Yeah, like I was going to be able to resist. XD

Dec 15, 2013 00:23

*wanders in, peering at the laptop she's carrying around the house ( Read more... )

log horizon, state of the mel

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Comments 8

tephralynn December 14 2013, 18:04:37 UTC
We all knew it was going to happen; it's one of the reasons we love you. :)


mel_redcap December 15 2013, 09:45:23 UTC
:P *pbthththththttttt~!* Complete lack of self-control, that's what it is...


anonymous December 15 2013, 09:11:59 UTC
^___________^ YES!

LH is that story I've ALWAYS WANTED to read, and now LH FF from the Mel?



mel_redcap December 15 2013, 09:45:58 UTC
*snerk* Well, at least I'm making people happy! XD


kraziekatlord December 17 2013, 20:58:02 UTC
.... damn it, now you'red dragging me into Log Horizon... and I'm not even sure it's translated into English


mel_redcap December 18 2013, 07:35:20 UTC
>:D ( ... )


kraziekatlord December 18 2013, 15:00:39 UTC
If you weren't, yanno, on the wrong side of the world and walking around all upside down ;), I'd ship you some home made fudge and cookies! But since we do from scratch with no preservatives or anything like that, they'd probably go bad/melt before they'd reach you. Thank you!

*does frantic bookmarking of all*


mel_redcap December 19 2013, 11:22:52 UTC
Hee! You're welcome! XD

(Sou-sama iconnnnn~!)


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