Title suggestions plz?

Aug 16, 2012 01:07

N'kay, the Gundam Wing - Honorverse crossover/fusion fic is clearly here to stay - the next chunk of backstory should be ready for your reading pleasure some time tomorrow, and bits of the main story are happily plotting themselves out in our heads ( Read more... )

harrington-wing, honorverse, state of the mel, bleach, gundam wing

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Comments 23

chyna_rose23 August 15 2012, 15:54:15 UTC
No suggestions as of yet for Harrington-Wing's official rename, but for the GW/Bleach fic (which I would so read by the way) how about The Removal of Stains; or at least something along the lines of blood stain removal?


mel_redcap August 16 2012, 08:08:30 UTC
...My hindbrain is now suggesting "The Washing of the Water" if we ever go song-title-y. Hmmm. ;)


joisbishmyoga August 15 2012, 17:18:31 UTC
a. no ideas, Harrington-Wing works for me
b. #2, with chibi Duo, "for an eye"
c. hypothetically, you could call it "awesome" and dish it up in appetite-whetting amounts that we will please-sir ask for more :D


mel_redcap August 16 2012, 08:09:14 UTC
b) Several people agree with this one, including us! (^_^)b


branchandroot August 15 2012, 18:50:32 UTC
A) Considering the GW plotlines and the Honorverse tendency to Clausewitz quotes, I'd be very tempted to call the universe/arc "To Secure Peace". (I'm evil with my titles, and enjoy irony; certainly GW complicates KvC's dictum.)

B) Seconding "For An Eye" on chibi-Duo backstory. Possibly "We're All Mad Here" for Quatre's introduction to the benefits of firepower.

C) Well, my first answer is "yes, please!", but more seriously (and remembering my taste in obscure referential titles) I'd go for "Manusya" (the Human realm of Buddhism); this is based firmly on my own kinks for Bleach cosmology and my sense that the GW boys, no matter which realm/existence they're born into, will always exemplify the balancing point from which enlightenment out of suffering is possible.


mel_redcap August 16 2012, 08:11:37 UTC
"We're All Mad Here" does work - Quatre was certainly feeling surreal enough at the end there. XD


ext_1268321 August 15 2012, 19:34:24 UTC
I kind of like Harrington Wing....it has a nice ring to it.

As for Bleach (and why do I now have a mentai image of Duo or Wufei in Shinigami outfits?) it would depend on the story. Too Many Shinigami? Bleached Gundams (Damnit Duo!), Bankai Wing, Shooting Stars of the Spirit World, Of Meteors and Bankai...I have no idea XD off the top of my head


mel_redcap August 16 2012, 07:39:25 UTC
Okay, we have a winner - Christy and I both like "Bankai Wing" as the arc name! Thanks! XD

And you probably have a mental image of Duo and Wufei in Shinigami outfits because there's no way in hell they'd end up in Seireitai without ending up in the squads. ;)


christyonna2 August 16 2012, 07:57:23 UTC
Oh God! Mental image of 'Fei in shinigami outfit ranting about the injustice of it all! The pants should be white! Injustice!


ext_1268321 August 17 2012, 06:31:50 UTC
XD He could always bleach them? No pun intended.


kraziekatlord August 15 2012, 22:54:56 UTC
... to be honest, there's not enough information here for name suggestions on stuff not posted yet. I'm going with Jo's suggestion for backstory post 2. I also like the "We're all mad here" for backstory post 1.

If it were to be Duo meeting ANY shinigami, living or not, I'd recommend "When Shinigami meet" but other than that, I'd need more info.

You could always post here with no name, and then edit it later with a name, right? I mean, here, we got tags, so we could look for something like GW/BLeach in the tags, click it, and get to the "Awesomest awesome to ever awe someone."

*looks at what I typed, glowers down at the plunnies, CDs and Muses* All right, which one of you let the Duo out? *blinks* Oh, it wasn't Duo, it was Zack? .... WHICH Zack?


mel_redcap August 16 2012, 07:41:26 UTC
...Congratulations, Kat, your suggestion of "When Shinigami Meet" spawned a prequel bunny in Christy's head that she has now passed to me. Poor Renji. *sigh* XD


christyonna2 August 16 2012, 07:59:45 UTC
*evilsnicker* Damn, Mel needs to be here... we write these sooooo much faster on my couch :) *snuggles Renji* Don't worry sweety... we'll only traumatise you a bit... really.


kraziekatlord August 16 2012, 11:19:38 UTC
*looks up front hunting ALL CDs based off of any character named Zack, which is a rather impressive list, blinks* Pardon? I inspired something? I do apologize. *catches a rather elusive FF7!Zack, adds him to the duct tape net holding the others* Ha. SOLDIER my ass. Puppy is definitely right. *peers down in amusement as a Cloud CD starts attacking my ankles* Do you MIND? They have to get their shots of "Shut the bleep up."


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