Week 010:: Opposing Open Words || Submission

Feb 24, 2010 05:16


I do believe it's time for a new theme! With the amazing job you guys did last week, I have high hopes for Week 010 - would be so great to see lost of icons again ^_^ So let's get started!

YOUR THEME THIS WEEK IS:: Opposing Open Words; Alone, Together, Tragedy & Comedy - You may choose any of the listed words as inspiration for your icons. This could be in the images you use, the text or even the characters shown. I have given you several words so you have more choice...and because I couldn't decide on just two :D

Your icons must be submitted to this post by Wednesday 10th March @ 11:00pm UTC [World Clock Converter]

♥ All icons should be to this post via comment.
♥ Your may submit up to 3 icons.
♥ Icons must fit LJ standards (40 kb, 100x100 pixels, .jpg, .gif, or .png format).
♥ Fanart is allowed but please get permission from/credit the creator.
♥ Animated icons will be permitted.
♥ Do not use/display/advertise the icon until the winners are posted.
♥ Icons should be made fresh for megaten_awards.
♥ Do not steal any icons and claim that you've made them.
♥ Your icon must feature something from the Shin Megami Tensei series/spin-off's ;P

Submissions should look like this:

Series/Character:: Persona 3/Elizabeth
URL:: http://i897.photobucket.com/albums/ac179/megatenawards/mtexample.png

week 010, &submission

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