Confessions of a Male Escort

Oct 05, 2011 21:01

Masterpost | Previous Chapter

Warnings for Chapter: So violence, as per usual. And ooh! The whole title thing of this fic? Yep, starting to come back in to play, so therefore, there will be sex in this chapter. Actually, pretty close to the beginning. So you've been warned. Of course, if any of that disturbs you, then clicking of a fic called Confessions of a Male Escort was probably an odd thing to do…

Chapter Eleven

13th November, 2008. Ontario, OR

Harry reclined on one of the beds in the room Sam and Dean shared, not particularly caring whose bed it was, though judging by the fact that Dean hadn’t shot him or threatened to shoot him, he was going with Sam’s. Then again, given that he and Dean had come to a sort of accord in the last couple of days, it was possible it was Dean's. It was made though, so chances were it was Sam's.

Said men were sitting at the table, discussing the next hunt they would be going on, and Harry was watching Sam with narrowed eyes, wondering who it was he kept texting, and at the same time, dreading finding out. He had his ideas, and he wasn't too sure he wanted them to be true. Harry lay back with a sigh and then frowned when his head hit something hard.

Quickly sitting back up and getting the attention of both the brothers, Harry turned around to look at the pillow in confusion. Sam made a small startled, distressed noise behind him, but Harry ignored it, lifted up the pillow. And burst into laughter.

“Oh, Sammy-Sam-Sam-Sam, what have you been up to that makes you fear the angels?” Harry asked in an amused voice as he picked up the sword Sam had won from Ardifiel and turned back to look at Sam, frowning when he saw just how pale Sam was.

“Sam?” Dean asked, frowning and looking at Sam, who hadn’t moved from his spot at the table, staring at the sword in Harry’s hands.

“Sam. What have you done? I’m not joking now. Tell us what you’ve done,” Harry said, placing the sword back down on the bed next to him and shuffling to sit on the end of the bed, looking at Sam with narrowed eyes, wondering just when an angel was going to come in the room. Because he knew, just knew that as soon as Sam admitted it out loud, one was going to come along. He just didn’t know which one. Nor did he know which one he hoped it would be.

“Sammy?” Dean asked, when Sam continued to stay silent, looking both guilty and horrified at being caught out.

“Who have you been texting on and off since Dean came back?” Harry asked, making a connection, he knew it was the right connection to make when Sam’s hand went straight to his phone on the table.

“Sam! You need to tell us now or we can’t help you!” Dean exclaimed and Sam let his head drop and looked down, playing with his phone in his hands.

“I’ve been texting someone. Telling them where we are, where we’re going next,” Sam muttered quietly, and Harry inhaled quickly, closing his eyes and praying that he hadn’t been texting who he thought Sam possibly was.

“Who? Why?” Dean asked and Harry could feel his panic rising as he thought about what Sam had quite possibly condemned them both to.

“Ruby,” Sam said, and Harry flinched and tried to keep his breathing steady so he didn’t just start screaming hysterically and beg not to be sent to Hell.

“You what?” Dean asked in a dangerously low voice that made Harry’s head jerk up in shock, having never heard Dean talk to Sam in that way before. Clearly Sam was just as shocked. “What the fuck have you done?! Ruby? Ruby? Are you a fucking idiot?”

Harry blinked at the two brothers, shocked at what Dean was yelling and then looked at Sam, who was just frowning. Not looking in the least remorseful.

“She’s helping us. She has a plan to stop all this from getting worse. To finally kill Lillith,” Sam told Dean with a yell, and thus wasn’t paying attention to Harry. Who was as white as a sheet.

“I don’t… I don’t know what to do for you anymore, Sam. Your actions… it's not just you that you've condemned,” Dean said sending a quick glance at Harry and frowning with concern, and making Sam gape at him for his harsh words. Dean was about to say more, possibly something even more condemning, when the door opened and Ardifiel walked in, making Harry feel both a surge of panic and a rush of relief, which left him dizzy.

“Ardy…” Harry whispered, making the angel look at him, before turning furious eyes to Sam, who flinched back from him in fear.

“I promised Harry that I wouldn’t let him go to Hell. I promised him that I would do everything in my powers to stop that from happening,” Ardifiel told him in a dangerously low, calm voice that made the hairs on the back of Harry’s neck stand up. Dean looked at the angel and then at Sam, before turning his head away from both and looking at Harry with a raised eyebrow.


“You don’t get to say my name anymore. I had suspected you might have met up with that demon once or twice. The rest of the angels all thought you had listened to Dean and Harry however, for some reason, they all want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Well, besides Uriel. But he’s been forbidden to contact you,” Ardifiel told Sam, making Dean jerk and glance at the angel, then once again throw Harry a questioning look, which was ignored.

“I - She - Ruby can help us! You can’t ignore that!” Sam exclaimed, standing up from his seat, obviously having decided to ignore the danger that a pissed of Ardifiel posed.

“You insignificant, pathetic excuse for a mortal! You think you know better than a whole garrison of angels? You think we want to fight for your pathetic life if you are just going to throw it all away? You honestly think that that demon only has your best interest in mind? What, did she spread her legs for you and you immediately thought she clearly loved you?” Ardifiel sneered and Harry refused to look at Sam to find out the answer to that.

“What? You think I’m that stupid?” Sam exclaimed and Dean scoffed, clearly thinking that was the case.

“Yes! I really think you are that stupid!! You are messing around with a demon! A demon, Samuel Winchester! You think we sent Harry to you for a laugh?!” Ardifiel yelled, making Harry inhale quickly and look at Ardifiel with panicked eyes.


“You are only important for as long as we deem you so! And if you die now, then Harry will not go to Hell, so tell me? Why should I not kill you right now?”

“Harry -“

“Harry has no say in this anymore! You took that decision out of his hands when you chose a demon slut over him!” Ardifiel yelled, moving closer to Sam and placing a hand on his shoulder, not caring that Sam was still a couple of inches taller that him.

“Dean won’t -“

“Sam… you’ve made your bed. I can’t help you anymore.” Dean interrupted in a resigned voice, making Sam turn to gape at him, a betrayed look on his face.

“Dean! What? Why?”

“I went to Hell for you, Sammy. Hell!! And you just throw that in my face by consorting with a demon. I don’t… I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”


“So Dean won’t save you anymore either. Dean isn’t fighting for you anymore, so why do you need to stay alive? Harry was never doing this to keep you alive. So tell me why I shouldn’t rip your pathetic heart from your chest right this second?” Ardifiel growled, hand moving from Sam’s shoulder to wrap around his neck, whilst Sam looked at Ardifiel in panic.

“I - I - I only wanted to help!”

“Ardifiel! Stop. Just… stop!” Harry shouted suddenly, making all three of the other men in the room turn to look at him in shock. Harry was stood at the end of the bed and breathing heavily, before he just sighed and deflated. “Stop. Killing him won’t… it won’t save me. You know it won’t.”


“No. Just… leave him. He’s… he’s not worth it,” Harry told him, looking up to lock eyes with Sam, then moving to look at Ardifiel.

“I can’t let him live.”

“Yes. You can, Ardy. Come on… I… Ardy, let him go and we can go help you release some of that anger in other ways,” Harry said with a smirk, that all three could see was somewhat forced.

“Harry, don’t do this,” Dean called up, standing up from the table.

“Dean. Quiet. Ardifiel, you know we can find a much more productive way to get rid of all that anger and frustration you’re feeling. Sam… he’s a dick, and he made a mistake. He knows that. And when I come back, he will tell me where to meet up with Ruby so I can finish one of the tasks you set me,” Harry said, moving forwards to run his hand along Ardifiel’s arm, tugging it away from Sam gently and entwining his fingers with Ardifiel’s.


“Shut up, Sam. You’ve done quite enough,” Harry snapped, before he pressed himself closer to Ardifiel - who was looking at Harry with amused eyes - and moving his other hand to wrap his fingers in Ardifiel’s hair.

“So you’re willing to sleep with me to save his life?” Ardifiel asked, Harry the only one to hear amusement in his voice.

“Ardifiel, I’m willing to sleep with you for a hell of it. Saving Sam’s life is just an added bonus,” Harry told him with a small grin, tugging sharply on Ardifiel’s hair slightly. Ardifiel leered at him and then moved away from Sam to grab Harry so quickly it made Harry slightly dizzy.

Ardifiel placed his hands on Harry’s hips and pressed a hard kiss to Harry’s lips, before he pulled back and took them both from the room with a flutter of wings. Sam and Dean stared at the spot where the two had been standing for a few seconds before Dean shifted and shook his head.

“You don’t deserve him.”


“Don’t deny it, I know you two had something. And I know that you were the one to break it off because you were scared of my reaction. If I were Harry? I’d have let Ardifiel kill you. He just went to sleep with someone to save your life. You thank him? No, you’re just gonna reject him again and then fuck some demon. Harry may be a whore, but at least he’s got a fucking soul, Dude. I’m beginning to think that you don’t though.” Dean muttered, then shook his head again, grabbed his coat and walked to the door; ignoring the stunned look Sam was sending him.


“I don’t wanna be in the same room as you right now. I’m sorry, Sammy, but I can’t see you right this minute. I’ll be back when I think I can look at you without wanting to be ill.” Dean told him without looking away from the door, he then opened it and walked out, letting the door slam shut behind him. Sam watched him leave in shock and then fell back on his seat as his legs gave way underneath him.

Harry chuckled when he and Ardifiel appeared in the motel room Harry had booked, a couple down from the one Sam and Dean were in.


“Ah Harry, you’re the best at your job. Damn straight I’m eager,” Ardifiel told him with a leer, moving his hands from Harry’s hips to rest on Harry’s chest.

“You flatterer, you. Thank you for not killing Sam,” Harry said in a soft voice as he slowly started to unbutton Ardifiel’s shirt, pressing kisses to his chest as it was exposed.

“If he does anything else that puts you at risk, I won’t stop. I only stopped because he hasn’t drank any demon blood yet,” Ardifiel told him in a soft voice, running a hand through Harry’s hair and tugging Harry’s head back to press a kiss to his lips.

“He hasn’t?” Harry asked him when they pulled apart, finally undoing the last button on Ardifiel’s shirt and pushing it off his shoulders.

“No, he hasn’t. Enough talk about Sam bloody Winchester. Let’s get down to making sure you haven’t lost some skills,” Ardifiel said with a smirk as he clicked his fingers and made their clothes disappear, before he backed Harry over to the bed and gently pushed him to fall back on it.

“Lost some skills? I should be insulted,” Harry huffed before grinning at Ardifiel, moving back to lie in the centre of the bed and watching Ardifiel as he crawled onto the bed to kneel between Harry’s legs. Harry shifted and arched slightly when Ardifiel softly traced his fingertips up Harry’s thighs and then placed his hands on Harry’s hips.

“I’d never insult you, Harry.” Ardifiel told him with a smirk, then ducked down and licked the tip of Harry’s erection, making Harry gasp and twitch as he restrained himself from arching up into the touch.

Harry threw his head back when Ardifiel engulfed him completely, making a strangled gasping noise and his hands automatically moved to tangle in Ardifiel’s hair. He moaned loudly when he felt Ardifiel’s finger press against his entrance and push inside. Harry pressed down against the intruding finger and gasped when he felt another finger press against him to join it.

Soon Harry was gasping loudly as Ardifiel stretched him with three fingers, whilst sucked on his erection with skill that Harry had only previously seen from someone in his profession. If he hadn’t been so distracted by the fingers in his arse and mouth around his cock, he’d have been compelled to ask where he’d learnt to blow a man so spectacularly.

Harry cried out in disappointment seconds later however, when he felt his balls start to tighten and the tell tale signs of his impending orgasm start to curl up in his stomach and Ardifiel pulled away from his penis and removed his fingers.

“Can’t have you finishing without me now, can I?” Ardifiel asked him with a smirk as he moved Harry’s legs to his shoulders and then moved up his body and slowly entered him, even as he pressed a kiss to Harry’s lips, taking advantage of Harry’s gasp by fucking his mouth with his tongue and making Harry groan and clutch at the bed sheets with his hands.

Ardifiel then pulled back slightly to allow Harry to breathe and began to thrust into him forcefully. Hitting his prostate after the second thrust and making Harry cry out and tighten his legs slightly.

“Ardi - Ardifiel!” Harry cried out when Ardifiel began to thrust into Harry harder, making Harry arch against him and lose any ability to form any coherent words other than noises of ecstasy.

“Harry…” Ardifiel gasped out and then kissed Harry’s lips, making Harry arch up and moan out into the kiss as his orgasm ripped through his body, making every muscle in his body tense, and making Ardifiel lose control and thrust into his quickly before freezing and pulling away form the kiss as he cried out his release.

Harry let his body relax back into the bed, as Ardifiel gently moved his legs from his shoulders and placed them on the bed, then collapsed heavily to the side of Harry, tugging Harry to lie against his chest.

“Don’t kill Sam…” Harry muttered into Ardifiel’s chest, and felt more than heard the sigh the angel gave.

“I’m not promising anything,” Ardifiel told him, running a soothing hand over Harry’s head and then shifting to pull the covers over them as he felt Harry’s breathing even out as he fell asleep.

Harry jerked awake, wincing a little at the shot of dull pain down his spine. He turned to see Ardifiel was sitting on the end of his bed, frowning slightly as he looked down at Harry's bag.


"Harry, I've got to go… apparently something's happened and I'm needed. If you can, try to accomplish the task we set you. That demon cannot be allowed to carry on living for much longer," Ardifiel told him calmly, moving to stand from the bed and walking to rest a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Um… okay. I'm completely down with that plan, Ardy, but er… there's another small issue we've got."


"Last night. You let the cat out of the bag that I was basically brought here to keep an eye on Sam. I mean… Dean kinda knew, but Sam? He was still under the illusion that it was coincidence that we met. Um… you do know now it's only an amount of time before they find out that I'm being paid to stay with them. I'm not too sure that I want them to find that out, Ardy."

"Well… shit. I'm sorry, Harry. But this does bring in an excuse for you to finally go back on the job," Ardifiel muttered, then shot Harry and smirk and left the room. Harry just stayed where we was sitting on the bed, gaping at where Ardifiel had been standing.

Grumbling under his breath, Harry finally shook himself out of his stupor and climbed out of the bed, deciding to get ready and go see if the Winchester's were ready. And if they had any idea on where to go next. Plus, he really needed to make sure that dean hadn't smothered Sam in his sleep. That would bring forth some awkward questions.

He had just finished getting ready and was about to throw everything in his bags and leave the room, when Ardifiel returned to the room once more, making Harry jump. He hadn't actually expected Ardifiel to come back, he'd thought the angel had gone off to do whatever his job was.


"Here, for the plan. You joked about Dean being a good pimp, well, here's a phone for him. You need clients, the way I see it, you get Dean to handle the calls, get yourself known around with these," Ardifiel said as he handed him a phone and a pack of business cards, "and then, when you find out where the person is calling you from, you get one of your angel taxi squad to take you to the client. It's the only way I can think we can do this, given the amount of travelling you all do. Plus, throw out the fact that Dean is now your pimp, then it'll distract them from the small detail I told them yesterday."

"That's your plan? Distract them by making Dean my pimp?" Harry deadpanned, looking at the phone and cards in his hands.

"Pretty much."

"You're insane. But fine, what's my name? I swear, if it's Thumper or Angel, I'm gonna shoot you," Harry muttered, pulling out one of the cards and then looking at the name on it and slumping with relief. "I always did like the name Bambi."

Harry paused outside of the room Dean and Sam shared, nibbling on his lip a little as he heard raised voices from the other side. He wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to walk in on that, especially as he was fairly certain he was one of the topics for the screaming.

"What about Harry?!" Harry winced at Dean's yell. Yep, he was definitely one of the topics. Mentally cursing himself for being a wimp, he took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. He took a small step back when seconds later the door swung open and Dean scowled at him. The scowl was soon dropped though and Dean stepped back to let him in.

"Um… hey. So… this is awkward," Harry muttered, dumping his bag by the table and jumping up to sit on it, swinging his legs as he watched the stare-off between the two brothers.

"Hey, Harry… we were, ah… talking about last night." Harry gave a small nod to Sam's answer - he probably could have worked that out himself. Who needed a GCSE or two? He certainly didn't. On the ball, that was him.

"Oh, right! Well, er… you two carry on with that. But before you do, Dean, catch," Harry said, throwing the phone at Dean, who stumbled and managed to catch it, then frowned at it in confusion. Harry figured now was the time to make good on Ardifiel's plan. Distraction was the key.

"Er… I have a phone, Harry."

"Yeah, that's your work one."

"Work… Right, I'm lost," Dean said, and a glance at Sam told harry that Sam wasn't really following the conversation all that well either. Not that Harry blamed them. He'd be lost too if he didn't know the plan.

"Yeah, congratulations, you're now the pimp of Bambi. That's me, by the way. Kinda realised that our funds have um… dried up and well… fuck it. I'm bored, yeah? Figure I might as well get back on the horse so to speak and make money doing something I like."

"I… what?"

"Dean?! You chose Dean as your pimp? What the fuck?! Actually, what the fuck do you mean?! You're going back to being a whore?!" Sam demanded, making Harry wince a little. As much as it was the truth that he was a whore, it kinda stung a little to have it spat at him like the name of a disease. Which he so wasn't, thank you very much. He was checked regularly. Especially after that little lapse of sleeping with Demon-Slut extraordinaire, Sam Winchester.

"Yes, I chose Dean. Let's face it, he'll tell them what's what, how much it'll be, he won't wince when they tell him what they want and most of all, he won't judge me. So fuck you, Sam. Yes, yes I am going back to being a whore. So, you know, you wanna sleep with me from now on, you're gonna have to make an appointment with my pimp. Dean? Up for the job?" Harry asked, looking at Dean who still seemed to be just looking at the phone in his hands in bemusement. Upon realising that both Harry and Sam were waiting for an answer, he looked up and ran a hand through his hair.

"You sure I can do this?" Dean asked him, actually looking nervous, which made Harry snicker a little, even as he nodded.

"I'm pretty confident that you can be smooth on the phone to people who want to pay for sex, yeah. I'll talk to you about prices and things, give you my old work diary so you can see what to expect. We'll start next week. Before that though, any jobs?" Harry asked, and then wished he hadn't when a black look crossed the faces of both brothers.

"Oh sure… Sammy here has a job for us. His little Demon Bitch told him about it. Apparently that's what the texting was about yesterday," Dean growled out. Harry just stared at Sam and then rolled his eyes.

"Look, I get that you two seem to hate her but she's trying to help us! She wants Lilith dead as much as we do!"

"Of course she fucking does, Sam! But she'd much rather Lilith died after we've been fucked over royally and good old Satan has risen up form Hell!" Harry shouted; interrupting whatever drivel Sam was about to carry on spouting out to them.

"No! It's not… she's not like that! She wants… she doesn't want Lucifer to rise! Stop putting words into my mouth and making shit up. You don't know her!"

"What? Like you do? Oh spare us the pathetic Chick Flick moment, Sam. Just, tell us what this supposed job she has for us, yeah?" Harry muttered, feeling himself deflate a little, but also glancing at Dean out the corner of his eye. He wondered if Ruby would show up on this job. If she did, then Harry was set to finish his task. Dean caught his eye and gave a sharp nod before he went back to fiddling with his new phone.

"Apparently a girl escaped form a locked ward yesterday and the demons seem to be pretty keen to find her," Sam told him, and Harry huffed a heavy sigh.

"So? What business is that of ours? More to the point, how do we know the demon isn't lying and trying to trap us?"

"Exactly what I said!" Dean exclaimed, shoving the phone in his pocket and moving to lean on the table Harry was sitting on.

"You two being best of buds is awesome, really it is," Sam spat, and Harry raised an eyebrow when he swore he heard a small hint of jealousy in his tone. "Look, I rang the hospital, okay? She's real. The girl, I mean."

"Okay, fine, but still doesn't answer my question about why we should give a damn," Harry pointed out, smirking when Sam just glowered at him.

"Because the demons want her! We should at least go and find out why!"

"Sam, the hospital is a three day damn drive from here," Dean pointed out through gritted teeth, and Harry nudged him with his elbow gently, grinning when Sam glared at them.

"We've driven further for less, Dean," Sam told them and Dean just shook his head. "You got something to say, say it."

"Oh, I'm saying it - this sucks!" Dean snapped, and Harry wouldn't have been able to hold back to snicker even if he'd tried. Which he really didn't.

"You're not pissed we're about going after the girl, you're pissed that Ruby threw us the tip!"

"Well, can't say I'd disagree with Dean on that one, Sam. Let's be fair, Ruby giving us anything is bound to be wrapped in a pleasantly poisonous ribbon. The best poisons are the ones that taste sweet. How sweet is Ruby, Sammy Sam?"

"Dude, that puts nasty images in my mind. Nasty nasty images," Dean muttered, shuddering. Sam huffed loudly and threw his hands up in the air.

"Will you two stop joking around! This is serious! We have three days to get to this hospital and find out why this Anna woman ran! And why the demons want her so much."

"Fine, get in the fucking car. Let's go see what your little Demon-Bitch is leading us towards. If I die, don't even think about salting and burning my remains, you deserve every last bit of haunting you'll get from my spirit," Harry muttered, jumping from the table and bending to grab his bag. "Dean, we can learn some shit on the drive. Should make the journey interesting."

17th November, 2008. Ashland, ME.

After what was possibly the most awkward three days as well as the most amusing three days of Harry's life, they all arrived - alive - in Maine where apparently a crazy had escaped from a house of crazies. Just what Harry had always wanted to investigate.

"Now, the orderly has no recollection of Anna's escape?" Sam asked, whilst Dean and Harry sat next to him, neither one entirely happy about being there. Not that they let it show on their faces.

"Apparently she knocked him unconscious. The blow caused some amnesia. He doesn't even remember coming into her room," The psychologist told them, the look of displeasure clear on her face.

"That's a hell of a right hook to knock out a guy that's got eighty pounds on her," Dean pointed out and Harry coughed to cover up the derisive snort he couldn't hold in.

"Maybe she had training," Harry muttered, a contemplative frown crossing his face. He didn't believe Anna had knocked out the orderly at all. He figured, if Ruby was right about the demons, then the orderly was possessed. What he didn't get was how this Anna girl knew that.

"We think she may have planned this, waited behind the door," the psychologist explained to them, apparently not believing Harry's thought, or just not hearing it.

"Right. Um… you mentioned Anna's illness was recent?" Sam enquired, and this was something Harry found himself wondering as well. He never claimed to know anything about mental illness, but this was just weird, even to him.

"Two months ago she was happy, well-adjusted, journalism major, lots of friends - bright future."

"So… what happened? She just had a… breakdown? Had to have been bad for her to end up in here," Harry mused, looking at the psychologist when he said this.

"That's the tragedy of schizophrenia, I'm afraid. Within weeks Anna was overtaken by delusions," the psychologist explained to them in a sad voice.

"What kind of delusions?" Sam asked, whilst Harry sat back and glanced to Dean, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"She thought demons were everywhere," she told Sam, handing over a sketchbook to him. Sam flipped through it and both Harry and Dean leant over to look at the drawings, which - if Harry was honest - were somewhat disturbing.

"Interesting," Dean muttered, not taking his eyes off the sketches that were clearly drawn by the missing girl.

"It's not uncommon for our patients to believe that monsters are real."

"Well that - that's just batty," Dean said quietly, in a slightly sarcastic voice and making Harry snicker, though he choked on it when he saw the next page Sam had turned to, title 'Raising of the Witnesses'.

"Revelations. That's from the Book of Revelations," Harry said, flinching a little when the next page revealed Samhain's rising.

"Since when does the Book of Revelations have jack-o-lanterns?" The psychologist asked, looking at Harry like she thought he possibly belonged in the hospital as well.

"It's a, uh, it's a little-known translation," Dean said, covering for Harry who was still staring at the drawings in the book.

"Well, Anna's father was a church deacon. When she became ill, her paranoia took on religious overtones. She was convinced the devil was about to rise up and end the world. I hope you find her. It's dangerous for her to be out there alone right now," the psychologist said to them and Harry couldn't help but silently agree with her.

Though probably not for the same reasons.

After they'd left the hospital, they headed straight for the Milton's home in the hopes that perhaps Anna had headed straight there upon running from the hospital. Dean knocked on the door and frowned when no one answered.

"Maybe they're not home," he suggested to the others, only to be knocked down by Sam, who nodded to the driveway.

"Both cars in the driveway." Dean sighed and knocked on the door once more, before trying the doorknob and frowning when the door opened.

"Anyone else got a really bad feeling about this? Like… really, really, 'oh this is so gonna end with blood' bad feeling?" Harry asked, following the two brothers into the house, hand gripping the gun in his hand a little tighter.

"Mr and Mrs Milton? We're from the sheriff's department," Dean called out, frowning when there was no answer and turning back to face Harry and Sam. "With you on this one, Harry."

"We just wanted to ask you a couple of questions…" Sam called out, trailing off when they turned the corner to walk into another room and saw two dead bodies lying on the floor.

"Sometimes, I kinda hate being right all the time. It get's a little um… shit," Harry stated bluntly, sighing as he looked at the two bodies then back up to the brothers. "So… now what?"

Sam just shrugged and then moved to check the two bodies, rubbing his finger through something next to them and making Harry wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"It's suphur," Sam told the two, rubbing his finger and thumb together. "The demons beat us here. Whatever the deal is with this Anna girl-"

"Yeah, they want her. They're not screwing around," Dean said, cutting off his brother and ignoring the bitchface that brought him. Harry just smirked as he watched them, stepping back when Dean flailed a little and began to pace. "Alright, so I'm Girl, Interrupted and I know the score of the apocalypse, just busted out of the nut-box - possibly using superpowers, by the way - where do I go?"

"Somewhere safe. And she's a good little holy girl, right?" Harry said, getting confused looks from both brothers, though they also nodded, "Well, surely you'd go find sanctuary, right?"

"Harry's right, Dean."

"Awesome!" Dean exclaimed sarcastically, then stared at them both, looking a little lost. "I'm still lost on where she's gone, by the way."

"Santuary, Dean. Most religious people view church as Sanctuary. The place God will protect you and keep you safe. Hell, there was a time when you weren't allowed to be arrested if you went into a church and asked for sanctuary."

"Okay… so what church would she go to and how do we find it?" Dean asked, whilst Sam stood up and walked over to the photos on the wall.

"Have you got those sketches from Anna's notebook?" Sam asked whilst Harry just shrugged his shoulders in answer to Dean's question.

"No clue, I used up my IQ points to figure out she's in a church. You two can do the rest. Here ya go, Sam," Harry said, handing over the sketches to Sam, who started to flip through them, then held one up to the picture he was looking at.

"Check this out," Sam told them, and both Harry and Dean walked over to look at what had Sam's attention. It was soon obvious once they'd reached him and saw the picture Anna had been drawing.

"So that's the church we're looking for then, huh?"

Harry, Sam and Dean all cautiously walked through the silent church, making their way up to the attic of the building once they'd made sure that the rest of it was empty of anyone hiding. Demon or crazy lady. Upon entering the room, they looked around, only for Sam to notice a someone hiding in the corner.

"Dean, Harry," Sam called out softly, motioning with his gun to the hiding figure, before turning to face it himself. "Anna? We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean and our friend, Harry."

"Sam? Not… Sam Winchester?" Anna asked quietly, moving out from her hiding spot whilst the other three put away their guns. Frankly, Harry was a little creeped out by the fact this woman clearly knew them.

"Uh, yeah." Apparently Harry wasn't the only one a little disturbed by this, given the hesitance in Sam's voice.

"And you're Dean. The Dean?" Anna asked, and both Sam and Harry rolled their eyes and mentally groaned at that.

"Well, yeah. The Dean… I guess." Harry actually was a little shocked that Dean was puffing up like a rooster at that. Bloody pompous moron that he was.

"And you… you're Harry Potter. The friend of the angels. The angels talk about you. All of you. You were in Hell, Dean, but Castiel pulled you out. And Harry was brought to help by the angels. Some of them think you can help save us. And some of them don't like you at all. They talk about you all the time. I feel like I know you," Anna told them in a slightly dreamy voice that made Harry give a brief thought to Luna Lovegood. He couldn't help but wonder a little what had happened to her, but soon shoved the thought to the back of his mind to be forgotten.

"So, you talk to angels?" Dean asked her and Harry was confused by that. Wasn't like they didn't talk to angels. Hell, Harry had slept with one.

"Oh, no. No, no way. Um… they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of… overhear them." Well that was weird, Harry thought.

"You over hear them?" Sam asked, sounding just as confused as Harry felt.

"Yeah, they talk and sometimes I just… hear them in my head," Anna told them, tilting her head a little and frowning.

"Now? I mean… you can hear them now?" Harry asked, not sure if it was creepy that this girl listened to Angel FM in her head or kinda… well no, it was just creepy. He couldn't help but wonder just how much she knew about him and his deal with God.

"Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them," Anna admitted, looking uncomfortable with the amount of questioning. Not that Harry blamed her on that one either.

"So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just… tuning in to angel radio?" Dean asked and Harry vaguely felt a little disturbed at how alike his and Dean's thoughts sometimes were.

"Yes. Thank you," Anna said shooting them all grateful looks for… well Harry assumed for not just accusing her of being completely fucking mental.

"Anna… when did the voices start? Do you remember?" Sam asked Anna apparently trying to get things back on track, not that Harry was really sure where they should be going or what they should be learning. He did allow that Sam might have a point in thinking it wise to find out when this started with the Angel FM thing. Not that he was sure how that would help them at all.

"I can tell you exactly - September 18th," Anna told them and Harry found himself coughing a little as he choked in shock. That was the date Dean was dragged out of Hell, he was pretty damned certain of it.

"The day I got out of Hell," Dean whispered, clearly just as shocked and disturbed by this new turn out for the books as Harry was - and judging by his expression, Sam as well.

"First words I heard, clear as a bell - 'Dean Winchester is saved'," Anna told them with a small smile, which faded a little when Harry scoffed, getting the attention of the brothers as well.

"Saved is probably a lose term for what Dean is. Frying pan, fire kind of situation really," Harry said with a wry grin, getting a raised eyebrow from Sam, whilst Dean just snorted and nodded his agreement.

"What do you think?" Dean finally asked, looking from Harry to Sam and then back.

"It's above my pay grade, man," Sam said with a shrug, Harry just widened his eyes to show he was just as baffled and lost by this.

"Hey, I know as much as you two do. I'm not as buddy buddy with the angels as radio-gal here seems to believe," Harry exclaimed when his silence didn't seem to be getting the desired affect.

"Well… at least now we know why the demons want you so bad. They get a hold of you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're 1-900-angel."

"Yeah, I never get your obsession with that. What is with you Americans and making words for phone numbers. Just say the damned numbers instead of making us have to work it out and stare blankly at the phone when it only gives you numbers and not letters. Seriously. Make is a little easy on us, yeah?" Harry exclaimed, causing the other three - Anna included - to gape at him.

"Anyway…" Sam started, looking for something to say to get away from the bizarre conversation topic Harry seemed keen to start up.

"Hey, um, do you know - are my parents okay? I - I didn't go home. I was afraid," Anna admitted, and the three men shared an awkward, uncomfortable look, wondering how to tell her that her parents were so far from okay. Thankfully - or not, depending on how you looked at it - they were saved from having to break the news by Ruby rushing into the attic and moving to stand next to Sam, flinching when Harry sneered at her - making Harry feel a little good about that.

"You got the girl. Good, let's go," Ruby said sharply, turning to leave the attic clearly expecting them to follow her. Of course had Anna not scuppered that plan by shrieking and moving to hide behind Dean, Harry would have just by being obstinate and generally bratty all round. Fuck that if he was gonna be taking orders from the Hell Bitch.

"Her face!" Admittedly, Harry could have probably thought up a better reason not to follow Ruby, but he'd run with that.

"Yeah, it is a bit of car wreck, ain't it. S'what being a sour-faced bitch does to you after a few centuries, I'm afraid. All the Botox in the world ain't gonna make that pretty," Harry said with a sigh, making Dean choke off a laugh whilst Ruby glowered at him and Sam just frowned disapprovingly. Yes, because Harry was going to feel guilty over being mean to a freaking demon. Especially not one that could potentially bring about his fate to be on the wrack down stairs. Nope, not an ounce of guilt was being felt.

"It's okay, Anna. She's here to help."

"Yeah, by dragging us all to a warmer holiday destination. I don't do well in warm climates. Then again, neither does she, ain't that right, Leatherface?" Harry asked, smirking when he noticed Ruby's eyes had gone demon-black and she was clearly having to hold herself back from physically attacking him.

"Shut it, whore. Really, you one to be casting stones in this room? I'm trying to help, if you don't wanna die, then I'd recommend you listen to me. We have to get out of here and we have to do it now," Ruby spat, glaring at them and looking as though she was waiting for an argument. She didn't have to wait long.

"Why?" Dean asked, moving so that he and Anna stood nearer to Harry, leaving Sam to awkwardly stand in between them and Ruby, as though unsure which side he should be siding with.

"Because a demon's coming - big-timer. We can fight later, Dean," Ruby snapped, making Harry roll his eyes, though he hated the fact that he kinda wanted to take her suggestion and leave. He hated demons.

"Well, that's pretty convenient - showing up right when we find the girl with some big wig on your tail?" Dean pointed out, shooting a suspicious glance at Sam as he did so. Harry winced and suddenly felt bad for how they'd treated him, even if it was completely deserved.

"I didn't bring him here. You did," Ruby snarled. Dean took a step back, looking shocked and confused, whilst Sam and Harry looked between the two. Really though, Harry just felt they should probably leave.


"He followed you from the girl's house. We got to go now," Ruby told them and Harry was actually beginning to feel nauseous from how much he was beginning to agree with her. Really, there was something fucked up about agreeing with a demon.

"Dean, Harry," Sam muttered, getting their attention and pointing to a statue in the room. Harry cursed when he saw that it was bleeding from the eyes.

"Well shit. Okay, fine. Leatherface has one good idea, we should leave. Yes? Now?" Harry said, moving to walk out of the room, only to be grabbed by Ruby. Harry spun and snarled at her, yanking her hand from his arm. "Don't touch me, Demon."

"It's too late to leave! He's already here, you moron!" Ruby told him angrily. Harry just sneered at her, but moved back so that he was standing with Dean and Anna. Sam glanced at Ruby and then moved so that he was also standing with the other three. Sam then tugged on Anna and led her over to a cupboard, pushing her inside gently.

"Stay in there. Don't move, okay?" Sam whispered to her, waiting for her nod before he shut the door and turned back to face the others.

"Sam, you know that thing I've been talking to you about, you've gotta try it today," Ruby said to Sam, who looked uncomfortable at the topic. Harry looked at the two and then flinched when he realised what it was she was implying. Though Ardy had promised him that Sam wasn't drinking any blood right now, which was a small blessing.

"Fuck that, Sam. Don't listen to her. Please, fuck, just… please don't," Harry hissed, ignoring the evil stare that Ruby shot at him. Sam looked at him with wide eyes, looking completely unsure about everything.

"What are you talking about?"

"Now's not the time!" Ruby snapped, interrupting anything Harry might have said in answer to Dean's question. "We don't have time to bellyache about Sam going dark side. He does his thing or we die."

"That what you think our options are? Fuck that, Sam. If you do what she's implying, then you’re gonna die anyway, okay? I'd rather die and possibly go to Heaven, than die and definitely go to Hell!" Harry hissed, moving so that he was standing between Sam and Ruby, and glaring at Ruby.

Before Ruby had the chance to say anything else to Harry - that was probably going to be scathing and totally unhelpful - the doors to the attic were thrown open and a man walked in, smirking when he saw them.

"Well… shit. Sam, please don't do whatever it is she's trying to get you to do," Harry hissed, backing up from the two demons so that he was practically pressed against Sam. This had the benefit that he felt Sam nod his head in agreement.

"Hello again, Dean," the demon said at his entrance, which was just rude. Like he and Sam weren't even there. Harry considered that this was probably why there were no British demons. American's just had no etiquette.

Of course, given that the demon clearly knew Dean, and not Sam - or at least, Harry assumed so, given he hadn't mentioned Sam - Harry felt it probably meant Dean had met the demon in Hell. Which really didn't bode well for their hopes of Sam never finding out that Dean remembered.

Really, Harry hated being put in these positions. And he also really hoped that what he was about to do wouldn't bring the entire Wizarding world down on their arses. Because they really didn't need that right now.

"Fuck, Ardy, I could really use your help right now," Harry whispered, moving and nudging Sam towards the cupboard Anna was in. "Use the distraction and leave,"

"Harry…" Sam looked at him in confusion, but didn't move away from the cupboard. Harry just shook his head and started to move nearer to Dean.

"Come on, Dean. Don't you recognise me? Oh, I forgot - I'm wearing a paediatrician. But we were so close… in Hell." Harry cursed mentally, and decided now was the time to move. Moving quickly so that he was standing in front of Dean, Harry grabbed Dean's hand and then reached his other hand out in front of him. "What do you think you can do, failed little Wizard?"

"Not so failed, more drop-out, cheers. And possibly this?" Harry asked, then closed his eyes, silently prayed for a little help from God - including asking that He made sure no one noticed that Sam and Anna were silently running out of the room behind the demons back - and then probably signed his own death warrant, "Expelliarmus! Expecto Patronum!"

Both spells worked in quick succession, which shocked Harry given he wasn't using his wand and was really doing this on a wing and a prayer. However, he didn't wait to see the full results. As soon as the demon had been flung back through the doorway, and his patronus ran in the same direction, Harry yanked a stunned Dean towards the window and flung them both out of it.

It was probably safe to say that Harry hadn't considered how he and Dean were going to make their escape. And just how much it was going to freaking hurt!

Harry and Dean leant on one another as they limped into the motel room, both feeling a sinking sensation in their stomachs when they realised Sam wasn't there.

"Who thinks 'I know, let's jump out of a window!'? Who?" Dean grouched, wincing when he sat down on the bed. Harry stayed silent and grabbed his bag instead, placing it on the bed next to Dean and then standing in front of the grumpy, pissed off hunter.

"Either that or that demon -"

"Alistair," Dean whispered dryly, and Harry mentally cringed, then placed a hand on Dean's shoulder.

"Right, him. I honestly couldn't think of anything else to do to get us away. I mean, I'm quite frankly, shocked that those spells worked! I've never been all that good with wandless magic - no one is. It's supposed to be impossible, but it's not. Just… highly improbably. Fingers crossed though, that it doesn't come back to bite us in the arse with the wizarding world coming and you know, killing us," Harry said with a weak laugh, opening his small first aid kit and pulling out some antiseptic wipes, before helping Dean take his ruined t-shirt off.

"Why would they want to kill you?"

"Dunno. Just seems to be a theme with them. Love me, beg me to kill their psycho, hate me, call me a liar, try to kill me. Rinse. Repeat. Huh, did you just hit the glass head on?"

"You mean that pane glass window that you launched us through? Funnily enough, I didn't have time to position my body in a way that would bring about the least damage," Dean snarked at him, hissing when Harry cleaned the numerous cuts and gashes, picking out bits of glass when he came across them.

"Stop bitching. And seeing as Sam isn't here - and let's not even discuss how much that makes both of us feel a little sick - I figure it's safe to talk about the ruby problem. And now the Alistair problem as well," Harry muttered, moving to rummage through his potions kit and pulling out several small vials.

"Got a plan?"

"For Ruby? Yes. Alistair? Not so much. Here, take this. Tastes a bit like rotten apples. Just without the pleasant side effect of getting drunk," Harry told him, handing Dean a pale pink potion.

"It's pink."

"Don't be silly, it's whitish red. Drink it," Harry told him absently, waving his hand at him as he looked at the other potions he'd took out.

"What is it? And there's no such thing as whitish red."

"Of course there is. You're holding the proof. And it'll basically heal up those cuts. Make sure that glass didn't leave anything nasty behind. Let's be fair, it didn't look like anyone had cleaned that window for years. So drink the damned potion and stop whining about it. If I wanted to poison you, I wouldn't give you the choice, I'd force it down your damned throat! But I don't think Castiel would be very appreciative." Harry picked up a muddy coloured potion and downed it himself, wincing and shuddering at the taste.

Dean glanced at him warily and then threw back the potion like a shot and gagged when he swallowed. "Dude! That was not rotten apples! That was rotten milk!"

"Really? Huh… oh wait, maybe it's the green one that's apples…"

"Please tell me you gave me the right thing to drink," Dean whimpered, breathing a sigh of relief when Harry waved at his chest and he saw the cuts slowly starting to heal. "Thank fuck. So… Ruby?"

"Yeah, you give me the knife, we go find them - because we know that Ruby is gonna be with Sam and Anna - and then I kill her when I get the chance. Fuck what Sam thinks," Harry added with a small snarl. Dean stared at him and then nodded.

"Fine. Deal. Now we just have to find them, and you have to explain what the hell Ruby was talking about with Sam that you seemed quite adamant against," Dean added. Harry just stared at him and nibbled on his lip.

"Right… you know the demon blood in Sammy's veins? Yeah, well, er… he can, in theory, exorcise demons with his mind - which is fucking creepy no matter how it's put - but well, in order to use them fully, he'd have to drink demon blood-"

"What?! What the fuck?! Please tell me he hasn't!" Dean said, looking pleadingly at Harry. Harry just shook his head and handed Dean a clean shirt to put on.

"No, given I'm still here, I'd say it's safe to assume Sam hasn't drank any demon blood. Yet. But we need to get Ruby out of the picture before she finally breaks him and he does," Harry told Dean truthfully, packing away everything back into his bag and then turning to look at Dean.

"Wait, what do you mean you're still here? How would that make a difference?" Dean asked him, looking confused even as he picked up his bag and started looking through it.

"Ardifiel told me a while back, my soul is riding on me keeping Sam from drinking demon blood. If Sam drinks demon blood, then we both get sent down to Hell."

"How the fuck is that fair?"

"It's not. That's really not the point. Generally, Heaven doesn't care about petty things like being fair. Not noticed that yet? Look, we just have to accept that my fate and Sam's are pretty much tied. You don't really care about me, if we're honest, but you love Sam. So I'm sorry, but please help me with Sammy," Harry pleaded, feeling some tension leaving his shoulders when Dean nodded.

"Okay, here," Dean muttered, handing the knife over to Harry, who stared at it in surprise; he hadn't actually thought Dean would give it to him, if he were honest.

"Thanks. So now we just have to work out where the fuck Sammy is and hope that, because Anna's with them - hopefully - that Ruby won't try to coerce Sam into drinking his blood," Harry told him, putting the knife in the waist of his jeans and turning to face Dean, who was holding his cell phone - the one that Harry hadn't given him.

"Call him?" Dean asked, before yelping when the phone started ringing before he could do anything. "Hello?"

Harry looked at him and the phone, nibbling his lip. Really it could only be one of two people. And he really hoped, no offence to the man, that it wasn't Bobby Singer.

"Sam?! Dude, where the hell are you?! Please tell me that Demon Bitch isn't with you as well!! … Fucks sake, Sammy! You need to get the fuck away from her! Did the pissed angel not give you that clue-" Dena looked up when Harry cleared his throat and shot him a pointed look. "Fuck, forget that. Just… you need to tell us where you are. Anna's safe, right? … Okay, good. Right, we'll meet you there then. Sammy…. Stay safe, okay? Yeah, bye."


"So please tell me that you have every intention of killing that bitch as soon as we get there," Dean asked him, placing his phone in his pocket as he looked up at Harry.

"If I get the chance, Leatherface is dead as soon possible. So where are they?"

"They're in a cabin on the edge of town. Sam told me how to get there. We just have to get out of here without any demons seeing us and therefore following us. Any bright ideas, Gandalf?"

"Hey! I'm not old and craggy, thank you very much! And I might have an idea," Harry murmured, biting down on his lower lip before huffing and grabbing his bag, rummaging until he found a small box at the bottom.


"So now I'm a girl? Cheers. And here, this should… well it should cover us but er… we're gonna be pretty close," Harry told him, holding up a shimmery cloak that Dean stared at dubiously.

"What's that?"

"Invisibility cloak. Pretty much one of the only things I kept with me when I left. So get under and let's make like penguins and huddle. Oh, and just because you're invisible doesn't mean people can walk through you or not hear you, so… be quiet and follow my lead." Harry threw to cloak over them once Dean had wearily walked over to him. With his back pressed to Dean's chest, Harry reached back and pulled the hood up over them and tugged softly on Dean's jacket, getting him to follow as they slowly made their way out the motel door.

"Dude, this is freaking awesome. We have to use this more often," Dean muttered just as they stepped out the motel. Seeing several suspicious looking people hanging around, Dean moved even closer and wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, making both of them fervently pray no one found them and made any wrong assumptions. Because that would just be awkward.

In the mean time, they had to make it safely out of the car park so they could safely get to Sam and Anna without a demonic escort.

It didn't really take them long to get to the cabin, but it was long enough for both Dean and Harry for Sam and Anna to be left in the clutches of Ruby, which possibly over dramatized things, but Harry really didn't care for that demon.

"So that's the place? Think you could use that fancy cloak thing to just stabbity stab Ruby?" Dean asked, making stabbing motions as he spoke and ignoring the incredulous stare on Harry's face.

"Stabbity stab?"

"Yeah. Well?"

"I don't think… no, that's possibly not a good idea. I don't… I don't want anyone else knowing about this cloak. Sorry. So instead, we should probably at some point leave this bush and go into that cabin. Let Sam know we're here, you know? Plus, I think I've got thorns and leaves in places thorns and leaves really have no place in being," Harry muttered, fidgeting a little and wincing when a particularly vicious thorn stabbed his thigh.

"Good plan. Fingers crossed Ruby hasn't killed Anna and bled all over Sammy, then huh? Ooh, if we're lucky, maybe Sam cracked and killed her," Dean muttered, wrinkling his nose when Harry snorted derisively.

"When have any of us ever been lucky? Exactly. Now, let's go," Harry hissed, shoving his cloak into his pocket - he loved magical cloaks - and then grabbing Dean's wrist and making their way quickly to the door of the cabin.

"Glad you could make it," Ruby sneered as soon as they were in the cabin. Dean sneered back at her, whilst Harry looked at Sam, who was sitting next to Anna, seemingly calming her down.

"Yeah, yeah. So what now?" Dean asked the room in general. Thankfully Ruby wasn't actually naïve enough to think Dean was talking to her.

"Well um… I was wondering if it would be safe to make a quick call. You know, just to tell my parents I'm okay? They must be completely freaked," Anna said, looking from an uncomfortable looking Sam to Dean and Harry, who both also fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Uh…" Sam twitched and then looked over at Harry pleadingly. Harry just sighed and rolled his eyes, walking over to them.


"Anna, it's about your parents…" Harry started, only to be interrupted by Anna before he could finish.

"What about them?"

"I'm really sorry-"

"They're not…" Anna trailed off, looking from Harry to Sam and back with pleading eyes, begging them to tell her she'd reached the wrong conclusion. Which sadly they couldn't do. Harry sat down on the only other chair near Anna and grabbed her hand.

"I'm really sorry. We couldn't… we didn't get there in time," Harry told her gently, looking shocked when Anna gripped his hand tightly and wiped furiously at the tears running down her face.

"Why is this happening to me?" Anna asked them sadly and Harry just shrugged.

"I don't know," Sam told her sadly, placing a soothing hand on her shoulder, only for Anna to freeze and glance at the door fearfully.

"They're coming," she whispered, making everyone burst into action as Harry and Sam both jumped up from their seats and Ruby and Dean walked over to them.

Next Chapter

A/N - The next chapter shouldn't be too long in the waiting… certainly not as long as Chapter Ten took. *snort* But I'm not too sure how long it actually will be. I'll be going on a brief hiatus until November 4th - though I will be posting two more fics, but they're finished, just waiting for the post date. Still… a month… it's not that long to wait, right?


fandom:harry potter, fic:confessions, pairing:sam/harry, rating:nc17, writing:fanfics, writing:slash, status:wip, fandom:supernatural

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