From posting up the first plan, many had offered alot of advice and feedback (Thank you!), so I redrafted the plan to the following:
Arashi 2012 Concert Plan Revised:
Entitled: The Nino Fund Version 2
Subtitle: Saving Extra Is A Good Thing!
Date Drafted: 15/2/2011
Please refer here for Draft 1 Note: The plan is based on 100 Yen: RM 3.70
Concert Ticket:
300,000 Yen (Through Auction Sites - Worst case scenario) = RM 11,100.00
Flight Ticket:
Two way to Tokyo (One month booking on MAS - Worst case scenario) = RM 6,000.00
Hotel Stay, Concert Goods, Food, Transport, etc = RM 3,000.00
New Total: RM 20,100.00
Balance to save after 2 months: RM 18,970.00
Divide by 18 months = RM 1,053.89
= RM 1,054.00
RM 1054.
1054. The golden number.
Nothing to do but buck up and reach that number! =D