Merlin approves these recs!

Nov 18, 2008 15:10

Oh LJ, I did miss you.

I was going to do a rec-post about how much I love the new BBC show Merlin, but sarahtales beat me to it. To summarize: it plays merry hell with the Arthurian legend, but it's so damn charming you can't help but love it. Plus Giles Anthony Head plays Uther and Mystery Sock Santiago Cabrera shows up as Lancelot ( Read more... )

tv:merlin, geekery:hodgmania, lj:recs, geekery:books

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Comments 1

pigeonoverlord November 19 2008, 02:13:51 UTC
I LOVE Area's of my Expertise so I will definitely be checking out this sexy new tome of his.


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