School starts in...bah, 16 days, but I have to go back to the dreaded Midwest in less than a week. I've been moping on and off (haha, okay, not really - I've been distracted by Youtube), but I figured I should finally get my act together and start fresh for the new year~ This is part of that effort of cleaning up and getting organized.
friending/defriending amnesty week
2009 aug 10 - 2009 aug 17 (ish)
feel free to do any of the below:
+ friend, if you've been randomly stalking and are curious; I promise I don't bite! everything's also public, so lurk moar if you wish, though I will be less loud and around once school starts up in late august. until then, I am very biased and very fangirly, so be forewarned. also, rl things don't go this journal, so don't really friend here expecting too many rl antics - I have a different journal for that.*
+ defriend, if you've been getting tired of the incessant posts about kpop, which isn't your fandom anyway, or the capslock or msn convos or ridiculous amounts of bias, which is just obnoxious, or just if you feel like we don't click or have ~lost the magic~; no hard feelings, promise. people change and grow apart. it's okay!
+ comment, if you'd like to stay on my flist. I'll be doing a much-needed friends cut in about a week or two, probably saying goodbye to nostalgic people I've been friends with since pot days - but it's been years since pot and we've drifted. sometimes a little spring cleaning is necessary, even in late summer. but if you'd like to stick around because you think we can have something more than just fandom, please leave a comment~
*See friending policy
here (i.e., mini-explanation on why I don't automatically friend back, sorry!).
Exceptions to the cut are standard: people irl, people in the EF, people I've known for ages and ages and love for more than fandom, people I've just added, people I actively talk to in my current fandom, etc.
Additional pimping:
chineseink for all my writings, fic and original, and
compartmental for all my recs, fic or song or drama or whatever strikes my fancy.
Pictures of SF and me and
hoyah up soon. I finally stopped being lazy and put them on my computer; now I just have to upload them, lol. I suck at timeliness. Sorry sorry. :(