Cards~ I'll send you one again ♥ I'd like a card from you too, if you want to send me something to, just let me know and I'll add you to my filter for my address :D
Yaaaay, recs! And as for JaeHo, I still wibble over the story arc by elizacake. Er, which is basically OT5, but the JaeHo is especially prominent and she has a few straight-out JaeHo fics too. None if it's very angsty! There's this one really cute bandfic where they're all about to go to Japan and it's adorable and sweet and funny and I love it. ♥
akdljk Thank you. God, this song. Why must it avoid me so?
Indeed, recs! And thanks for the JaeHo in return! I am still sceptical about OT5 (not enough knowledge/love for the rest of the band ahaha ::fails::) but her JaeHo was lovely! Hot. Yum.
P.S. I forgot to ask--Christmas cards to home address or university? I'm pretty sure I'll have to ask for both. ::headdesk:: I need to start keeping a file or something.
Erm...I have a few fics memoried here but some of them are really silly ones that just cracked me up, because there is so much crack really. I have been looking for the classics themselves, and discovering some wonderful WIP's. mousapelli has also some fic at her site here (I couldn't find the lj links ^^)
Fic recs! In memories! Silly fics! I'm all about having some fun in the boyband fandoms. I'm tired of angst, really, especially the pretentious kind, ughwtf.
I'm also a little weirded out by mousapelli writing Kpop slash now since I used to stalk her for...Bruno & Boots fics. Silver Pair fics. Ocean's 11 fics. ::headdesk:: Seriously, she's everywhere I am and writing. I kind of love it.
I kind of flailed too when I found out she had Kpop, since I was stalking her mainly for POT XD that I remember it I think there are some angst fics thrown in there too. Oh and lo_anlurui is one of the authors I like. An mpreg fic of hers actually made me cry. WTF.
And if you're interested...I have a Jaeki tag in my memories too. My brain imploded at the mere idea of Lee JunKixJaejoong. *nosebleeds*
Ahhh, I love her JaeHo fics. They're exactly what I want in fandom right now--funny and light-hearted and sexy. ♥ There should be more fics like this all over! And I think I've seen lo_anlurui in many people's memories, so I'll definitely check her out.
As for Jaeki--it hurts my brain, hahaha. Way too much pretty in one pairing for me. It's like femmeslash by then. :O!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I SEE MADDYFIC! 8D I WONDER IF READING MORE OF HER FIC COULD LEAD YOU INTO BANDOM MWAHAHAHAHAHA- I am just feeling high at the moment. Also the line "don't you see" makes me think of the Backstreet Boys. ALL YOU PEOPLE DON'T YOU SEE DON'T YOU SEE~~ nhaca_writes MIGHT BE THE NAME. UH.
Yes, you do! receipt bitched at me after the first round of fic recs because none of my rec were people she knew, haha. I think I've read some of nhaca_writes' SuJu stuff but I see she has Jaeho stuff I have not fully explored! :O!
I have Thoughts about some of Maddy's writing but I am too lazy to share them now. Maybe later!
OH RIGHT thirdonebetween for beautifully aching Sungmin fic. Just...scroll past all the bandom fic. 8D" digindeeper has also written some Jaeho stuff! DBSK fic makes me laugh a lot.
Do those thoughts include OFF THE BEND and UNSUITABLE FOR SMALL CHILDREN? 8D
No, no, bandom fic will not do it for me. I only manage to slash SuJu and DBSK because of their stage personalities. Bandom is too close to Real People for me. :/
Please tell me there is good non-angsty DBSK fic. Almost everything I've seen so far is SO ANGSTFUL (& kind of pretentiously so) WTF. The SuJu fics I've recced above are not angsty for the sake of being angsty (because that bugs me so much), but are poignant and moving in a little ways that make me cry because I cry at everything. I am so annoyed with angstfics, augh.
Comments 45
Yaaaay, recs! And as for JaeHo, I still wibble over the story arc by elizacake. Er, which is basically OT5, but the JaeHo is especially prominent and she has a few straight-out JaeHo fics too. None if it's very angsty! There's this one really cute bandfic where they're all about to go to Japan and it's adorable and sweet and funny and I love it. ♥
Indeed, recs! And thanks for the JaeHo in return! I am still sceptical about OT5 (not enough knowledge/love for the rest of the band ahaha ::fails::) but her JaeHo was lovely! Hot. Yum.
I'm also a little weirded out by mousapelli writing Kpop slash now since I used to stalk her for...Bruno & Boots fics. Silver Pair fics. Ocean's 11 fics. ::headdesk:: Seriously, she's everywhere I am and writing. I kind of love it.
Thank you! :D :D :D
Reply that I remember it I think there are some angst fics thrown in there too. Oh and lo_anlurui is one of the authors I like. An mpreg fic of hers actually made me cry. WTF.
And if you're interested...I have a Jaeki tag in my memories too. My brain imploded at the mere idea of Lee JunKixJaejoong. *nosebleeds*
As for Jaeki--it hurts my brain, hahaha. Way too much pretty in one pairing for me. It's like femmeslash by then. :O!
*clicks on necklace link* ah, if only my short neck didn't make it so very unattractive to wear chokers of any sort.
But I can send you a card all the way from... *gasps* overseas!
I love cards. Cards from everywhere! I am going to find your address and send you a card as well! :D
I have Thoughts about some of Maddy's writing but I am too lazy to share them now. Maybe later!
Do those thoughts include OFF THE BEND and UNSUITABLE FOR SMALL CHILDREN? 8D
Please tell me there is good non-angsty DBSK fic. Almost everything I've seen so far is SO ANGSTFUL (& kind of pretentiously so) WTF. The SuJu fics I've recced above are not angsty for the sake of being angsty (because that bugs me so much), but are poignant and moving in a little ways that make me cry because I cry at everything. I am so annoyed with angstfics, augh.
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