[Worried Rock is worried. He's found his way to the fountain, and he's taken off his helmet. Sitting on the edge of the fountain, he kicks his feet back and forth against the stone. There's so much that he had to take in so quickly! It's awfully overwhelming. He's not depressed, just deep in thought, just trying to sort it all out
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Getting used to this place so far?
Wily still has control over his robots. He tells them when, where, and how to attack. But I'm not controlled by Wily or Light, and I haven't harmed humans, have I?
How comes it's worrying you all of a sudden?
[still looking at his hands]
I've learned some pretty awful things about Dr. Wily's new plan. He's planning to make a robot that only has the purpose of fighting until it's destroyed. And there's a virus too.
...You're sure about that? I take it that virus isn't something like any normal one that's around already.
I... I think I feel sorry for it. What kind of a life is that... just to be made to die?
[Note that there's no question in Rock's mind that he'll defeat the new robot. In fact, he takes it for granted as much as Wily obviously did when coming up with this plan.]
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