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Comments 13

nutmeg3 November 24 2012, 15:53:55 UTC
I'm convinced Nathan's going to be the Colorado Kid's father. They cut away from the beach before we saw anything, but I'm convinced Things Happened.


meganbmoore November 24 2012, 16:02:38 UTC
Yeah. They cut away but he sure seemed to be settling in there. Which, uhm, he's in a supposedly committed relationship with Jordan, probably still in love with Audrey, and making out with and possibly impregnating Audrey's past self? That's just...incredibly off.


nutmeg3 November 24 2012, 16:14:11 UTC
I think he'd pretty clearly leave Jordan in a heartbeat if Audrey beckoned, so I justify him doing it with Sarah as "Well, she's really just Audrey," but...yeah, he is a bit of a gound dog. Then again, Audrey pretty much threw herself at Duke the other week, so...


meganbmoore November 24 2012, 16:23:45 UTC
I think Nathan views himself as being more committed to Jordan than he actually is (I think he genuinely likes her, but that a lot of it is the "someone only I can help" aspect) but he's made Jordan believe he's committed.. Audrey isn't involved with anyone, so impulsive make out with her best friend don't even blip for me. (what bugs me most is the bit where Nathan knows ton of things about Sarah that she doesn't know and might be less willing to make out with him if she knew he was seeing her future blonde self. )

ETA: Oh, I do believe he'd run to Audrey in a heartbeat if she said she was ready for a relationship, but there's a difference between "I dumped you because I'm still in love with my partner" and "I cheated on you with my partner's past life self." (Time travel hookups are so incredibly messy...)


ladysaotome November 24 2012, 18:44:32 UTC
So glad Eyal didn't die - it's pretty much the only thing to happen this season that didn't drive Hubby & I bonkers. We really haven't seen much growth coming from Annie. She shouldn't have even opened the file - that would have been integrity. She's like a rebellious teenager running around thinking she knows best and everyone owes her and whining when she doesn't get her way. And has yet to face any real consequences. And happy as I am that she & Auggie have progressed, they both seem to have recovered from their epic loves awfully fast. Unless the whole point is supposed to be they were always in love and Simon and Rachel (or whatever her name was) were the rebounds. Though I would LOVE if Jai were still alive but I seriously doubt it will happen ( ... )


meganbmoore November 25 2012, 00:07:49 UTC
I think Annie has had character growth, but most of it has been her becoming harder and losing her idealism. I see your point re: integrity, but I also think it would have been irresponsible for her not to look? I mean, what would she have done otherwise, gone to Joan and Arthur and told them Wilcox was trying to get agents to turn on them, but she couldn't be bothered to find out what he was saying about them? I'm thinking what will happen is that she'll investigate instead of taking it at face value, and then go to Joan and Arthur after inevitably learning that they're either innocent, or that the information is incomplete or onesided ( ... )


ladysaotome November 25 2012, 01:59:23 UTC
Oh, I almost forgot we still have no idea what August showed Neal, too. And August has disappeared - though I'm betting Rumple or Regina has him?


rose_griffes November 24 2012, 23:04:46 UTC
Good episode of PoI, and that last, tense conversation was great. Though all in all, since Stanton has to know that Carter is working with Reese, I vote more information rather than shutting Carter off. (And she's going to look into it anyway, I would guess; it's her job.)

As for the squeamishness, I'm worse than Finch. I wouldn't have made it past trying to put the medical instrument in the right place. That was some convincing acting Emerson did.


meganbmoore November 25 2012, 00:11:59 UTC
Yeah, I really doubt Snow had a surge of nobility and didn't tell Stanton about Carter, even if he does have as much of a copcrush on her as Reese.


borg_princess November 25 2012, 08:56:31 UTC
unfortunately, it's having the same problem as Once Upon A Time, which is an overabundance of (typically scruffy) white dudes in roughly the 30-40 range being shoehorned in and taking attention away from the more interesting characters and storylines

This is exactly my issue. I've been skipping a lot of scenes this season, to the point where I don't even really know what's going on because so much is just irrelevant to me. I'll need to sit down and marathon the eps so far and force myself not to fast-forward, but ugh, aside from my unending disdain for Jack and Declan, I also just cannot with the new guy. Yes, he's attractive, but the main appeal of the show for me was Emily being badass and pulling all the strings and being HBIC, and now the writers have given her this hot guy as a partner who seems to call a lot of the shots and gets in the way and she warns him off but then takes him in and she lowers her defenses and he ~comforts her and just ( ... )


meganbmoore November 25 2012, 13:51:58 UTC
I only like Aidan when he's being tasered and/or tossed in dumpsters. The writers showed some of this "But what about the poor men?" attitude in the first season, but usually managed to reign it in enough that it didn't take over, but they seem to have cut it loose this season.

I'd say that Amanda is considerably more worthy and deserving than Nolan, but both would be far better than this guy, who, unlike those two, we KNOW has betrayed her before.


kitsune_no_ame November 29 2012, 13:09:56 UTC
Apparently on tumblr, there's some sort of wank between PoI and Sherlock fans because PoI fans were referring to Finch as "their hedgehog" and Sherlock fans took offense. I have no idea what the significance is, but it certainly created some imagery when watching the episode.
Since I moved to Japan I'm so behind on ALL the US shows (except Elementary and SPN lolwhut) but I can help with that: on tumblr people like to refer to Martin Freeman as "a hedgehog" because "he looks like a hedgehog" (hm OK nevermind), so I'm assuming they don't like to share the sandbox?
(yes it's all as silly as it sounds, but hey, tumblr)


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