
Aug 28, 2007 23:29

Pairing: Ennis/Jack
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17 (Warning: violence !)
Summary: AU_AU. With this story I wanted to dive in the dark side of Brokeback Mountain. I wanted to experiment with fear, uncertainty and doubt. Ennis and Jack meet each other in the modern time.
Dedication: This story is dedicated to my German beta tanzmaeusi, who encouraged me to write this ( Read more... )

obscurity (in english)

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Comments 39

madbottoms August 28 2007, 21:44:14 UTC
Intense! Holding out for the next one now and off to read Beauty & the Beast.



mel0804 September 2 2007, 00:27:46 UTC
Hey - I'm glad to see you reading this story, too...
Thank you !


caij August 28 2007, 22:11:09 UTC
wow,your third one this evening,great.
But you can't leave us hanging after this,not too long,please.

And many,many thanks to your translater (don't know if i spell that right)tizi17.

Liefs Carolien


mel0804 September 2 2007, 00:29:23 UTC
Yes, it's tizi - and she told me she will work on chapter 2 this weekend. But give her some time - the chapters here are a little bit longer than the chapters you are used to with "Fated" and "The Beauty and the Beast" ;-).

Thanks for reading !!


sweetje August 28 2007, 22:50:05 UTC
This is going to be another intresting story. I'm looking forward to what happens next. I'm anxious to see where Ennis comes in now that I believe Jack is the victim, and K.E. is one of the attackers.
Great start. : )


mel0804 September 2 2007, 00:29:58 UTC
Uhmmm - did you read the German version :-))?


sweetje September 2 2007, 07:11:38 UTC
No. I'm afraid I can't read German well enough to understand it. I'm looking forward to your English version though. I really love this story. : )


samtyr August 28 2007, 23:47:07 UTC
Wow, this is really great. I am so glad that you are continuing this. You have very strong language and images that stay with a person. Thank you for sharing this.


mel0804 September 2 2007, 00:30:43 UTC
Thank you for reading it ;-).
I'm really glad you liked it, because I lost my heart to this story...


Obscurity greatmtn August 29 2007, 00:09:23 UTC
Mel, this was a really rough start to your story. Well done descriptions but I don't know if I can read much more. Hopefully gets less rough in future chapters.




Re: Obscurity mel0804 September 2 2007, 00:32:25 UTC
No, there won't be any violence in the following chapters - but all in all it's a dark story with very tender moments between Ennis and Jack.


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