Week 007:: Anything Goes || Submission

Oct 13, 2009 03:07

:♥: NEW THEME :♥:

We didn't get any extra icons for Week 006 - So rather than extend again I have decided to move on to a new week and a fresh start! We shall chalk it up to bad timing and start a new theme :D This means I am expecting lots of icons after your 2 week break! and to aid you in this I am giving you the easiest theme of them all...

Your New Theme is: Anything Goes - Yep that's right! To get things back on form for our upcoming special next month, I'm giving you guys a free week ^_^ You can icon anything you like with no limits so go wild and show us what you can do! ♥

Your icons must be submitted to this post by Saturday 18th September @ 11:00pm UTC [World Clock Converter]

♥ All icons should be to this post via comment.
♥ Your may submit up to 2 icons per week.
♥ Icons must fit LJ standards (40 kb, 100x100 pixels, .jpg, .gif, or .png format).
♥ Fanart is allowed but please get permission from/credit the creator. I'll post all credits with the voting.
♥ Animated icons will be permitted.
♥ Do not use/display/advertise the icon until the winners are posted.
♥ Icons should be made fresh for megaten_awards.
♥ Do not steal any icons and claim that you've made them.
♥ Icons should represent the weeks theme.
♥ Your icon must feature something from the Shin Megami Tensei series/spin-off's ;P

Submissions should look like this:

Series/Character:: Persona Trinity Soul/Jun Kanzato
URL:: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/bethmadden/mtexample.gif

[ Affiliates Update ]
anime_abc:: Letter 'I' - Submit Here by 13/10
anime_icontext:: Week 033: Text Brushes - Submit Here by 17/10
choco_awards:: Week 049: Provided Textures[Nature] Please Submit Here
ff_awards:: Week 245: Don't Stop Believing from Glee - Submit Here by 17/10

week 006, !modpost, week 007, &submission

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