Frosting Porn - nc-17

Jul 07, 2011 06:56

Mischief asked for a - Rodney licking frosting off John's balls - ficlet for her birthday. With a summary like that, I had to try.

With permission from the birthday girl to post it here -

Something to sweeten your morning

John groaned as Rodney paused, again.

"Like this." Rodney pushed John's legs back until he had them positioned just the way he wanted them.

"I am not your Gumby toy, McKay."

"Yes, yes. I know, but you have to admit that your flexibility is fairly impressive in a man your age," Rodney sniped back.

John gave him his best glare. At least he tried - right up until Rodney's big, warm hands cradled his balls. It was damned hard to scowl when Rodney's thumb was doing that circling thing. He let his legs fall open a little wider to make as much room for Rodney's miracle hands as possible, even as he asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"Very sure, John. You know I can't stand to see good frosting go to waste."

Rodney dipped two fingers into a bowl of frosting and then swiped them gently over the round curve of John's balls. As the frosting started to melt from his body heat, it left John feeling sticky and smelling like vanilla. But, all thoughts of complaining flew out of his brain as Rodney's tongue followed the same trail as his fingers. Hot, wet, and relentless. "Nrrghh."

"What was that?" Rodney asked.

"Don't - don't - stop." John was panting now; fingers digging into the mattress. Honestly, usually he'd be happy to wipe the smug grin off McKay's face but Rodney was good at this. Very, very good and John just wanted grab Rodney by the ears and pull him closer so that he could rub his cock and balls all over that knowing grin. Maybe later. Maybe….oh fuck. John nearly arched off the bed.

Rodney mouth was sucking him in, pulling, licking, swallowing him down - swallowing him deep - beautifully deep. John forgot all about any frosting as Rodney's thumb breached his ass leaving smears of butter cream streaked over the insides of his thighs. With a desperate moan, quaking under Rodney's warm hands and expert mouth, John came, quick and hard. Over too soon, his breath hitched as he dragged Rodney down for a kiss.

"Not chocolate?" John asked.

"Couldn't." Rodney's face was sweet and sticky and did nothing to hide the flush rising in his cheeks. "I'd never be able to look at chocolate again without getting hard."

"Really?" This time it was John's turn to look smug. "It was that good? I'll be damned; who knew frosting was an aphrodisiac?"

Rodney ducked his head. "It's not - it wasn't - it's you, John. I had to get the frosting off, so that all I could taste was you."
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