Sep 19, 2011 10:50
Have you ever seen an eight hundred pound gorilla in a full out run?
Better yet, have you ever seen a nine hundred pound robotic gorilla piloted by a fish barreling at you in a full out run?
I didn’t think so.
He’s actually faster than he looks. Well, maybe that’s because he’s on all fours instead of lumberin’ around on the back two. I think I saw something on the Discovery channel like that once. My nerdy cousin made me watch it. It kind-of looks like a gallop, but not as smooth as like a horse or something. What it lacks in grace though is made up in power. I swear he was at the other end of the street just a minute ago, and now he’s almost on me.
Man he looks pissed.
But I guess I can understand that. I did just shoot his friend, but it was an accident! Honest! I only wanted the cash in the register, dude. I didn’t see the blue guy in the back. If he’d been wearing his usual leather and spiky getup I probably woulda seen him and this would have never happened. But he was in normal clothes for Pete’s sake! That automatically makes it, like, totally not my fault.
How was I supposed to know that superdudes like him actually go to the grocery store to buy milk? Doesn’t he have robots for that? Who goes shopping at 3 AM anyway? It’s a twenty four hour joint but everyone knows not to shop that late, especially not in this area. My crew and the other gangs just love hangin’ out in this part of town. The warehouses make perfect cover for turf wars, ya know? The grocery store may not actually be in the industrial zone, but it’s close enough to count.
Blue dude just could have let me go too. I mean, I’m not a cube right now so he probably didn’t have his lazer thing on him. But noooooo, idiot just had to be a hero. He was practically begging to be shot, but I don’t think his fish is going to see it that way….
His hand just tighted around my shoulder. Was that a crunch? Hard to tell with all the adrenaline pumpin’ in my system right now. Jeez, I didn’t see that brick wall a minute ago and my face is getting a little too close, a little too quickly.
I don’t think this is going to end well.
Now before anyone starts freaking out, I just implied that Megamind was *shot*. He might not be dead. It could have hit his leg, or some nonleathal spot. I was playing around with reveiling the setting slowly and I wanted Minion to be pissed off for some reason.
Figured that a bullet hole would do it. XD
character: minion,
fanworks: fanfic