Title: Cooling Down
Pairing: Oshitari/Atobe
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which there is potential skinny dipping (the key word being "potential").
Author's Note: I wrote most of this last Sunday (when it rained<3), but heaven forbid I ever finish a fic in one day. :p I got stuck writing the kissing scene (er, again); I guess my boys just don't like
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Comments 6
but at least O shi is seme
don't you owe me some story too? >3<
(btw, Cactus fest is 3rd weekend of August;
is the photoshoot this Saturday still happening? ;_;
let's all go ne~)
nope~ remember, you said we're even for *that* drabble. XP
ooh, i'm in for the cactus fest :D , but i don't think i'll be going to the photoshoot :\ (and yep, it's still happening. someone posted a link to more info, but i can't remember where).
oops, didn't think of that -- perhaps oshitari is nimble enough to pull it off (er, no pun intended ^^;;)?
Very sexy and very nice. ♥
thanks very much! ^__^
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