she's not broken

Jun 06, 2010 21:33

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I just got really unreasonably excited.

(Also, the nun-face-thing is creeping me out.)

queen gaga

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Comments 13

mammothluv June 6 2010, 13:42:53 UTC
I'm so freaking excited! Alejandro is my favorite Fame Monster song so I'm all asquee that it's a single and video. And from the preview it looks AMAZING! Tell me about the nun face thing, though! Gaga Daily has that as their user pic on twitter and it's all over my twitter feed freaking me the hell out.


meelsie_love78 June 7 2010, 00:51:03 UTC
As far as we stans have figured out, the storyline of the video is something like she's in love with all her best gay boyfriends, who for obvious reasons can't love her back, so she dies a creepy nun. Apparently. All of that will probably turn out to be completely wrong, of course. But yeah, the nun face thing is everywhere. I'm half-tempted to icon it myself but I think I'd just creep myself out more.

And, to get into the spirit of things:

... )


mammothluv June 7 2010, 01:05:29 UTC
Poor Don was so looking forward to seeing Alejandro in a timely fashion. You really can't blame him for allowing the disappointment to get the better of his rage issues.


meelsie_love78 June 7 2010, 01:25:28 UTC
It was bad enough with Telephone, this is just the very final straw. If the video isn't out by Tuesday, Don's going postal. Poor darling.


angel_2606 June 6 2010, 22:43:11 UTC
*grins* oh you should have been here when I first saw that clip, babe! I literally freaked the hell out, ngl. My first thought was "OMFG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS!" My next thought: "I wonder if Amelia has seen this because she will flip."

Meh, nothing wrong with the nun-face-thing creeping you out.

And okay, WHY did you have to get me addicted to WHO?!?!? GAH, I just watched the episode Vincent and The Doctor and it seems like every time I see an episode of Who with the new Doctor, I tear up like, every time and it's driving me bloody nuts woman!!!


meelsie_love78 June 7 2010, 08:59:09 UTC
It just looks SO INCREDIBLY AMAZING! I love how it feels like early 90's Madonna - all the black and white and the intensity. And I really hope someone does a remix with the backwards thing they've done in this preview - it sounds so good!

*plugs ears* lalalala, I haven't gotten around to watching 'Vincent and the Doctor' yet. I think I'm more than a little bit scared that I'm going to bawl my eyes out... If I do, it'll mean that I've cried during three of the past four eps. Frack.


angel_2606 June 7 2010, 12:23:58 UTC
It really does! It looks fantabulous and I'm extremely stoked to see it! I'm adoring the black and white in it right now. *grins*

LMAO! Oops, sorry bb! My mistake. I didn't know that you hadn't yet gotten around to seeing it. *blushes and huggles you* It's okay to cry, dearest. I'm here if you do. *hands over tissues* And you have cried during two of the past three episodes so far too?! *gulps* But why though?? I mean, like, I know why I HAVE cried, but why have you? That sounds a bit weird, I know, lol. I've just wanted to hug the Doctor every time because my poor little heart just breaks for him.


meelsie_love78 June 8 2010, 08:32:54 UTC
It's no problem, babe, I don't really mind getting spoiled for stand-alone eps. Anyway, you didn't actually spoil me, so it's all good! I still haven't watched it; I've got it sitting on my iPod ready to go but for some reason I'm not in the right headspace at the moment. Who has been so emotionally draining recently (not that it isn't always).

I'll tell you why and when I cried. I cried during 'Amy's Choice', because I was just gutted by the way Amy realised in that split second that Rory was the one who had stood by her and loved her and everything, all along, and she'd treated him pretty poorly in return. Rory is nothing but a good guy, and she'd spent her whole life trying to run away, to escape having any sort of responsibilities, including their relationship. Now, I really cried at that part. I bawled my eyes out like a total nutter. I think it's because I see so much of myself in Amy - she's really a neglected, lonely child who can't handle the idea of growing up - and seeing her have that massive revelation about the one ( ... )


mlo1114 June 6 2010, 23:11:24 UTC
FCK I'm not even such a big fan of Lady G but OMG that looked kinda cool!! I love the whole Alejandro feeling, she makes it sound so sexy... I almost don't want it to be my dad's name and only my BF's name!!!

ps it's been a while since we talked, I hoped you've been doing fine, I've been having lots of computer issues (I HATE DELL!) and well in between that and school, my life couldn't be messier... but HOW EPIC was House's season finale??!! I believe you ought to do a recap from THAT episode...



meelsie_love78 June 7 2010, 09:02:30 UTC
Oooh, that is a bit awkward! I don't know anyone IRL who is named Alejandro, thankfully. And you so should be a fan of Gaga, she's amazing!

Eww, computer issues are the absolute worst, I've had a few of my own recently, but all seems okay right now *crosses fingers*.

I wouldn't even know where to begin on a recap for the last House! Actually, I'd really like to do one for 'Baggage' first, because I thought that ep was brilliant/. Maybe then I could tackle doing something for that ending!


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