WEEK 005:: Protagonists || Submission

Sep 17, 2009 15:38

:♥: NEW THEME :♥:


Time for your new theme! Apologies for slight delay, my cat decided she was going to sleep in my lap last night - right inbetween me and the laptop XD she's just too cute to move when she gets comfy lol ♥

Your New Theme is: Protagonists - You icon must show a protagonist from any of the series. You can have them with other people or on their own, just so long as you show them somewhere in your icon. It would be great to see some of the non-persona series get some love this week too since the others are feeling left out ;D

You will have longer for this theme than normal! So I want to see lots of icons - see if we can't beat our first weeks total! ♥
Your icons must be submitted to this post by Saturday 26th September @ 6:00pm UTC [World Clock Converter]

♥ All icons should be to this post via comment.
♥ Your may submit up to 2 icons per week.
♥ Icons must fit LJ standards (40 kb, 100x100 pixels, .jpg, .gif, or .png format).
♥ Fanart is allowed but please get permission from/credit the creator. I'll post all credits with the voting.
♥ Animated icons will be permitted.
♥ Do not use/display/advertise the icon until the winners are posted.
♥ Icons should be made fresh for megaten_awards.
♥ Do not steal any icons and claim that you've made them.
♥ Icons should represent the weeks theme.
♥ Your icon must feature something from the Shin Megami Tensei series/spin-off's ;P

Submissions should look like this:

Series/Character:: Persona Trinity Soul/Jun Kanzato
URL:: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/bethmadden/mtexample.gif

[ Affiliates Update ]
anime_icontext:: Week 029: Submit by 19/09
choco_awards:: Week 047: "Love Drunk" - Need more icons by 19/09!!
anime_abc:: Letter 'G' Submit by 18/09 - Need more icons by 18/09!!
mc_awards:: Week#10: Community Icon - Need more icons by 18/09!!
dissidiaawards:: Challenge 005: Villains - Has no icons this week! Please go submit something by 18/09 if you have time.
ffxiii_awards:: Challenge 010: Initials - Has no icons this week! Please go submit something by 18/09 if you have the time.

week 005, &submission

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