Title: I'm Gonna Make You Love Me (One Way Or Another) [s/a]
meiloslytherRating: NC-17
Pairing: Rydon
POV: 3rd, omniscient
Summary: Brendon wants Ryan. Ryan... doesn't want Brendon.
Word Count: 5,057
Disclaimer: Entirely created from the recesses of my own diseased and fragmented brain case. This is what snorting word dust will do to you. :D Oh, and
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Comments 54
You made this really adorable and also really hot, which seems to be something you're pretty fucking good at!
This made me giggle a bunch of times and I kind of loved it. Jon and Spencer formulating plans to make Ryan and Brendon make-up! Brendon crying on Jon's shoulder and being adorable! Both of them thinking the other was mad! Fucking on the couch about two minutes after a like, second kiss!
And the ending, awww, it was one of those really like, story-book endings so it made me all smiley.
I also loved knowing when this took place. Awesomeness. Much awesomeness.
I love it when Jon and Spencer plot. It's sexy and mysterious... and they don't even have to be "together" to do it!
Aww, I hate sappy endings, but I think I made it work without being sappy and cheesy.
Headlining tour timeline for the win. :D
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Wisdom teeth are out and I'm doing great, thank you.
the last line scares me.
I'm glad Ryan was seduced. Cause seduced ryho tends to be less cranky then regular-not-getting-any Ryan.
I agree.
If Ryan wasn't getting laid, he'd scratch everyone's eyes out!
and then brendon would be blind and he wouldn't be able to see where Ryan's cock was so Ryan still wouldn't get any and scratching brendon's eyes out would serveno purpose.
Are you going to/watching the Grammy's ?
Nah, kinda busy.
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Kidding. But yeah, mouth is doing great. Still can't eat solid foods, but it's cool.
My Life
It's too ironic!
Move Like You're Gonna Die [By Cobra ;)]
Started playing on my phone when I read "Who cares? Just fucking... move!"
But omg my phone hates meeee.
I was reading this on my phone and it cut it off right when Bden went down on Ryan. I ABOUT DIED D:
I heard. Sucks balls. Glad you got to finally read it, though.
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