NuraMago: Celadon, chapter 1, part 1/2

Jul 20, 2012 23:39

Wrestled from the teeth of the plunnies at great cost to my personal equilibrium, I present the first chapter of a Nurarihyon no Mago fic for your (hopeful) enjoyment! Warnings for blood, a bit of ick and some fairly mild language.

A few things that may help if you haven't read/watched the canon:
[Left-click the fake link to see pics and explanations]
A picture of Shouei (mmmmmmmmmm :3~)

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nurarihyon no mago, fic

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Comments 2

nemi_chan July 20 2012, 20:30:19 UTC
*receives the nerdfistbump with all due dignity and grace*

I don't think I mentioned it, but I really did start squealing out loud when I recognized it. I was all "No, it..yes? No, can't be" *double checks* *eees like a twit*


mel_redcap July 22 2012, 01:16:59 UTC
Eeeing is always an awesome reaction to receive. XD


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