Jul 15, 2011 22:32

We're doomed! We're all doomed!

I put in a bug report in World of Warcraft the other day, and just got a GM response... from Yththar.

He's out of the fic! He's coming to get me!

wow, demon of justice

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Comments 5

shiscythe July 15 2011, 13:12:52 UTC
lol - bad karma?


dogmatix_san July 15 2011, 13:47:37 UTC
Nooooooo, run away, run away!


aetas_lupus July 15 2011, 13:58:10 UTC


joisbishmyoga July 16 2011, 04:07:32 UTC
Worse, he's out of the fic and coming to get you right after you gave him a soul-sucking Champion sword of Slimeass. What ever made you guys think that was a good idea? At least the muses can protect you. They don't have souls, right?


kiria_dk July 16 2011, 05:56:41 UTC
Ohgod, I laughed so hard at this, you have no idea! XDDDD And he even changed the spelling of his name slightly to throw you off the scent, the clever idiotic boy!


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