Oct 21, 2010 20:49
Because I know I would never make this work, I have a fanfic request/prompt.
An NCIS/Warehouse 13 crossover where some time after H.G.'s imprisonment, ex/current Secret Service Agent Myka Bering runs into ICE Agent Julia Foster-Yates. It can be in the middle of a hunt for an artifact (Myka left the Warehouse and came back, Myka never left the Warehouse), or just running into her in her life post-Warehouse - I leave it up to you. This meeting would obviously spark emotions (any kind you like), but would ultimately end up with H.G. and Myka together, in some capacity. How that happens, if that happens, again, up to you (should involve some level of H.G./Myka femslash, though). Extra points if Jules ends up being related to H.G. in some way (great-grand-niece?).
Anyway, I just thought I'd put it out there. Of course, prompts are fluid - run with this any way you want.
Hopefully someone'll pick this up!
user: purrpickle,