St Jude

Oct 27, 2013 18:41

My hatches are battened and the rabbit is inside for the night. The chickens will have to fend for themselves but should be fully protected in their borrowed Egglu (thanks Cheeks). Nothing to do now except snuggle in front of Downton and await the wind and rain.

via ljapp

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Comments 6

loracj October 27 2013, 20:02:11 UTC
just checked the weather channel - eek - be safe.....what's an Egglu?
How does Oscar handle storms?


mel39 October 27 2013, 20:25:59 UTC
Oscar slept through the lightning storm recently but we don't get many storms like this one so we will see. Was more concerned about Bonny's hutch being blown over. An Egglu is a plastic chicken coop. Very robust! I hope....


elzed October 27 2013, 21:53:46 UTC
I have the sneaking suspicion this might end up as a reverse Michael Fish - braced for hell, bit of a damp squib. I may however be wrong. So far, here, mainly rain, but it's early days yet. And I;m waiting for Downton to finish so I can watch it on demand (assuming it happens quickly!)
Good luck! xx


mel39 October 27 2013, 22:30:13 UTC
Lol, I agree. there's not a whiff of wind here. I think it could be overkill.


finlee October 28 2013, 00:59:50 UTC
Hope all goes well with the storm - I was watching Downton and saw the news report about the weather there. Stay safe!


silverweave October 28 2013, 11:31:25 UTC
Still in one piece? Is the rabbit the same rabbit as before? I thought that there had been a fox incicent...


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