As you may already know,
Ape Entertainment is releasing a four-issue miniseries of Megamind comics, release dates currently unknown (the first issue is supposed to come out this month), though the prequel comic is in stores now!
For those of you who are interested, I thought I'd post the solicitations . . .
to save on space )
Comments 29
Possibly because that's what I did (despite what my mother apparently continues to think due to a male friend giving me a drive to the bash).
That's what I did, too! Man, whatever. High school was awkward enough without having to figure out that date thing.
(she wouldn't even threaten to publish the photos. Really, that's not news, that's just tawdry gossip. And their paranoid, hungover minds would fill in all the details needed).
Hm. From my own memories on the school paper, the editor was generally a teacher who would publish absolutely anything as long as you knew how to use the ^$&% spellcheck and could form coherent sentences (true story; she printed the page-long article on the slaver wasps from Girl Genius that I wrote, back when it was obscure and offline only).
Naaah. More interesting to keep things like fictional papers where the kids actually have any kind of say in what's printed.
That sounds awesome. I'm not so much looking forward to the dog one, though, because that particular plot has been done to death.
The first issue of the four part series was released this week. At least it was supposed to be. I'm going to check my local comic shop to see the status of that.
All I know is it isn't on Diamond's solicitations for this week or next. And the fact that there isn't an option to order it on Ape's website indicates it wasn't released earlier this month.
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