Fic : Soup ( nc-17)

Dec 28, 2011 13:01

I gave mezzo_cammin a John/Rodney fic for Christmas. Sweetie that she is, I have her permission to post it here. Don't you love a girl who's happy to share her porn? Special thanks to mischief5 for taking the time out of her holiday to beta it.

I couldn't think of a snappy title for the dang thing so it ended up as -

Soup for the Holiday

John contemplated Rodney's mouth. Easy enough to do. In fact, it was damn hard to not to as the man was sitting directly across the table from him.

And the mess was serving soup today.

Rodney had a habit of blowing on each and every spoonful before eating it. That, John could have handled. It was the way Rodney poked his tongue out afterwards, licking the surface with just the tip and then slurping the whole thing into his mouth at once that -well, it had John squirming in his seat more than once since he sat down.

John was already wearing pants in a size large enough that they threatened to slide off John's hips. But in moments like this, they still felt too tight across his crotch. Flanked on either side by Ronon and Teyla, it was impossible to spread his legs any wider.

John loved his team but the last thing he wanted right now was to be discovered reacting to…. He gave a sidelong glance to Teyla. Her pupils were wide and dark as she licked her pink tongue across her lips. Her gaze focused on Rodney like prey caught in a trap. Oh.

John shifted in his chair and turned to look at Ronon. The man who saw everything like he had eyes in the back of his head didn't even acknowledge him. Pupils blown, Ronon's breath came in short, quiet pants and he leaned toward Rodney like he wanted to - John slapped his water bottle down hard on the table. Water splashed down over Ronon's hand breaking the spell.

Teyla cleared her throat. "Excuse me." In a voice sounding slightly strangled, she continued, "I have noticed the cooks are serving soup more often."

"You don't like soup?" Rodney asked, rubbing one thumb over the corner of his mouth.

"I…we have had soup four times this week, " was Teyla's choked reply… "I believe I need…I must go to my room and…meditate."

"Meditate, yeah." Ronon pushed his chair back. "Need company?"

John narrowed his eyes. The laces of Ronon's pants were loose. Looser than when he first sat down anyway but obviously not loose enough.

"Another time perhaps, Ronon." Teyla answered. "I require - private meditation before our…"

"Next mission?" Ronon asked her.

"Yes, exactly."

"Well, you're welcome to mediate your afternoon away, Teyla. Both of you." Rodney said. "But as for myself, I'm going to go get seconds on soup!"

Ronon stood and clapped a hand down on John's shoulder. "You're a better man than me, Sheppard. Let me know if you need to go for a run after lunch."

"What was that all about?" Rodney asked, pointing at his team's retreating backs. "Because, seriously, Teyla did not look like a woman going off to meditate. She looked more like…" Rodney's eyes grew round with realization.

"I know, buddy," said John. "I'm never going to think of meditation the same way again."

"That is so hot."

"McKay, it's Teyla."

"I know, I know, believe me, I'm sure I'll regret it later." Rodney sucked a carrot thing into his mouth with a slow, nasty slurp and licked his lips. "What's up with everyone today? Did you see Ronon's pants? I knew he was a big guy but I could have gotten through my day just fine without knowing he was a big guy."

John eased up the white-knuckle grip he had on the table edge and drew in the last of his shaky control. "My room. Now, McKay. Bring the damn soup if you want."

"Okay. I guess I'm done." Rodney gave one last poke at the bowl with his spoon.

John made note of Rodney getting up from the table and gave one last glare to everyone in the mess who was still staring at McKay.

"I think you're making people nervous, Sheppard. You are aware you're fondling your gun? And no, that's not a euphemism for something else.

John growled. "They keep looking at you, McKay. I don't like it."

"Well, I am brilliant; I don't suppose it's too much to assume…"

"Your ass. They keep looking at your ass, and your god damn mouth and -"

They were standing in the hallway outside John's door when it opened with a whoosh. Thank god. "- and your -" John curled a fist in to Rodney's shirt. "Your fucking perfect nipples, okay. That's why Ronon's off running and Teyla's meditating - privately. Got it, McKay?"

"Oh." Rodney swallowed but didn't resist as John pushed him into his room. "Just so we're on the same page here, Colonel, you want - um…"

"I don't want to meditate, if that's what you're thinking. Or run a marathon. I want -" John pressed his face against Rodney's neck and breathed in his scent. "I want."

His fist still gripped Rodney's shirt and he felt ready to shake apart if Rodney didn't want this too. He knew it was going to be okay when Rodney's hand came up, wide palm pressed against the center of his back as he pulled John closer.

"John? Why…why didn't you say something sooner?"

"You make me crazy, you know that? Some days, all I can think about is what it would be like to get you naked and touch you."

"Oh, god. Really?"

"Yes, Rodney. Really." John let go of Rodney's shirt to slide both hands under it. Rodney's skin was soft and warm and trembled oh-so-faintly under his touch. "I see them staring at you…"

"Who?" Rodney asked.

"Everyone. They look at you like they can have you and they can't." John barely kept himself from growling the words out. "I won't let them."

"Wow. That's both disturbing and hot."

"Yeah?" John asked.

Rodney grinned. "Way more hot than disturbing. Is there some reason we still have our clothes on? Because I'm seeing a perfectly good - uhumpf," Rodney said. He stared up at John from his sudden new position. On his back on John's bed. "Okay, that works."

"Glad you think so, McKay."

"You are so fucking hot." Rodney starting scrabbling at own his clothes, trying to get everything off at once.

"Let me."

"Oh, like you can do it any faster…"

John pulled Rodney's shirt off and threw it across the room. He paused just long enough to watch McKay's eyes grow dark with lust. Heart pounding, John stripped them both to bare skin. Another time he'd go slow, but right now, slow would kill him.

His heavy cock stuttered across Rodney's bare thigh. The friction was almost enough. If he wasn't careful, he'd go off way too soon. John tensed as he tried to rein himself back.

"It's good. I'm -" John pressed his eyes closed and made himself breathe. "Too good, Rodney. I don't know if I can hold on."

Rodney dragged the palms of his hands over John's thighs. Maybe it was supposed to be a comfort, but if it was, it was comfort like fire. A sensory overload that made John gasp and lean into it for more.

He knew it would be like this, knew Rodney would respond to his touch like a desert begs for water. Spread out under him like an erotic gift that was John's alone to taste, Rodney tossed his head and moaned as he hitched his hips up for more contact, and John could feel him tremble under his hand wherever he touched. It was the most wanton, beautiful thing John had ever seen and it was all his.

He had to pull Rodney up and kiss him. Had to. Hot hands cupped his face and Rodney's mouth was right there. John fell into deep, wet kisses that left his brain dizzy. So very skin hungry and so much to touch.

It was easy to find a way to fit together and John knew he shouldn't be surprised. They'd fit together in one way or another since the first day they met. Why would this be any different?

John panted against Rodney's throat, "Next time, McKay, next time I'm going to roll you over and fuck you into the mattress."

Rodney keened in response and shuddered under him.

"Not yet. Not yet, hang on just a little longer. I need -" John trapped Rodney's cock in a hard grip and held him steady. "I'm going to come on you. I'm going to come on you and then you can come, but not until then. Understand?"

"Jesus, John." Rodney looked wild-eyed and pushed to his limit. "Do it, do it, I…I want…I, John, please."

John didn't - couldn't wait. He thought it entirely possible he could come without touching himself after the sound of that please. Rodney reached out for John's cock, but it was too late. With a low growl, John arched over Rodney and striped him from navel to chest with his come.

Rodney looked down at himself as John ran two fingers through the mess. When John stuck his fingers in his own mouth and sucked them clean, Rodney moaned and made a grab for John. He came, shuddering hard and mouthing at John's collarbone with a whine.

They lay tangled in messy sheets, with no urge to move. Rodney seemed inclined to experiment with John's nipples, licking and sucking at one for a measured amount of time and then the other. If these experiments kept up, there was no point in changing the sheets any time soon.

Before they got to round two, John's intercom went off and Ronon's voice came over the speaker. "Sheppard. Need to go to the mainland."

"Get Lorne to take you, buddy. I'm a little busy."

"Well, at least you didn't tell him you were meditating," Rodney hissed.

John raised an eyebrow. "Ronon, are you taking Teyla?"


"What are you two up to and do I need to get a brief from Major Lorne?" John asked.

"John, this is Teyla. There is no need to require a report from Major Lorne. We are simply going hunting. Ronon insists we hunt down something for dinner we can chew."

"Something we can chew?" Rodney asked, completely baffled.

"That's a good idea, Teyla." John bit his lip, trying to hide a grin.

"Yes, we thought you would agree, Colonel." There was a long pause followed by a resigned sigh. "I don't think Ronon or I can handle one more day of soup in the mess."



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