DoJ: Chapter 31: "Communistic Monopoly"

Jun 09, 2011 20:01

And with Chapter 31 we reach the end of the backlog. Chapter 32 is coming along nicely and will be posted... soon. Not even soon-ish, soon; I promise!

DoJ 31: Communistic Monopoly )

fic, demon of justice, gundam wing, oath of swords

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Comments 29

askerian June 9 2011, 12:00:57 UTC
*__* New chapter? Soon? eeeeeeee. *happiness and glee* ♥

More obviously holy. Champion and wounded man praying together in a gentle haze of the God’s power and light, perhaps...
pff. XD

-- ahahaha XD Vaijon did find the wristwatch. Yay. Also I liked it when the embroidery didn't immediately make sense to him.

“Whoah!” he yelped, flinging it away from him as he jumped backwards. “Th’ bastard moved!”
“I told you so!”
(aw, they're bonding. XDDD friendship in the cards?)

The thing is, I can heal some of them, which is why they don’t want to hear that I can’t heal their sanitharlahnahk who’s visiting from Mountain Heart and just happens to have this old wound that nags him on cold nights.
I like this bit. Not sure I can explain why but I do.

“Well, those records tend to be written by non-Champions,” Uthmar pointed out. “We don’t tend to have enough time to settle down in a Chapterhouse with a quill and a pile of parchment.”
*gigglesnort* This does make a lot of sense (and also explain a lot about vaijon. XD)

“A little ( ... )


mel_redcap June 9 2011, 12:35:02 UTC
Seriously, Vaijon is a big tough swordsman and a belted knight, but some of his imaginings about Champions belong in a shoujo romance. With sparkles.

Heck, sometimes stylised Asian art doesn't make sense to me, and I've got a lot more experience with it than Vaijon does! He did pretty well puzzling it out. :)

Vaijon and Jens will definitely be getting on better from now on. Not sure about an actual friendship, but certainly mutual respect.

(Champion healing stuff) Magic is supposed to work like magic, y'know, not follow boring old rules and restrictions! XD And with Champions not having time to do their own chronicling, most of the available material dealing with Champions is written by... you've probably guessed this... bards. Bards like the ones Rami listens to. They write romances and stirring tales of derring-do, not reality. "The god called and I said yes, off to adventure I went" makes a good song. "The god called and I said heck no, I'm not worthy, so he nagged me for three months" does not. :3 ( ... )


joisbishmyoga June 9 2011, 19:04:07 UTC
The watch is always funny. All these big strong manly knights and cultstompers shrieking like teenage girls and flinging the lil' bitty clock away.

I dunno. The bards are clearly no-talent hacks if they can't see the comedic potential in "The god called and I said heck no, I'm not worthy, so he nagged me for three months".

“New house rule. The person who spends the most time in jail at the start of the game is therefore proven to be a politician, and gets to mold society. That would be me... so we’re communist now, we are. Welcome to the New Era, comrades!” I vote this is an AWESOME house rule, and that it implies demanding campaign donations, imposing taxes, and getting stuck with a costly scandal every time he lands on a cheap hotel.


mel_redcap June 10 2011, 00:08:04 UTC
*rofl!* XD

Ah, but if the bards go for comedic potential, too many of their listeners get mad about the 'disrespect'. That... um... well, a few chapters from now that may start changing... *shifty eyes*

*gurgle* 8D I love your additions to the politician rule!


nemi_chan June 9 2011, 19:48:32 UTC
A chapter suitable for the day, I screamed my head off because of a spider. Imagine what I'd do if it was a buzzing spider?

And you know with Krashy spying on 'Fei all the time I can't help but wonder if he heard about how there's no gods in Wufei's homeverse but they get worshiped anyways. Some dark god going =I wish I could get in on that,= pushes my lulz buttons.

And Vaijon and Shojo romanace *SNERK.*


mel_redcap June 10 2011, 00:13:51 UTC
*Mel imagines buzzing spiders* O_o;; *headsplodey*

Sadly, Krashy hadn't started lurking at 'Fei until just after that conversation. We shall now mourn his bad timing, because yes, that would indeed be of the funny. :3

Seriously! The guy has brilliant blue eyes, burnished golden hair, and just about has the sun going *ting* off his teeth whenever he smiles. SHOUJO SPARKLES.


nemi_chan June 10 2011, 01:16:59 UTC
Hey, you live in Austrailia, don't you? If anyone has Buzzing Spiders it would be you guys--and they'd totally spit venom that dissolves flesh at five paces.

*checks* hah, there is a buzzing spider, it is European, and won't kill me!

(By the way, why do all the cool people I know live in either Australia or California?)

Torframos certainly heard it. Though, Norfram and Hirahim and already manage that racket, no?

And you just gave me images of Prince Charming from Shrek. Fairy Godmother? *realizes what she just said and possible plot and giggles like a goddamn mad thing*


mel_redcap June 10 2011, 01:27:07 UTC
*Googles* D'awww, cute and tiny! XD

Yes, I am in Australia, and cool people live here because we are just AWESOME like that. (Also because we are not too scared of the wildlife to stay.) :P :)

Torframos did hear it, and was a bit weirded out by the idea, but figures he doesn't have to worry about it. Norfram and Hirahim get quite a lot of prayers - Norfram from gamblers, and Hirahim from thieves and anyone about to try to seduce the object of their affections. :3

...Now you've done it, you've got me craving a Doner Kebab... XD


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mel_redcap June 10 2011, 03:07:20 UTC
Not long now!


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mel_redcap June 11 2011, 00:40:55 UTC
Man, they're lucky they didn't break that thing. :D

Caffeine makes EVERYONE more fun! And huggle 'em all you want, I'll swat Heero if he tries to shoot you. :)



faeritayl June 12 2011, 06:03:25 UTC
I kind of love Vaijon's 'romanticised imaginings'. It's great he's seeing sense now and all, but his brain must've been a pretty fun place to live. (And after reading the other comments I am now picturing the sparkly shoujo flowers, ahaha.)

The whole thing with the watch is hilarious. All that drama with them thinking it must be some important demonic device, and then Wufei's like 'oh hey, my watch, thanks for finding it. I'll just turn off that alarm now' and everyone else is just like 'what? Seriously, that's it?!' Love it.

The monopoly game always cracks me up. On the rare occasions that my friends and I play, I tend to get bored and resort to that sort of thing eventually, but I'm not quite as imaginiative as Duo =)

OMG, so excited I get to read the new chapter now!!!


mel_redcap June 12 2011, 06:19:17 UTC
In some ways, Vaijon was being "Joxer the Mighty" - only handsome, and rich, and with a better publicist. :P



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