Soo I might have somewhat disappeared but not really. I REAAALLY wanted to keep playing my Wiseman legacy out, it was only the second generation, and I was still really into them (all the kids were turning out really cute by the way) but for some reason they were getting way too weird and laggy and just ugh. They were seriously unplayable anymore. I thought it might have been a mod I added so I got rid of it and cleared all the caches and all of that and still had the problem. Like it was to the point that it would freeze every few seconds and every time i'd have to wait baout a minute for it to unfreeze. So annoying. I really didn't want to abandon them. But I was forced too. I went through and did some maintenance on my computer to make it run better in general, got rid of some unused CC on my game, did everything to it that I possibly could to make it run better, and now here we are. And I'm NOT abandoning this family. At least I'm going to do my best not to as long as the game cooperates, we're good.
So here I bring you a brand new legacy and in this update we'll meet the founder and a few possible spouses for him.
We'll start things off with a house tour. This is his little shack of a house. (yes i missed a spot with the wallpaper there and he didn't have money after I finished to fix it LOL)
part of his living room/kitchen. Yeah all he could afford. lol the house is nothing special at all.
Now we'll meet our founder. This is Atticus Wynn
Atticus is a Libra and enjoys make up and red hair in a partner, though he's not a fan of them being vampires.
He's a Pleasure/grilled cheese sim
Neat/Sloppy - 0
Shy/Outgoing - 7
Lazy/Active - 3
Serious/playful - 5
Grouchy/Nice - 10
And his OTH is arts and crafts.
His lifetime want. We'll see how that goes. It probably won't get fulfilled at all. But we'll attempt it.
And he took a job as a slacker. ( i wish that was a real career in real life, for real.)
After this because he had time to kill and nothing at all to do at the house. (No money sucks) He headed out to see what he could get into around town
He met this guy. His name is Danger
He also met this guy. His name is Aiden. He didn't get along too well with Aiden
Watching is much more fun than being the one to fall out of that thing. I agree Atticus.
He spent some time on the bubble blower with my Adam Lambert sim as well.
Lol Danger that face.
I think the dj might be on her way to a wedding after shes done there? Otherwise... that veil.. what
I leave your sloppy ass alone for ten seconds. Really? Get a cup!
I suppose he must have found on the ground along the way there or back because um... he didn't buy that. He doesn't even have enough money to buy it.
I thought he needed to fix that whole only have $40 to his name problem so I had him dig for treasure. Not like he had anything better to do.
That plan failed..
The second attempt was a much better adventure
He's so cuuuute
He was tinkering with the shower. He needed to gain some sort of skill some how and since he can't afford to waste money on silly things right now..
Good job, Atti, You broke it.
Apparently he didn't care about breaking the shower. Making friends is more important. I can't say I don't agree. He still needs to find a spouse.
He bought a counter and stove with the money he got from that vase. He's pretty happy that he can now make grilled cheese.
Perfect on the first try! (Is this some sort of advantage to having the grilled cheese aspiration? Making perfect grilled cheeses everytime? Cause he fails at making anything else)
I sent him to hunt for bugs because he still has nothing else to do for fun.
He didn't think hunting for bugs was so much fun though since he got chased by bees. The hunter became the hunted?
He looks way too happy about digging in the trash though. Silly slob sims. (He did find $6 in there though.)
Well.. when theres nothing else to do for fun, just play in the rain.
That's all he eats. ALL. HE. EATS.
Promotion! LOL Atti looks so disappointed by it. I think he liked being a golf caddy.
He does this everytime he takes a shower. EVERY. TIME. the entire floor fills with water. THen he complains about being in a dirty room. Sucks to be you, Atti.
Then Danger called to invite him out just as I was about to have Atti call Danger, so he apparently has perfect timing and because Atti could use the time out, I let him go.
And that's where we're leaving it for now. So until next time \\//