Fic: Oh Little Ones (1/?)

Nov 15, 2010 20:49

Oh Little Ones
by Erin Griffin
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka/Helena, possible Claudia/Leena, but it isn't the main focus of the story
Rating: Up to PG-13 for swearing
Summary: When an accident happens in the Warehouse, turning Myka and Helena into children, Claudia has her own adventures in babysitting while attempting to keep an eye on the Warehouse...
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Syfy owns these characters and I'm sure this storyline has been done before...
Author's Note: I am not sure how exactly this happened, but I was trying to fall asleep, and suddenly I am thinking of this storyline. This story takes place right after Vendetta and When and Where, possibly up to the last few minutes of Buried, but obviously doesn't go with the Helena's evil bit.

Chapter 1 - Earthquake

"I... hate you, Artie, for getting to go to San Fransisco without taking me along," Claudia said as she flipped through the clipboard in her hand and put a checkmark to show that an artifact was still where it was meant to be.

"Claudia," Helena said somewhat sternly. Though even after two or three months as an agent she and Artie still didn't get along, she knew that Claudia's 'I hate Artie' rants had run their course.

"Okay okay, I'll stop."

Myka tried to be the voice of reason by saying, "You know why you couldn't go with him this time. Artie's friend had some... delicate collectors who have a very ancient, very powerful artifact that probably belongs in the Dark Sector. Even having Pete along was a risk, but he needed his intuition."

"Stupid Pete and his spidey senses," Claudia grumbled.

"When Artie gets back, I think I should ask for a raise. I didn't realize that my job description included babysitting," Myka teased, bumping hips with the young hacker and smirking at the look she got in responce.

"I'll stop," Claudia said again. She looked at her Shrek watch. "Wow, dudettes. It's already 8:30. We missed dinner. Leena's not gonna be happy."

With another smirk, Myka said, "I thought you were still mad at Leena." Myka didn't look at Helena, as she felt bad about saying this even as it came out of her mouth. She hadn't meant to bring the other aspect of it up again when she of all people knew that it was in the past.

Claudia shrugged. "You can only hold a grudge or take advantage of a guilty conscience for so long." She checked in two more items as she spoke so she wouldn't have to look at Myka. She cleared her throat. "We're not getting this done tonight, guys."

"Good thing Artie gave you until the weekend to get it finished," Helena said, searching the shelves with her eyes.

" 'Me?' What's with the 'you' stuff? As I recall, this task was deligated to all of us."

"You know, I think he gave it to us because we'll get it done. If it was Pete with you, nothing would get done because you'll be playing with the artifacts."

"That is so true," Claudia said almost solumnly even though there was a smirk on her face. "Still, I somehow think he planned this trip, knowing that there was a meteor shower in the same week as the full moon. With such natural phenomenon going on, the artifacts are probably jumpy as hell and a pain in the ass to keep track of." Claudia looked over the clipboard and then back at the shelves to see just where they were in the Warehouse. "How's about we split long enough to finish this section and call it a night?"

"Normally I'd disagree with you. We don't have a great track record of staying out of trouble when alone in the Warehouse," Myka said with a tired sigh.

"By 'we', you mean 'me'," Claudia added.

"Hello, you can call me Alice," Myka retorted.

"If you want, I can go with you," Helena offered Claudia.

"Despite popular belief, hombres, I can take care of things. On my own, I might add."

Myka held up her hands. "Okay, okay. Bygones," she said, quoting Ally McBeal. Despite the hacker's bad mood, the young woman smiled at this.

"Well, I know that I've always needed to walk Warehouse 12 with my partner because I had a habit of getting into trouble. Since Claudia doesn't want my company, I'll stay with you," Helena said, directing the last bit to Myka.

"Works for me. I don't really feel like getting trapped in a mirror. Meet up in the office hopefully no later than 9?" Myka asked, looking at her two companions. Both of them nodded. "Okay." Myka looked down at the unchecked items left in the section. "Okay," she said again, "Helena and I will take on rows 20-27, and you can do 17, 18 and 19, since it is just you."

"Got it. See you in a half an hour," Claudia said, turning towards the shelf to start working on row 17.

"Come on. We'll start at row 27 and make our way back towards Claudia. If we're quick enough, we can all walk to the office together since you're concerned with any one of us being alone in the Warehouse." Myka took a few steps, and Helena followed. When she'd caught up to the brunette, Helena hooked her arm with the other woman. This wasn't the first time even that day thay'd walked that way through the Warehouse. Myka was used to it now, and even enjoyed walking that way.

In row 27, Helena named off all of the artifacts in their places, while Myka checked them off. Together, they made really good time. "The gavelin's gone," Helena said simply.

"The one that tricks juries into believing the innocence of people, whether or not it is true?" Myka asked without looking up.

"Yeah. I remember that gavelin moved a lot in Warehouse 12. It was almost a game to see where it ended up, but it only ever made it to a shelf about four rows away. That was before it had been stolen from the Warehouse. We'd gone to every court house after a criminal had gone free to see if it was there."

"Yeah..." Myka thought about this. "It had been missing- or at least untracable for 90 or so year, but Artie had gotten susptious after the O.J. Simpson trial and found it again." Myka knew that Helena wouldn't know the case she was talking about, and she smiled to herself as she told herself to keep an eye on the gavelin. If it moved around a lot in Warehouse 12 but didn't go too far, then she was sure they would find it again in one of their 'assigned' rows. "I wish we knew who originally owned it. Knowing that would give us more clues about their personality and possibly lead us to where it may try to go when it moves around."

Helena nodded. She, too, made a mental note to keep an eye out for it. She unhooked her arm from Myka's, missing the contact with the other woman. She began to climb the step-ladder and look on the top shelf, calling down to the brunette the items that were there. "Oh! There's the gavelin," Helena said, reaching to the right to grab at it. Neither woman bothered to ask how it went from the bottom shelf to the top shelf. Artifcats had managed to move all over the Warehouse, especially during full or blue moons. Sometimes an artifact would randomly show up on Claudia's desk, but that was because the hacker played with the artifacts (depsite Artie's many lectures on the subject), and they seemed to really like her.

"Be careful, would you?" Myka said, bringing her left hand up to Helena's hip to steady her as she leaned even further to grab at the gavelin. Something fell from the shelf when Helena made another grab for the artifcat, and Myka winced at the noise it made. "Helena-" she said, pushing on the other woman's hip as she tried again. Myka was about to tell the Victorian woman to climb down the ladder and move it towards the artifact, when she saw the gavelin begin its own decent to the Warehouse floor.

There was a loud clack when it hit, and then the ground began to rumble beneath Myka's feet. Helena lost her balance and fell from the ladder. Myka caught her, but also lost her footing. The two women went down. The ground continued to quake. Myka's eyes widened suddenly from under Helena, and she moved quickly, rolling the two of them so that she was on top of the raven haired woman. Myka put her head down in the crook of Helena's neck as she used her arms to cover both of them. Though the feel of Myka's chest against her own was quite nice, breathing became a bit of an issue for Helena. She was about to tell the beautiful brunette this when she heard the sounds of cracking in wood before she felt the pressure on her whole body increase. There was a whimper from Myka as Helena realized that the shelf and whatever artifacts that were on it had fallen on top of them and that Myka had taken most of the impact. Helena tried to move, but found that she couldn't. The ground still moved beneath them, and she wasn't sure, but she thought she heard Claudia's voice right before it went black.


Claudia could hear her sister figures' voices as they worked together a few rows away. She smiled at Helena's eagerness to walk with Myka. If only Myka knew how much Helena was her puppy. Claudia hadn't seen it at first, but after an off comment that Pete had made, the hacker couldn't get the image out of her head. She was surprised by the knowledge that Myka would have probably said yes to anything that Helena wanted. It made her wonder why niether of them seemed to notice the other's feelings. It was kind of entertaining in the mean time, but the romantic that that had emerged after Todd wanted so desperately to help them along and play matchmaker. She didn't, but that didn't mean that the young woman didn't leave pumpkin-sized breadcrumbs.

Claudia heard the clack of something falling after Myka's 'Helena-!' The floor began to rumble under her, a shockwave that the hacker knew came from where Myka and Helena were. She moved on shakey legs as she tried to get to the other women. Artifacts fell off of the shelves, and though she inwardly groaned knowing that she would be the one who would clean it up later, she hurried her movements when she heard a shelf falling over. And then another. The ground gave one large jerk, which knocked the Claudia off of her feet. The wind left her lungs, and she choked. The floor stopped moving right after her body hit the ground.

Something forced Claudia to move again, even though she still couldn't breathe. She heard sniffling and a sound that didn't belong in the Warehouse: a child crying. Claudia counted five rows that had fallen shelves. She didn't know how many fallen artifcats those shelves may have held, but that wasn't important at that particular moment. She made it to row 27 as she finally managed a full gasp of air. What she saw made her breathless once again, as two shelves had fallen in that row. Claudia saw a small hand reach up from the debres of the wood and dust, and a small girl of maybe 6 years old climbed out of the entrapment she had been in. Her white blouse hung down over her, and it, as well as an oversized bra, were the only things that the girl was wearing. Claudia watched as the girl leaned down and reached for something. When she stood again, an even smaller hand was in the girl's and a brunette girl of about 3 or 4 made it to the top of the small hill of fallen artifacts. She, too, had a blouse that was way too big for her, only this girl had the collar drooping down her shoulder some. The younger of the two girls wiped her nose on the sleeve of the blouse. The raven haired, older girl dusted the younger one off as the brunette sniffled again, her eyes red.

"I am sorry," the older girl said.

"S'kay," came the raspy reply.

Claudia's eyes widened as she looked at the two little girls. She took a step or two closer, minding the fallen and sometimes broken artifacts. "Myka? Helena?" Both girls turned to look at her after they heard their names. "Oh no. This is bad," Claudia murmured to herself.

user: magicmumu, fan fic

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