May 10, 2014 00:14

Whelp this whole fandom is nasty congrats |D

Time for a fresh thread, for those of you who are still around! If your old prompts were not filled, feel free to re-post them here (and reply to the old one so folks who run across it know it was moved!)

(Shamelessly re-written straight from the rules of dreamworkskink)
1.) The prompts MUST involve Megamind in some way. Crossovers and AU's are okay.
2.) Anything is allowed-- Slash, het, femmeslash, threesomes, whatever. Which leads to the next rule...
3.) No kink bashing! Yeah, there may be one or two prompts that will squick you but hey, it's a kink meme. What do you expect?
4.) All prompts must have the character/pairing, and give an actual prompt.
5.) You don't have to be anonymous if you don't wish it. If you do though, that's fine.
6.) Art is allowed, too!
7.) While not a strict rule, it's polite to try and fill out prompts instead of just suggesting a bunch and filling none. :x
8.) Finally, multiple fills of a prompt are allowed. No calling dibs.
9.) Please post prompts in separate comments! Not multiple prompts in one!

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