Title: With Apples Characters: Jack, Owen, Gwen. GENfic, can you believe it? Rating: PG-13 for language Spoilers: End of Days Summary: Comfort me with apples, stay me with flagons. (Song of Solomon, 2:5)
This works, truly. All of them seem very real here, and sound right, too. An interesting look at both Owen and Jack. I like the idea that Owen's experience with Diane changed him to the point that he sees Gwen differently now, too. Well written!
Ah, pretty Owen gen-fic. I love how you've taken his complexities and his occasional nastiness and played with the contrast between that and his vulnerability, his difficulty in taking Jack's comfort. And I'm glad that he does take it anyway, because that part of the scene was my favourite bit of EoD, cause he's not a bastard really. :-)
Oh, and love for the last few lines, because I find it weirdly easy to believe that it was Gwen's grief that pushed Owen over the edge.
Comments 17
Jack sees. He sees far more than he wants to. It hadn't been the loss of Diane, in the end, that had broken Owen Harper.
This sheds a new light on Owen for me. Great job and thank you for sharing.
Oh, and love for the last few lines, because I find it weirdly easy to believe that it was Gwen's grief that pushed Owen over the edge.
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