Another installment of "Videos that make Meghan happy"!

Aug 21, 2008 17:50

Discovery Channel's "I Love the World" commercial: It's been out for months, but it makes me sing along every time.

Harry Potter in five seconds: 'Cause it's both hilarious and true. :D

Font Conference: I am a bit of a typography dork, thanks to graphic design classes. Thus, this fills me with geeky joy.

Table read of The Middleman episode 'The Read more... )

geekery:hp, tv:middleman, lj:videos, lj:linkspam

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Comments 8

redstapler August 21 2008, 22:08:53 UTC
Dear Discovery Channel,

That fucking ad always makes me tear up. Well done.




katzell August 21 2008, 22:23:57 UTC
well done Meghan, I so enjoy your youtube kicks. Though I couldn't see the last one because I have some ad block software that ABC family hates. Which makes me sad, because Kevin Sorbo cracks me up. No really, I have never found him remotely attractive. I be remember staying home sick as a child and Hercules and Xena being on tv and me thinking, that's supposed to be the greatest hero ever? I was much more into the sidekick I believe. But then, when am I not?


ezazahaz August 21 2008, 23:27:40 UTC
I love the "I love the whole world" video. And you know what? There so needs to be an SGA vid to it...

ETA: ...uh, yeah, so I made one...


megaloo13 September 5 2008, 00:05:56 UTC
I forgot I hadn't responded to this yet!

In any case, it's utterly delightful. :) Oh show. *hugs it tight*


ezazahaz September 5 2008, 00:12:15 UTC
Thanks so much! :)


pigeonoverlord August 22 2008, 06:19:10 UTC
I absolutely love that ad. I actually have it as the ring tone on my phone when it's not on vibrate (which is infrequently). :D


bloomingidiot August 22 2008, 17:05:40 UTC
um, that HP one was HILARIOUS. good find :)


megaloo13 September 5 2008, 00:07:03 UTC
That you, m'dear. I do love me some CAPSLOCK!Harry as well. :)


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