The OC

May 24, 2014 14:37

I just have to catch a snatch of Coldplay's Fix You and there's drunk Kiki, broke Cal and Ryan brooding over Trey and suddenly all is right in my world....

via ljapp

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Comments 11

60schic May 24 2014, 14:53:58 UTC
*sigh* The good old days.....


mel39 May 26 2014, 08:57:11 UTC
Miss them!


loracj May 24 2014, 20:21:18 UTC
Ah yes, I remember it well :D
I heard Champagne Supernova the other day and it brought me right back.


mel39 May 26 2014, 08:57:47 UTC
Oh yes! Spider-man and the pouring rain!


dulcineah1 May 24 2014, 21:30:34 UTC
I had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends because of that show. Good times!


mel39 May 26 2014, 08:58:02 UTC


helen_c May 25 2014, 12:31:16 UTC
Ah, the good old days. :) Every time I hear Placebo's Running up that Hill, it's the start of S4 that comes to mind.


chazper May 25 2014, 20:03:53 UTC
Good times indeed. And definitely good friends. I do miss it all.


mel39 May 26 2014, 08:58:26 UTC
Oh yes. So dark!


elzed May 25 2014, 23:04:30 UTC
I caught a snatch of it this morning on the radio! And yes, a flood of memories...

Which reminds me - are you mooting? When and where? xx


mel39 May 26 2014, 08:59:44 UTC
Music and smells always evocative! Yes moot from June 5th (silver arriving for 3 nights) other two at some point after that!


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