special challenge time ;)
~You can participate only if you've signed-up
HERE before 1st round voting
~I allow 1st round skipping, but i'd quite appreciate if you won't do it. Remember about quantity of your skips. If you used them all you'll be disqualified
~I accept any kinds of effects except animation. Plain cropping isn't allowed as well
~Each round i give you several quantity of images. You are expected to make one (1) icon, if the round doesn't have special rules. Blend is accepted. You can use only images provided.
~Of course, your icon shoud fit LJ standarts (100x100 pxs, 40 Kb)
~All icons should be new, made especially for this contest and anomymos. You can share your contest icon only after round results.
~Submit your icons like this: icon+link. Comments're screened.
~Deadline: 26.12.09 (26 Dec. 2009), 18:00 GMT
You can use any picture of Leighton you want (pics we already had in this lims before are allowed as well), but your task is to create an icon which'd be a close up.
So, examples:
nadya149 |
wecrash |
lidia_elf |
outofwave |
la_inspiracion have fun!
galleries that may help:
link 1link 2link 3link 4(0/8)
Good luck ^^