gorgeous woman sitting across from her that just made her feel so special. No one else in the world could ever make her feel so happy and secure about everything that is Callie Torres. “God Erica, how do you do that? You make me feel so beautiful...”

“I'm just telling you everything that my eyes see.” With that, Erica made Callie smile again. Every time she sees that smile, she falls deeper and deeper for the Latin woman. That uniquely Callie 1000 megawatt smile always brought rays of sunshine into Erica's life even
in her darkest hours. Erica raised her wine glass and motioned Callie to do the same. “To us... and an already amazing first date.”

As their glasses clinked together, a familiar voice came from a few feet away.

“Hey, Callie!.. Dr Hahn?..”

Callie shot Erica an annoyed look. How many more familiar faces were they going to see tonight? “Meredith...” Callie took a deep breath trying to control the slight hint of temper flaring inside of her. “What are you... um... doing here?”

“Oh! Derek and I were driving around town running some errands and picking stuff up for the house. We got a little hungry so we decided to stop when we drove past this place. He's just dropping the car off at the valet right now.”

“Mer?...” As if on cue, Derek appears behind Meredith and takes a double take when he sees who else is dining in the restaurant. Clearing his throat he greeted the pair sitting at the table. “Dr. Hahn... Dr Torres... I never imagined we'd run into you here.”

“Well Dr. Shepard,” Erica was starting to get a little annoyed at the unfortunate turn of events for the night. She wanted Callie to be comfortable tonight... Seeing co-workers come out of the woodwork was not helping the cause. “Frankly, neither did we...”

“It looks like you ladies are enjoying quite the meal together...” The two couples looked at each other, trying to figure out the other was thinking. Seeing the fancy plates of food and the two hundred dollar bottle of wine on the table, Derek starts to figure that they had interrupted a fairly intimate rendezvous. “ Well... um... Don't let us interrupt your dinner. I hope you two enjoy the rest of your evening. Come on Mer, I think our table's ready.”

As the couple walked away to their awaiting table, Callie sighed and took a long sip from her glass of wine. “Do you think they figured us out?”

Erica sighed and took a sip of her own glass of wine. The overly romantic, non-complicated night she had meticulously planned out was not turning out exactly how she had hoped. “I don't know Cal... Look, I had this wonderfully romantic night planned out in my head. I know it's not turning out exactly the way I imagined but I really hope that we can enjoy just having time to be together.”

Callie sat back and took a second to consider her request.“You know what? You're right... again.” She shot her a playful smile, remembering their conversation a few minutes ago. “I'm just happy to be spending a beautiful evening out with my even more beautiful girlfriend.”

Erica looked up from the forkful of food she was ready to put in her mouth and blushed. “You just called me your girlfriend.”

“Wow... I sure did...” Callie picked up her fork and started pushing the pasta around on her plate. “I... um... hope that's okay.”

Erica reached forward to enfold the dark haired woman's hand in her own, making Callie look up from her food into her eyes. “Of course it's okay... I like the way that sounds.”

Callie grinned from ear to ear, “I do too...”

Erica lightly squeezed her fingers and let go, allowing them to return to the dinner in front of them. The next twenty minutes were filled with compliments over the amazingly delicious food and laughing over what had transpired over the beginning of their night.

As the waiter came to remove their near empty plates, Callie looked to the front door just in time to see another pair of familiar faces walk into the bistro. “Oh my god… Is it just me or is this place turning into a Seattle Grace couples’ night?”

Erica handed the check and tip to the waiter and turned to the front just in time to see George and the younger Grey sister walk to the hostess. “You've gotta be kidding me...” Seeing Callie start to panic again she stood up and offered her hand to her date, “Come on, we're done here. Let's go... I want to take you where I'm almost one hundred percent positive that we won't see anyone from work.”

Callie nodded and took the blonde woman's hand in her own. They weaved through the now crowded dining area and headed for the front door. Within seconds, they got to the hostess station right as George and Lexie were about to be seated.

“Hi Dr. Hahn... Dr Torres.” Lexie looked at the pair with those ridiculously naïve little puppy eyes, “We didn't expect to run into you here.”

“Yeah,” Callie held back the urge to spit her words out like a viper. “Neither did we.”

Like a shy little boy, George finally acknowledged his co-workers. “Hi Callie... Dr. Hahn.”

George looked down to discover that the couple was holding hands. Seeing his eyes widen in shock, Callie quickly came to realize that Erica and her fingers were still very much intimately intertwined. In a moment of self-preservation, Callie immediately let go of her lover's hand and crossed her arms in front of her torso. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“We're celebrating.” Lexie chimed in and grinned with pride. “George passed his intern exam today.”

“Congratulations Dr. O'Malley.” Erica interrupted before the conversation took more time from their date. “Well... Dr. Torres and I were just heading out. We'll leave you two to continue your celebration.”

Erica lightly put her arm around Callie's hips and guided her out the door. She handed the claim ticket to the valet who returned with her car withing seconds. As the couple drove away to their next destination, Erica pleaded to the powers that be that the rest of the night go off without a hitch.


“Erica, are you trying to lead me down a dark alley way and take advantage of me? Because you really don't have to bring me anywhere to let you do that...”

“Hush you!...” Erica smiled and led her by the hand a block down Pike St. She could see their destination three doors down the sidewalk. “You know, one day that mouth of yours is really going to get you into trouble.”

“Where are we anyway?” Callie looked around trying to get her bearings. She's been around this part of town during the day but it took on a different personality in the night time.

“We're on Pike Street, baby... Relax, we're almost there.”

Erica led her to a doorway halfway down the street. It was fairly nondescript. The only thing Callie noticed was the blaring music and the distinct thump of the subwoofers just beyond the threshold.

“Ooh! You're taking me out dancing... Why didn't you just tell me? You know I love dancing with you.”

Erica caught her gaze as she opened the door to let Callie in. “I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you...”

The fairer woman took her lover by the hand and led her past the crowds of people dancing and socializing straight to the bar. Callie couldn't help but notice that there was something completely different about the vibe of the place. There were so many women around... There were beautifully made up girls dressed to nines... There were tomboys and rockers and chicks who could give men a run for their money. As a matter of fact, there were no men to be found anywhere! As Callie continued to scan the dance floor, she couldn't help but notice that every couple on the floor were of the feminine persuasion.

Erica turned to Callie holding a pomegranate martini in each hand. She gently place one in Callie's grasp and inquired, “So... what do you think?”

“Erica Hahn, did you take me to a lesbian club?” Callie asked with a knowing smile on her face. She knew that Erica's intentions were nothing but good.

“I couldn't stand watching you censor yourself everywhere we go. I mean, I get it... It's a comfort thing and I don't want to rush you... I just wanted to take you somewhere where you'd be comfortable with us being...us.”

Callie smiled. It was so sweet of Erica to take her feelings into such consideration. Right as she was about to respond, a woman dressed in a pair of dark blue tight fitting low rise jeans and a black tank top approached Callie.

“Hey gorgeous...” The dark skinned woman stared Callie up and down, taking in every inch of her sensual curves. She tossed back her long locks of dark brown hair with her hand and smiled, “You wanna dance?”

Callie smiled to herself as she noticed the slight grimace of jealousy strewn across her lover's face. “Thanks for the invite...” She placed her martini glass on the bar and snaked her arms around Erica's waist. “But, I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend.”

Much to Erica's surprise, Callie placed a gentle kiss on her mouth and then let her tongue trace it's way along her lower lip. When she was sure the other woman had walked away, she pulled away and caressed her lover's face.

“You see... Everyone else thinks your gorgeous too.”

“I don't care about what any of those girls think...” Callie smirked, plucked the half empty glass from Erica's grasp and took her by the hands, edging her away from the bar. One of her favorite songs had started to play and she wanted nothing more than to bring her lover out to the dance floor. “Hey gorgeous... You wanna dance?”

“Thanks for the invite... but I'm here with my incredibly hot and insanely sexy girlfriend.” The fairer woman winked, teasing the other.

Callie shook her head and pulled the other woman closer. She wrapped her arms around Erica's neck as her arms snaked their way around the sensual curves of the Latin woman's hips. “Come here you!”

Turn the lights off in this place
And she shines just like a star
And I swear I know her face
I just don't know who you are
Turn the music up in here
I still hear her loud and clear
Like she's right there in my ear
Telling me
That she wants to own me
To control me
Come closer
Come closer

Erica was instantly captivated by the sway of her lover's body to the music. Her sensual curves seemed to flow with the essence of the music blaring on the club's sound system. She couldn't help but let herself get lost in her arms.

I can feel her on my skin
I can taste her on my tongue
She's the sweetest taste of sin
The more I get the more I want
She wants to own me
Come closer
She says "come closer"

The pair moved to the beat of the music. With each sway, Callie guided their way out to the middle of the dance floor. Although they were surrounded by a sea of beautiful women, neither noticed anyone else in the overly crowded room. They existed in a state of pure bliss where the rest of the world completely faded away and the only person that existed was the woman in their arms.

And I just can't pull myself away
Under a spell I can't break
I just can't stop
And I just can't bring myself no way
But I don't want to escape
I just can't stop

The hours on the dance floor passed quickly. The beats of the music became more intense as the night went on and it pulled the couple into overdrive. Hands would continuously explore the other person's body. Hips would sway with the continuous beat of the music. Lips would occasionally graze over the landscape of the other person's neck and face and lips. The couple was completely entranced with the rhythm of each other's bodies. It was hot, sexy, and left both of them craving for so much more.

Callie leaned into Erica's ear and whispered, “Come on... Let's get out of here...”

Without hesitation, Erica took Callie by the hand and led her out of the crowded club. Within minutes, they were in the car on their way back to Erica's home.

The car ride back to Erica's seemed to be the longest fifteen minutes of Callie's life. The entire time, she held Erica's hand in her own, occasionally laying a kiss on each finger and then playfully taking the whole length of Erica's index finger into her mouth. She would graze her lover's flesh with her teeth as her tongue traced lazy patterns on the tip. Erica would look at her with a tortured expression on her face and all Callie could do was smile with an evil glint in her eyes. She thoroughly enjoyed torturing the older woman.

Each time Callie teased Erica with her mouth, Erica would feel her breathing hitch and she would fight to stay in complete control of the car. The last thing she wanted was to get into an accident because of her impatient need to strip Callie of every article of clothing she wore. She wanted so badly to bring this beautiful woman home and make passionate love to her.

The pair finally pulled into the driveway to Erica's home and it was literally a race to end all races to get in the door and up to the sanctity of the bedroom. As they made their way past the living room and up the stairs to the coveted space, a random article of clothing would go flying through the air landing in an unceremonious heap on the floor. By the time the pair got to the room, they were completely void of any clothing except their underwear.

Erica snaked her arms around the darker woman, her fingers playing with the waistband on Callie's boyshorts. “You are so beautiful.”

Instantly, the pair crashed their lips together. Their tongues exploring the depths of each other's mouths. In one motion, Erica reached up to unsnap the back of Callie's bra, freeing her sensual orbs from the confines of their clothing prison. She leaned down to take in her partner's already erect nipple and tease it with the tip of her tongue. She could feel Callie's heart quicken and her breathing start to get ragged. It threw Erica into a state of overdrive.

Erica guided Callie back to the bed where they collapsed in a tangle of limbs. They continued to share deep, sensual kisses with each other until Erica realized they were both still wearing articles of clothing. Erica sat up, straddling Callie, and reached to her back to unsnap her own bra.

As she threw the garment to the side of the bed, Callie became fixated with the perfect mounds of flesh on Erica's chest. She couldn't help but reach up with both hands and start to play with the flesh around both nipples. In a state of shock and pleasure, the blonde woman crashed on top of the brunette and instantly slipped her tongue into her awaiting mouth.

The pair started grinding their hips together in the same way they had been doing all night on the dance floor. Although there was a lot less clothing involved than there was a few hours before, both realized that the thin fabric of their panties was preventing them from reaching the point of complete and utter pleasure.

Callie snaked her hands towards Erica's hips, expertly sliding the offending piece of cloth over her soft ass and down her silky legs. Without hesitation, she reached for the waistband of her own boyshorts and quickly slipped them down until naked flesh was pressed against completely naked flesh.

Instantly, her hand returned to rest near the slippery hot center of Erica's pleasure. Callie used her fingers to trace lines of desire up and down Erica's inner thighs, stomach, and lower back. She could feel Erica's hips start to sway with the movement of her fingers. Wanting to drive her partner to the edge of oblivion, Callie started to grind her hips against her lover's.

Erica felt waves of pleasure start to shoot from her toes straight to her head. She slightly parted her legs, allowing her lover access to her most intimate parts. Callie didn't need more than a second for her long, sensual fingers to find their way to Erica's pleasure center. As her thumb teased Erica's clit, she used her other fingers to slip deeply into her lover. She was so wet with desire that Callie had no problem getting all four fingers inside.

Slowly, Callie started to pump her fingers in and out. She could feel Erica's hips move faster with each thrust and she could feel Erica's fingers dig into the flesh of her back. Then her fingers slowly made their way down the small of Callie's back, over the sensual curves of her ass and then settled just above her clit. Callie tried to thrust her hips forward, coaxing Erica to get closer and closer to her own bundle of nerves.

After a minute of teasing her lover, Erica finally grazed her fingers over Callie's clit and straight into her soaking wet pussy. Callie gasped and instantly wrapped her legs around Erica's waist, driving her fingers even deeper inside. She thrust her hand even harder inside, making Erica moan as she reached that special spot deep inside.

The pair continued to grind their hips in unison. Both womans hands found a home inside the other. They curled their fingers and pumped in and out, edging closer and closer to their release. They continued to rock harder and harder. They teased and licked and pumped in and out in a frenzy until their tongues met in a deep kiss. An electric spark was sent from one body into another and both women moaned in a state of absolute pleasure when they came at the same time.

Breathless, Callie curled next to her lover and listened as both of their breathing and heartbeats returned to normal. She placed a chaste kiss on Erica's lips and said, “This was the best first date ever.”

Erica smiled and brought Callie in for another kiss. The pair settled into each others warm embrace and drifted off into a state of rest. Although there were a few bumps in the road, the night had turned out better than either of them could have asked for.

A/N: Wow... That was a long one. I hope it all tied together well. I had so many ideas for what would happen on the date and I really wanted them to piece together nicely. Hope you all enjoyed this...

fanfic, learning to fly, callica

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