So Adam and I had tried going to the DMV a couple of times before yesterday, and each time I wimped out at the last minute. I know that I can drive, but my last road test was such an awful experience that the thought of failing terrified me. I couldn't bear another four years of being mocked for being a shitty driver when I KNEW that I could do
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Although, its funny, because in rural North Carolina, no one thinks twice about driving, but everyone I've known from North of the Mason-Dixon is alot more aprehensive about taking driving tests and such. Back home, most kids start driving a four-wheeler, go-cart, golf cart or something by the time they're 12, so its just not a big deal. And when you go in for a driving test they just make sure you're not a dirty immigrant, make you drive around the parking lot, and then take your picture. I guess this is part of why drivers in the South kinda suck :-P
I wonder if I'm going to have to take a driving test to get my license in Illinois? In NC, if you have a valid license from another state they just give you an NC license.
I wonder if they'd give Mellie a license down there, since she's from over the border too! *chuckle*
Most people I know who have obtained Illinois licenses from out-of-state have just had to do a written test. It's mostly common sense and road signs, with the odd "what is the fine imposed for passing a stopped school bus?" or "how long is your license suspended after a second DUI conviction?"-type question thrown in for good measure.
My drivers test took place in Germany, where the driving requirements are absolutely insane. I had to do all sorts of weird stuff, drive on the autobahn, back into parking spots, parallel park, etc. My dad was in the back seat the whole time too, so every mistake I made not only came complete with the scribbling of the DMV guy, but with a grunt from my pop behind me as well.
Congrats on getting your license!
That would also explain why you're such a driving ninja. I am/was an insanely nervous passenger but I made it all the way to SEA/TAC with you without having to grip the door handle once! :D
Whenever I start panicking about something in the future, I always remember what the Dalai Lama says about it. He points out that it's going to happen either way, and freaking out is just a waste of time and energy. I can't put it as well as him but reading The Art Of Happiness where he talks about it really helped me a lot.
By the time I started my test I was being forced to drive blindfolded through molten lava while juggling venemous snakes in my imagination. :P
I took mine on a nice closed course in Annapolis.
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