Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Evening!

Dec 07, 2014 13:38

It's a long time since my flist were in contact on a regular basis so I figured it would be nice to invite everyone to "drop in" to a virtual festive event! In England we hold many a mince pie and mulled wine evening in the lead up to Christmas so I've decided to host one on LJ and hopefully get the chance to say Hi to long absent flisters and wish ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

silverweave December 7 2014, 18:01:58 UTC
What a splendid idea! I shall see you there!


mel39 December 7 2014, 18:17:58 UTC
Now I just need to remember to post that day. I'll try to do midnight....


beachtree December 7 2014, 18:13:02 UTC
How thoughtful of you with the transatlantic/multinational invite. Mulled wine sounds very tempting. The jury's out on the mystery mince, but there's a first time for everything.

Don't think that I didn't just see your nudge. You so know that posting has never been my thing, other than the b-days, perhaps. I do, however, still comment. See? Proof! I did last week, too. Swear on Dawn- for whatever that's worth.

Marking the calendar for the 22nd, also a good day to do laundry and drag a bag out for 23rd departure. Helpful hint to crooks ready to pounce...


mel39 December 7 2014, 18:17:28 UTC
Well the nudge was to make you come to LJ rather than post, but that's how LJ send the message. I'm just aware lots of us don't pop in so often any more so thought it a good way to get people's attention. So the pressures off Beach! Mince pies are sweet mincemeat. I had a terrible job tracking it down when we were in the States that year!


beachtree December 7 2014, 18:28:10 UTC
Phew! What a relief. I won't have to rack the dark cob-ridden recesses of my brain for some kind of post. Confetti toss!

Believe it or not, I probably cruise a couple of times a week, even just to glance. That's probably much more frequently than most, but it also means I can avoid some of the 1000+ email awaiting me at home in the p.m. that I have to eventually face. Escapism!

I've actually had sweet mincemeat. My grandmother and great-grandmother on my mom's side used to make cookies with the sweet mincemeat. We only saw them once a year and it was some kind of recipe in the family for about 400+ years that had been a repeat since whoever first stepped on these shores not too far behind the Pilgrims. "Whoever" was probably tossed out of your fair land and had to make a getaway, but brought the cookies! I can definitely see why you'd have trouble locating here. You could start a trend?

Happy not-too-hectic holidays and see ya for the mulled and mince day.


chazper December 7 2014, 23:24:44 UTC
And a Merry Chrismukkah to you and all the Mel family! There's little new to report in my life, either of the Exciting and Ecstatic variety or (blessedly) the sad. I'm still teaching, still loving it, still writing (occasionally, but no longer fanfic) and traveling when I can--a Rhine cruise last summer. I never seem to post anymore and even though I do check in at least weekly, I seldom comment, mostly because I feel so out of touch with everyone. I do miss our community.

Also I quite like the idea of mulled wine and mince pie evenings! I may have to import it. (I don't have to bake the pies myself, do I?)

Love and hugs!


mel39 December 9 2014, 18:29:02 UTC
Rhine cruise hmm, was it good? I know what you mean about commenting. I feel the same. Come to my mince pie drop in, won't you!


brandywine421 December 8 2014, 00:06:37 UTC
Yay! I will be there!


mel39 December 9 2014, 18:29:21 UTC


zbyszko December 8 2014, 00:28:23 UTC
I've seen jars of mincemeat in the British section of a grocery store here but I haven't tried it out. In my family, we all ask my mom for pecan finger cookies for Christmas. : )


mel39 December 9 2014, 18:30:18 UTC
Mince pies are eaten constantly, everywhere, before Christmas. Mini ones are becoming very fashionalble. You should try some!


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