Friend Bailout

Jan 21, 2009 21:56

(from any number of people, wording stolen from jaiwithani)

Melayne is providing FRIENDSHIP STIMULUS. The first five seven ten (I am the pinko commie, right?) people to respond to this post get free socialist handouts from me. Something I will think up. For you.

As per the relevant statutes and regulatory limitations, the following caveats apply:

1) Satisfaction, like safety, is not guaranteed;
2) Request will be fulfilled by 31 Dec 2009;
3) The range and type of stimulus will be determined entirely by the Commission of People Who Are Melayne (COPWAM), and may include baked goods, mix CDs, bad debt, hemp jewelry, fiction (original or fannish), or some as-yet unnamed item and/or service; and
4) For the purposes of this act the Creativity Rations and Limitations Act of 1989 is hereby suspended with regards to COPWAM.

Furthermore, participation in the COPWAM Stimulus Plan requires stimulus recipients to extend similar guarantees to their clients/friendlists.

By posting below and extending a similar offer on your place of authorship, you formally accept the terms of The Agreeement.


Note: Delivery of out-of-state recipients of the COPWAM Stimulus Plan will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

P.S. Guys, math says it is okay to sign up for more than one. It can be argued that the communist disease socialism is better spread if one receives as well as gives.


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