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Comments 46

illustratedjai May 1 2014, 13:38:47 UTC
oh man oh man oh man
i cannot wait to see the reactions to people seeing Wufei get out of Nataku.
oh man oh man oh mannnnnn

this whole chapter tho'
yes, good, awesome.

You guys are the best for writing this fic it is literally one of my favourite fics of all time.


mel_redcap May 3 2014, 14:51:55 UTC
Yay! Thank you! XD *muppetflails happily at the reaction*

Poor Wufei is kinda hoping not TOO many people are watching him arrive, because dear gods he wants a bath. XD


askerian May 1 2014, 13:40:59 UTC
“…I need to talk to Rashid about this,” he said eventually.
... *readread* they are totally coming with. aaaaaaahhh but their families?? ;;

omg omg two days things are speeding up this is excellent yeeeesssss.

haha gunnar ♥ and i still love seeing wufei and the whole situation throiugh outsider eyes, that's always tons of fun. also the detail about being careful he doesn't ruin the roads, so thoughtful u.u~


mel_redcap May 3 2014, 14:59:31 UTC
Weeeeell, I sincerely doubt all forty of them would fit within whatever mass limitations the Doctors decide to impose... so they're gonna have to choose who goes and who stays. Strong family ties would be a major 'don't go' factor.

Heh, Howard doesn't know when they're going to be going but if it's soon he'll be ready!

Wufei is very thoughtful when he takes the time to be, yusss. :3


tephralynn May 1 2014, 19:41:15 UTC

“…I need to talk to Rashid about this,”

Prince Quatre is bringing his personal guard, whether he knew it or not. :D


mel_redcap May 3 2014, 14:59:42 UTC
*cheers* XD


joisbishmyoga May 1 2014, 22:05:08 UTC
MAGUANACS. MAGUANCAS. NACS. YES. OMG. YES. *adds to the mental images of The Arrival Mwahaha*


mel_redcap May 3 2014, 15:00:03 UTC
*snickers* XD yay!


escagirluk May 1 2014, 23:32:44 UTC
*incoherent high-pitched noises*


mel_redcap May 3 2014, 15:00:15 UTC
*muppetflailing* XD


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