The Apprentice - plunny thanks to usual!

Jan 27, 2017 00:28

'So young man' Buster looked over his large glossy desk eyeing the young hopeful before him.  The boy looked very young in his smart suit, his serious face painfully earnest. 'What makes you think you're suited to this job?'

The applicants face screwed up into the cutest little moue as he tried out the words,visibly considering the best answer.  At this rate Buster was going to loose his reputation as hard-hearted business mogul who made mouse-meat out of anyone to cross him.  The young man was adorable.

'Because I'm the best' was declared proudly 'the bestest, fiercest, greatest paper shredder ever' each adjective got a determined nod.  Then, Buster made a show of checking the paperwork, all neatly filled in careful print, Alexis Archibald Felix the third puffed out his chest and poofed to cat form.  It was a difficult task persuading any familiar that turning into a cat did not win them every argument.  That soft fur and a haughty glance did not make a creature right.  Just much, much harder to argue with!

'I is fiere' the kitten stalked along the edge of the big desk making his fiercest face then raised a paw slowly revealing pin sharp claws. 'Grrrr' teeth glistened, claws whipped through the air.
Charmed Buster jerked back 'Very fierce' he agreed, glad his cometitors couln't see him now.  Not to give up all credibility he drew a hard line 'Temporary.  You get a days trial.  Watch you do a good job Mr Felix'
'Purrrrrfect' the kitten leapt off the desk.  Buster couldn't control the impulse to rush and check on him, but he landed safely on his paws and padded out the door tail waving behind him.  With a laugh at himself Buster sat back in his chair and placed a call to his secetary.

'We have a new employee Sheila, you know familiars, keep an eye on him for me?'
'Yes boss' the indominable woman chuckled.  She'd seen right through him at her interview too; telling him exactly how things were going to be, he'd not the spirit to argue.  Course the woman was married to a familiar and had two broods of her own as well as several adoptees, nothing phased her; one little paper shredder wasn't going to daunt her in the least.  'I'll keep him busy'

The day passed before Buster knew it.  Mug grown chilly at his elbow and mountains of paperwork shifted.  His phone rarely stopped and electronic informations zipped along the infobahn.  He saw little of his new emplyee though Sheila brought the occasional update with fresh files and stagnant coffee.  The last few trips brought an amused smile.

Exitting his office Buster checked the ledge behind Sheila's desk.  There was a creditable pile of shredded paper, a shredded kitchen roll, and a large stack of pristine sheets.  In the middle of it all stretched out on his back over a cushion was the kitten purring snores ruffling the nearest sheets.

'I belive we over-worked him sir' Sheila kept her voice hushed.  Buster stepped nearer to better take in the state of utter furry abandon.  The kitten didn't stir.  When Buster tickled a soft fluffy tum with a finger there was a deep purr and the kitten snuggled a little but refused to wake up.
'Useless' Buster opinioned, but his tone was fond.

'Who are you calling useless?' A sharp voice hissed from the doorway causing both Buster and Sheila to spin around.  A tall man scowled at them; smartly suited, though his tie had gone astray he was an older version of Alexis.  Just as cute.  When he screwed his face up to glare he was just as adorable.

'Mr Boo Archibald Felix'

Mr Felix was not to be distracted 'My son is not useless' he dared them to argue, striding forward to coo at his sleeping offspring.  Alexis woke with a start and looked a little guilty before spotting his father 'Dadda' he greeted 'I worked ever so hard, I shredded all the papers, all of them grrr, grrr' claws whipped the air almost catching his dadda's nose.

'Oh you'e the bestest, fiercest, greatest paper shredder ever' his father scooped him up swinging him high 'my wonderful most bestest son'
'Only son dadda'
'Well yes, at the moment...' his eyes went to Buster who took a moment to process.  Secret appointment, short notice, mind Alexis....'you're?'
'I wanted to be sure before I said anything' the damn man gave his best sphinxy face and if Buster wasn't careful he'd be in a staring contest with too haughty felines who knew exactly how to play him.
'Boo we're?'
'Yes' Boo stared back definantly, Buster could almost see a paw being raised to groom.  It was obvious where Alexis got his expressions from.

This wasn't planned.  But there were several lustful interludes that could be to blame.  The early morning surprise wake-up incident, that had been memorable they both been late to work that day.  But smiling.  The extended lunch break at, over, and under his big glossy desk.  Buster had lost a fancy ink well to that, but the new one made him smile.  The evening when Alexis fell asleep early and they'd managed to be really really quiet, or at least quiet enough not to wake him.  The interrupted incident when they'd not managed to be quiet enough and had woken him.

Grinning Buster stopped thinking of the when and grabbed both his familiars close.  Alexis purred and rubbed his ears against his chin 'I was the bestest daddy, wasn't I?  Tell dadda I bestest' 'The very bestest' Buster kissed his sleepy kitten, imagining more little familiars following him around, staring at him with their dadda's eyes and... he groaned.

Somewhere Sheila laughed 'You'll never win an arguement ever again' she sang 'Congratulations both, I'll leave you to it'  Buster had his arms full and his heart was to full to tell her she had over an hour to go yet.
'Purfect' he whispered soundly kissing his husband 'purfect'

fic: wizardly kittens - alexis - complet

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