Oh God I have more Art!

Apr 23, 2011 00:03

I seem to have put myself in a bit of a ...productivity explosion?

Here's something for Colonel_Bastard because she owns my soul. I just wish I had the art chops to do this scene more realistically and with actual perspectives that exist on this planet, and not some Dali-esque freak universe. :D

The mirror shows him Megamind’s slim back, the undulating curve of his spine, the angular shoulderblades straining against the skin like wings fighting to grow. Pillowed on the countertop, the little blue rump looks more than anything like the top of a little blue heart. And over one little blue shoulder, Metro Man sees himself.

Link to the fic: Contains oral sex!!! huminahuminahumina

rating: pg-13, fanworks: fanart, character: metroman/musicman, pairing: metroman/megamind, artist: tripperfunster, character: megamind

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