(no subject)

Mar 10, 2012 15:41

Fandom: Young Avengers
Title: Gotta Avenge 'em All?
Characters: Teddy, Billy, Tommy, gratuitous cameos from other Marvel characters.
Pairing: Eventual Billy/Teddy.
Rating: PG
Summary: Teddy wants to be the very best. Like no one ever was. [Pokemon trainers AU]
Chapter: 1/? Pallet Town
Notes: Nothing whatsoever to do with CC. Takes place in Kanto but going with the Isshu/Unova canon that pokemon trainers start as teens rather than children for fairly obvious, shota-avoiding reasons.

Teddy groaned and slammed his hand down on his alarm clock, cursing whatever force had caused it to go off on a Saturday. He rolled over, yanking the covers up over his head in the process, in hopes of falling back asleep. Until he remembered why his alarm had been set for this particular Saturday. Suddenly wide awake, he bolted upright, shoving the blanket off of himself so forcefully in the process that it went flying off of the bed. Today was The Day.

His preparations for The Day passed in a blur. Teddy took what might have been the fastest shower of his entire life-and then had to take a moment to rinse some remaining shampoo out of his hair in the sink because he had been so hasty. Thankfully, he’d prepared his outfit the night before. He dressed quickly, put on his cap, and headed down the stairs.

In the kitchen, his mother was putting the finishing touches on breakfast. “You’re up early,” she called from her post at the stove; she sounded completely unsurprised by the fact, even though it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to sleep until noon most weekends. She turned around to face him, frowned slightly, and tapped the top of her head, “Not in the house, please.”

Grinning sheepishly, Teddy removed his hat and sat down at the table.

As she placed all of his favorite breakfast food in front of him, Teddy’s uncontrolled excitement about The Day abated somewhat and nervousness began to bubble in the pit of his stomach. It would probably be quite a while before he ate a meal at this table again. Before he saw his mom again. He still felt somewhat guilty that he was leaving her here alone.

Of course, Teddy had already voiced this concern and Sarah had quickly shut it down. He was under no circumstances to hold himself back on account of her. He was sure if he showed any hesitance today she would push him out the door herself, and probably lock it behind him. Still, he made a mental note to make it up to her by calling home more than was strictly necessary.

“Are you excited for today?”

“Excited. Scared. But, yeah, mostly just excited.” He replied. To further his make-up-for-the-fact-that-he-was-leaving-her plan, he didn’t even protest when she ruffled his hair as if he were a child.

“You’d better get going, sweetie. You don’t want to keep the professor waiting.”

Nodding, Teddy stood up from the table and made to grab for his backpack, which he’d packed the night before and left by the door. He had barely swung it over his shoulder before his mother was there, enveloping him in a tight hug. He hugged her back, holding on longer than strictly necessary. And, sure enough, she just dropped his hat back onto his head and gave him a light push out the door.

“You’ll do great.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

And so he left home. For the first few steps he took the longing to return was painful. But he found the further he got from the house, and therefore the closer to his goal, the more it dissipated. Soon enough he was headed purposefully toward the lab across town, his excitement back at full force. Today was The Day, after all.

Today Teddy was going to get his first pokemon.

When he finally reached the lab, Teddy stepped inside but lingered by the door, gazing around awkwardly. It was a large building, after all, and he didn’t want to get himself lost or wind up somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be. Thankfully, someone quickly noticed him, recognized him as one of the new pokemon trainers, and led him to the room where the professor was waiting.

Professor Xavier was waiting for him beside a table upon which sat three pokeballs, and in that moment Teddy was certain he would explode from the excitement. There were no other kids his age around, so he was evidently the first one to arrive.

“Welcome, Teddy. Are you ready to choose your first pokemon?”

“Yeah,” Was all he could manage in reply, and he tried to make it sound less breathless and desperate than he felt, but he was pretty sure he failed.

The professor just smiled, “As I’m sure you already know, there are three pokemon here: the grass type Bulbasaur, fire type Charmander, and water type Squirtle. You may choose whichever you wish.”

Teddy had been running this choice through his head-while lying in bed at night, in the shower, daydreaming in class, all the damn time-for a long time now. He’d weighed all of his options, considered all of the possibilities. And he had continuously come to the same conclusion. Teddy knew his choice. So, for what seemed like the first time that day, he didn’t hesitate. He reached out and took hold of the pokeball with the leaf insignia engraved upon it. “I’ll take Bulbasaur.”

“A worthy choice. Although I’d say they each are, in their own way.” The professor glanced briefly toward the door as he spoke, “Now, since you seem to be the only one here for the time being I suppose we can get do-”

He wasn’t even able to finish his sentence before a loud ruckus erupted from the entryway of the lab. The sounds of an argument could be heard growing steadily louder, as several new trainers had apparently arrived.

“I’m gunna get there first, loser!”

“Tommy, don’t be a jerk.”

And suddenly two boys-who looked so alike that Teddy assumed they must be brothers-burst into the room, pushing, and shoving, and tugging at each other as if each wanted to prevent the other from entering. Teddy simply gaped at them. The professor cleared his throat.

As though he’d been shocked, one of the boys immediately backed off, looking bashful. The other seemed to take this as a sign of his own victory and strode forward, ready to claim his pokemon without waiting for instruction or permission. He hadn’t noticed Teddy was present yet. Either that or he had chosen not to acknowledge him.

The professor was not perturbed by any of this, “Thank you for joining us, boys. As you can see, Teddy arrived before you; first come, first serve is the rule, so he has already chosen his pokemon. You may have your choice from the remaining two.”

Now Teddy definitely had the attention of the first brother; he found himself being appraised by a pair of sharp, green eyes. The boy had a tuft of white hair sticking out from beneath his cap, which was turned backwards, and there were a pair of orange goggles fixed upon his head. Once he apparently felt he’d sized Teddy up sufficiently, he turned to survey the remaining pokemon. And he scoffed. “You chose Bulbasaur?” His voice was incredulous, as if he couldn’t believe anyone would make such a foolish decision, “Whatever. That means the best is left for me.”

He quickly swiped the fire-marked pokeball. He had chosen Charmander.

Finally, the second brother stepped forward, his choice already made for him, and took Squirtle’s pokeball as his own. Hopefully, Teddy thought, it had been the pokemon he’d wanted anyway. Teddy knew he personally would be happy with any pokemon, but there was no denying he would have been disappointed not to get the Bulbasaur he’d been dreaming of for so long.

As the boy looked up they made eye contact, and Teddy offered him a small smile. Unlike his brother he had dark hair, and his eyes were brown, their expression less harsh. He had a messenger bag slung over his shoulder and was wearing a red headband, although it had gone askew, likely a result of his tussle with his brother. Teddy motioned silently for him to straighten it out, and he hastily grabbed at it, looking away as a blush spread across his cheeks.

“So…I’m Teddy.” He said somewhat awkwardly. They already knew that, of course, because Professor Xavier had already said as much, but he couldn’t think of a better way to ask for their names.

The green-eyed one stared him down again. “Tommy.” He replied. The second brother opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off as Tommy continued, “And my less attractive twin is Billy.”

To his credit, Billy just rolled his eyes and let it go.

The remainder of the time spent at the lab was dull, and Teddy was itching to get out, to get his journey started. They got their pokedexes. The professor explained to them the basic rules of being a pokemon trainer, all of which Teddy already knew because he’d only been preparing for this moment for most of his life. They could compete in the pokemon league by defeating gym leaders throughout the region and earning badges. They could only carry six pokemon with them at a time. Any others they caught would remain here at the lab.

Finally they were free to go; Teddy exited the building as fast as he could possibly go without seeming impolite.

Unsurprisingly, Tommy had beaten him there.

He was lingering just outside and seemed to be waiting. Teddy tried to simply walk right by, but Tommy wasn’t going to let go that easily, “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

Teddy was tempted to simply keep walking as if he had not been addressed, but that would be rude, and he was never rude if he could help it. So he turned around to face Tommy and earnestly replied, “I’ll probably start by heading toward Viridian City.”

Tommy rolled his eyes, “Duh. I mean, aren’t we going to have a battle before you go?”

The overwhelming excitement had returned again, although Teddy was a little torn. On the one hand, he wasn’t sure he liked this person very much and he was ready to put some distance between them. On the other, the prospect of his first pokemon battle was too enticing to turn down. He nodded vigorously.

Billy had emerged from the lab at that moment and, realizing what was going on, hung back to watch the battle. They took their positions and Tommy summoned his Charmander. For the first time ever, barely able to contain his glee, Teddy tossed the pokeball and released Bulbasaur.

He took first call, “Leech seed!”

Bulbasaur fired a small seed which latched on to Charmander and did little else. Tommy laughed, “Really? Not the best opener I’ve ever seen. Ember!”

“Dodge it, Bulbasaur.”

And the battle continued similarly for several minutes. Charmander came full force with its small arsenal of offensive attacks and Bulbasaur doing its best to dodge, growling to soften the blows Charmander landed.

“Come on,” Tommy goaded, sounding almost bored, “Aren’t you even going to fight back?”

But although it had gone unnoticed by Tommy, Bulbasaur had been fighting back all along. The leech seed had been doing its job, keeping Bulbasaur healthy while slowly draining Charmander. Now, despite having been on the defensive for the entire battle, Bulbasaur was practically glowing with health, while Charmander was barely holding on. It took just one tackle for Charmander to be knocked out. They had won the battle.

At the risk of being a sore winner Teddy let out a cheer and dropped to the ground to embrace Bulbasaur. Tommy cursed as he recalled Charmander to its pokeball. He was disappointed about his loss for sure, but Teddy caught him smiling faintly at the pokeball before replacing it in his pocket.

“Good battle,” Teddy said genuinely as he stood back up, Bulbasaur still cradled in his arms. Tommy just shrugged.

“Whatever. Just don’t think you’ll beat me so easily next time.” But the words weren’t spoken maliciously. In fact, the challenge almost sounded like a friendly one. Almost. And before he’d even given Teddy a chance to respond he stalked off on the path toward Route 1.

That left Teddy alone with Billy, who was grinning happily at him. Teddy wasn’t sure why this boy he’d just met would be so happy to see him win a battle against his own brother, but he found he didn’t mind it one bit. He smiled back.

“Good job. It was about time someone took Tommy down a peg.”

Teddy realized that, for the whole morning they had spent together, it was the first time he had heard Billy speak. Somehow, it didn’t seem like a coincidence that it hadn’t happened until after the departure of his more boisterous twin.

“Thanks!” He replied, and he couldn’t help but smile a little wider. That was followed by an awkward silence settling between them. Billy had quickly taken to studying his shoes. Eventually, Teddy spoke up again, “Well, I’d better get going too, then. Good luck with…you know, everything.”

Billy looked back up at him and seemed to contemplate his response for a moment or two before settling on, “Uhh, yeah. You too.”

He looked like he might want to say more, but Teddy waited as seconds passed and nothing more was said. Finally, he gave a small wave and began to make his way. He wondered why it was so difficult to walk away from a boy he literally didn’t know when just hours before he had resolutely left home for an indefinite amount of time.

After on brief glance back at Billy, who was smiling at him once again, Teddy set off on his journey.

Bulbasaur ♀
Nature: Gentle

Squirtle ♂
Nature: Brave

Charmander ♂
Nature: Naughty

young avengers, fanfiction

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