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Comments 43

darkicedragon October 20 2011, 14:35:54 UTC
"You’re all about four feet tall, bearded, and built like brick walls"
*snickers* That's an awesome description. XD

Aaah, I love the conversation between Duo and Heero! XDD

“It’s just that everyone else is up to date; with us, they’re trying to get through several years worth of gossip in one go.”
XDDD Another awesome line!

Thanks for the overview about why people hate hradani and - D: Jeez. I agree with Wufei. D: Severely messed up.

"...No. Not ‘nobody’. No mortal alive today knows the full story."

Awesome chapter! :D


mel_redcap October 20 2011, 22:15:42 UTC
The Australian / New Zealand term that first sprang to mind was "built like a brick shithouse", but I figured even if Wufei knew that one he wouldn't say it. XD

Heeeee, glad you like the chapter (and the individual lines)! It was a fun-- um... you know, it occurs to me that I keep saying "this was a fun chapter to write", and it's true about them all, so maybe I should just assume everyone knows that by now. :P

Yah, the hradani are seriously overdue for some love.


joisbishmyoga October 20 2011, 15:38:41 UTC

*hums* And in the name of... the Lollipop Guiiiiiild... we wish to welcome you to MunchkinMarfangland~

“Sharna seems to be devoting a lot of his attention to trying to kill me, so I think annoying him is a good basic goal. I haven’t worked out the details yet, but killing his priests has been working so far.” :DDDD Agreed! But let's leave Lord Whinypants for last, so that Sharna has to put up with him as long as possible.

“We don’t get kids on our lawn,” Heero pointed out. “They’re all over on the other side of the street, looking at the gossip ladies’ cats.”

“Well that spoils my fun. Go bribe them with cookies or something to get them over here so I can shake my crutches.”

1200 years of institutionalized racism. Hooooo boy. Angry Wufei be taking all the hradani Krashy doesn't get, I bet. And there will be much kicking of Dark Deity teeth.


mel_redcap October 20 2011, 22:17:57 UTC

*choke* Oh good lord, I just imagined Morash or Evark hearing that, and-- more importantly-- getting it explained. Eek!

Yithypants will last for a while, I think. :3 Mainly because he runs fast.

Duo: "Get on my lawn so I can tell you to get off my lawn!"

Ayup... including several periods of attempted genocide. Wufei is going to have more words about this. Harsh ones. :P


joisbishmyoga October 20 2011, 22:43:24 UTC
*backpedals!* Later Oz canon says that the Munchkins can be kickass! Or, rather, the Tin Man's backstory indicates it. He got that tin body all piecemeal, you know. Evil witch hexed his axe to cut off body parts one-by-one. And you have to have some sort of warrior force when you've got Kalidahs and things running about the countryside.

Yithypants, of course, being shorthand for "Lord Yithar, Baronet of Whatsisplace, Champion of Sharna, Wetter of Pants", I presume?

War, Justice, and Death. And the three horsemen. Methinks the hradani's fortunes are looking up.


mel_redcap October 20 2011, 23:16:18 UTC
I was amused by the recent (to me, at least) Robot Chicken episode that had a Munchkin soldier decide "screw it, I've got this gun, I'll just shoot the witch and see what happens..." :)

Somebody dubbed him Yithypants, and it's stuck in my head. Um... hime-no-nishi? Anyway, it's sufficiently amusing and irreverent and brings to mind the wet-pants incident, so the nickname will stay I think :)


syx_maxwell October 20 2011, 16:43:28 UTC
i am certain the dogs down the street heard my squeal of glee when i saw you posted a new chapter


goes back to re-read all the older parts as well


mel_redcap October 20 2011, 22:18:21 UTC
Weeeheeheeheehee! Yay! XD


tephralynn October 20 2011, 17:40:05 UTC
I get the feeling Krashnark is going to have to share the hradani. :D


mel_redcap October 20 2011, 22:18:48 UTC
Quite possibly. :D

*thinks about future developments and giggles*


branchandroot October 20 2011, 17:47:19 UTC
*squeaks* Oh, Wufei, sweetie, you're just what this world needs! In more ways than one, because seriously, someone needs to kick ass and whap heads about the hradani. *dotes*

And of course Kerry would have wound up with Lillinara in this 'verse! And slightly more messed up, it looks like. I could see her and Wufei having some interesting conversations about that.


mel_redcap October 20 2011, 22:20:46 UTC
Even without the amount of godly attention he's getting, I get the feeling Wufei would do a good job of kicking ass, whapping heads, and changing attitudes. :) He's just like that.

Ayup, this Kerry is... er... a tad grimmer, shall we say? She's going to be interesting to write.


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