Characters: Sengoku Kiyosumi and Oishi Syuichiroh Rating: G Timeline: Uhh...June 16th-ish? Summary: Oishi gets worried after reading Lucky's journal and goes to pay his friend a visit.
Characters: Momoshiro and Kaidoh Date: After Momo's last post Rating: PG Summary: Momoshiro and Kaidoh take a late night visit to Meisei and then go out for food XD
Characters: Sanada, Sengoku and a cameo by Kaji. Rating: PG-13 for Sen's mouth and some making out. Timeline: Continuation/day after from other log. Summary: Wakeup together, denial, go back to bed together.
Who: Akutsu and Mizuki, with some Lucky and Sanada on the side What: *shifty gaze* *coughNC-17cough* When: Ah...June 1st-ish? Sound good? Why: Akutsu and Mizuki go to listen to Lucky and Oishi perform. Evil and spiked drinks are served. You do the math.
Characters: Sengoku Kiyosumi and Sanada Genichirou Rating: pg-ish..i guess. I always guess. Timeline: Couple Days after the Fudo-girls party thing-a-madoo. Summary: Sengoku comes to have a chat with Sana.