Dream Drabble: Chapter 14.2

Dec 24, 2016 03:52

Note: I actually had a sad day today and I guess that is why the next chapter ended up like it...anyway hope you guys enjoy your Christmas eve as for me...I am still at work...comments are welcome...

Previous Chapter

At the field Aries is already waiting for them along with Jacob. Nino who got out of the van first was hugged by Jacob tightly, Mikee looked at them fondly while Ohno was trying to tease Jacob of taking Nino away and Jun joining the other three.

Aya and Mikee keep on looking at their watches when a trailer truck arrives, both of them smile and run through the trailer. Girls jump to one side of the trailer while it is still moving then as if pressing on something then disappears.

When the trailer finally stopped back facing the filled, back door slowly opening. They can hear the engine of the bike starting, Jacob runs through Aries and finds a way to see the back of the trailer clearly. While Aries and Allen looked at each other and shook their heads.

Stephanie and Frezzy they take off their jackets and tie it on their waist revealing their spaghetti strapped top and positioned themselves as if they are the one to start a race, and Ashley who is holding a camera find a perfect spot where she can take a photo.

Arashi stood on one side confused of what was happening and waited till the trailer fully dropped off the back cover. When the back cover finally hit the ground Frezzy and Steph gesture their hands to start a race “Ready! Set! Go!” Two black bikes emerged and riders wearing black suits came out rushing as if competing with each other.

Sho and Aiba, were shocked by what they just witnessed, Jun and Ohno on the other hand are gaping along with Nino, who is confused by Jacob's cheer. The two Bikers didn’t miss a beat and ran through the routine that let them win the same event last year.

After they showed off, they went back to where the others were waiting for them when they both stopped the engine at the same time and even synchronized the way they took off their helmet. Aya asked Allen “Did we complete the routine at record time?” Allen smiled “Yup, and synchronized as always”

Mikee who is now trying to open the front of her suit smiled “I guess we still got it!” Aya doing the same thing gives her a high five. Steph, Ashley and Frezzy giggled “We can’t wait to see Torres defeated face again” Allen still shaking his head commented “you guys are mean, but can’t blame you with it”

Mikee still on her bike eyed Arashi while leaning forward “how was our routine last year?“ Aiba was the first one to join and answer “You guys were awesome!” Aya give Aiba a wink then Sho commented “That was dangerous, but pretty cool, but still dangerous”

Mikee and Aya laugh “Did you guys, even have fears” Ohno was now behind Sho then Nino continued “Yeah, I mean it was pretty cool but practicing it, like flying and all those” Jun was the one who asked “didn’t you guys get into an accident performing those stunts?”

Aya answered “nope” then Mikee continued “the last time we got into an accident was our 3rd competition we were about Junior High by then ne Aya?” Aya nod “Yup, we were pretty much hurt, we needed to have our legs casted for about a month or two then 3 to 4 months of leg braces. Mikee was hurt badly than me” Mikee continued “but she still got the 1st spot” Aya put an arm around Mikee “all thanks to M I got the 1st spot while she got the 2nd spot”

Mikee shrugged, then Aya snorted about the memory “It was not an accident someone tried to sabotage that race” Mikee nod “yeah! Good thing we were able to notice it soon enough” Then 4 muscled guys were walking towards where they were gathered, pushing 2 box about Mikee and Aya’s size.

Both Mikee and Aya got excited,  Mikee got out of her bike, and one of the muscle guys said “Al, Gomez ready?” The guy has a California accent “I am able to finish them up and bring it here so you guys can try it, and we can make adjustments if necessary” The other 2 muscled guys halt to a stop about a meter away from where Aya and Mikee is standing.

One of them stands in between the boxes, “you guys are going to love it, Tim is a genius” then the guy who is addressed as Tim gestures to pull the cloth, it reveals somewhat a glass container with white suits on them. It has a picture of an embossed Blue Phoenix and Red Falcon on it.

Mikee and Aya’s eyes widen and gasp as they approach the container, while Arashi speaks in unison ”Kakkoii!” Mikee and Aya is now touching the glass and looking equally amaze like everyone else “This is soo cool” Aya says without looking at the guy then Mikee mentioned “you brought the wrong baby, we needed to try it out before competing”

One of the bulky guys answered “no worries ladies we also brought Snow and Freeze” then another trailer was entering the field. Mikee and Aya smile mischievously then both of them gather everything from the glass container,  riding their black bike inside the 1st trailer.

The 2nd trailer is trying to fit itself beside the first one, Aries and Allen assisted the 2nd trailer to be in position. When the back of the trailer dropped completely a white bike emerged along with their riders in white suit. Then they stopped in front of Tim, both got the helmet from their heads, while Tim is giving information about the suit. Allen and Aries are approaching them with a box on their hands.

Aries kneel and remove one of Mikee’s shoes while Allen is doing the same thing with Aya. Too eager to try the new suit Mikee and Aya put on the helmet then press a button.The helmet automatically closed the pro-shield, then they were able to see someone with an auto-focus which would give them information of the humps ahead. Another button was a night vision, and the last button they press was an audio where they can hear the music they are planning on playing when they are doing the stunt.

Both girls removed the helmet and gave Tim a hug “You are brilliant!” Aya exclaimed then MIkee shaking her head “Nada menos de un genio” Tim just smiled “I forgot it also has speakers, put it on again and press on the button beside the start engine” both of them followed instruction then Tim put on his headset and speak

“This is a way to communicate with my two best riders” Both girls giggle then Tim continues “I can also connect to whoever you want to speak with for example, Allen”  Allen’s phone rang, he picked it up and answered it “Yoh can you hear me?” then both girls giggled and answered “Yes”

The girls tried to drive their bikes while Tim was talking to them on his headset. Tim requested to see the full routine Mikee and Aya halted to an abrupt stop. None of them can hear the conversation but Tim looks at where Aries and the others are then nod.

Tim approached them and said “can you guys get back to the trailer for about 15 minutes? You can see us from the control room inside” Sho was the one who immediately disapproved of the idea but Aries put an arm around Sho “Tim is their coach, nonetheless this is actually a closed practice” Aiba also voiced out his concern “But what if someone gets hurt?”

Tim smiled “Now I understand what Al is saying, it will be fine just trust them. Please I wanted to see the routine they have and this is their last practice” Jun and Ohno was still hesitant but then Nino already says “Alright, I trust you and Mi-chan as well as Aya-chan but please let them know to be very careful”

Tim nodded, and said something on his headset and put the girls on speaker “I would be very careful and would take care of M promise” Aya shouted “just get inside the trailer for now, promise we would be extra careful” MIkee’s voice is begging.

Aries and Allen smiled to everyone then Jacob requested to be left behind, Nino was hesitant to let Jacob go but Tim nodded and said he would watch over Jacob.  Then all of them went inside the trailer and the other muscled guys were looking at them.

Allen asked if they can turn on the monitor one of them answered “we can turn it on but not sure if you would see everything since Tim is outside”  Allen just nod and says “These guys are worried so just let them see what the camera can capture”

One of the muscled guys Andy operated the monitor and entered the password, they were able to see a portion of where Mikee and Aya are running their bikes. Jun and Nino wanted to try their knowledge on the control so they could see the area “Al, would be furious if she found out we allowed you to control this” one of the muscled guys Arid stated.

As Jun and Nino were stubborn and with Sho backing them up they were able to persuade Arid and Ron, while Aries assured them that if Mikee found out they would back them up. They were able to see a portion of the routine and the signature trick for flying falcon and Phoenix, they were a bit late.

Then both bike riders stopped in front of Tim while one guy is giving them drink, at the same time they were let out from the trailer “Good work, I guess we just need to twist it for a bit to make it more fun and no worries it would all be within 15 minutes still” is what they were able to hear from Tim.

“It’s a wrap as always, I can feel the trophy on our team again this year!” Then Tim laughed while Mikee and Aya shouted in unison “Stop pressuring us” Jacob was running towards Nino “Mimi and Oba-chan were so cool! They were flying and jumping and flying” Aries was laughing and called upon him “LJ, your mimi is calling you” then pointed Jacob to look at Mikee’s direction and run back.

Mikee is shaking her head “haven’t I told you it’s our secret?” the kid covered his mouth “Oopsie, sorry” Mikee grabbed her and let him sit in front of her Bike “want to drive snow?” Jacob nods and says “yeah” Mikee nudged Ashley who smiled at them then Tim gave Jacob the black helmet and the 3 of them drove to the field.

Mikee jumps from her bike to Aya and lets Jacob maneuver her bike alone. Nino was concerned same with Ohno, but then Aries patted both guys “no worries Jacob knew how to drive Snow and Mikee is with him” Nino eyed Aries “how can you be so calm at times like this” Aries smiled “that simple, it is because I trust M with my life”

When the 3 riders were back Aries grabbed Jacob from Mikee “I can drive snow but I am not as cool as mimi” Jacob is babbling to Aries then approached Nino “Dad, did you see me drive snow?” Nino drop into his knees and says “you bet I did, Daddy got scared for a bit but I know you would be careful ne”

Then Ohno also drops to his knees “you are one fearless kid like your mimi” Jacob smiled “ei Ohno-san, I am a bit scared but because I know mimi is just nearby I am not afraid anymore” Ohno nodded “You can call me Otosan ne? I feel older whenever you call me Ohno-san” Jacob eyes widen “Honto? I can really call you Otosan?” Ohno nodded and messed Jacob’s hair “yatta! I have 2 new dad, Arigato Otosan and Daddy” Mikee and Aries were looking at Jacob who is happily hugging Ohno and Nino.

Then Tim called in Aya and Mikee to give another instruction then both girls tried to do it and when they were able to perfect it Tim called it a day. See you guys in 2 days” Mikee and Aya nod “yup see you” then Mikee remembered “Tim,  I needed extra badge for these 5 guys” Tim nodded “yup would be working on it” Aya give Tim a hug “thanks,  and see you again in two days” Mikee did the same.

Next Chapter

kazunari ninomiya, family, friendship, masaki aiba, jun matsumoto, sho sakurai, satoshi ohno, dream drabble

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