(no subject)

Aug 12, 2010 00:46

The third Fishy Tale is complete :) Thanks to the lovely Charischarisstoma  the first part has had a bit of an edit and is posted here followed by the remanider for ease.

Title : Breathing Love - Part One (see I even named it? Go me!)
Wordcount : 2796
Plot : Pearl gets a harem of his own
World : Mermen

Their father was determined and could not be reasoned with.  The only lenience had been a month on land then a month long tour of the ocean.  He’d failed to bond with any.  The king had looked torn when he’d summoned Pearl to his presence the second time.

‘Son.  It’s a tradition, an honour’ the king sighed  ‘You work far too hard and I want this for you’
‘But father..’
‘No Pearl you’ve had two months I’ve made my decision.  Carral has links still and can be discreet.  You will go from here to the greeting court by light fade and I look forward to introductions at the gala a week hence’
‘Yes, Your Majesty’
‘Don’t be like that my son, this is not a punishment.  You’re well aware I have your happiness to heart’
‘I know father.  Will I have to choose?’
‘No son.  No, I had a quiet word with Carral and we decided that wasn’t for the best’  His father the king gave him a tired smile and Pearl used his relief at that small reprieve to twist his lips into a weak facade of good spirit.  It didn’t fool and his mother who brushed kind fingers through his hair as he passed.

Escaping for the time before his ordeal Pearl let the currents take him, washing up in the place where he often fled.  A large clam shell in the depths, at the very outer reaches of their kingdom.  This was his most secret place.

Running his fingers along the ragged lip of the shell Pearl caressed the opening, swimming through the small mouth that opened and then up and up until the water grew thin and air filled his lungs.  He crouched over choking as his gills sealed and fought the initial panic at the change.  Nose and mouth cleared and his tail split into two legs, a sharp pain leaving painted skin were scales had been.  Walking took practice and he’d yet to fully perfect it.  Crawling a few paces before standing, then staggering, as ungainly as a fresh born babe.

The lands above had been a harsh experience but here in the depths the pressure of legions of water above him was soothing to his senses, held at bay by a power far greater than their kingdom controlled.  There were clothes ready for him, soft brief scraps of cloth that protected the dignity of his new shape when draped about his hips.

‘Escaping my Prince?’ an amused voice hissed from way above his head ‘Rumour has you at the greeting court being bond to life mates.  Rumour must be wrong’
Rumour, a perky coral fish, was never wrong and passed news to all kingdom corners.

‘I have time yet Crestal.’  Crestal hummed, lowering to greet Pearl on a level, swimming through air as easily as Pearl and his kin raced through the ocean.  No great feat for a fabled Sea Dragon.

Crestal could always tell his mood, today though he considered Pearl for a long time without comment, the two of them standing quiet in their hidden shelter.

‘You’re not happy little Merman’
‘No’ Talking through air sounded different to voices carried through water, but neither medium could disguise his quiet despair.
‘Harems are esteemed amongst your people, an honoured tradition for your royalty’
‘But Crestal what would I do with a Harem’
‘I imagine instinct teaches much’  Pearl looked for amusement but Crestal spoke gently an unexpected tint of sadness to his features.

Forever the understanding.  The thought of never visiting his friend again tore through Pearl a worse agony than any imaginings of what lay ahead.
‘Crestal, will you still have me visit?’
‘My Pearlescent you are welcome here for as long as you wish to be’
‘Your brothers keep their concubines close as is necessary to them, if your wishes are different then so it shall be.  They swear to your pleasures young prince of mine, is it so impossible that you should swear to theirs?’
‘I…  Crestal I’m not good with people, I’m better with distance and written words’

‘An innocent’ Crestal sighed the words, not asking them but with  neutral observation.  Pearl still flushed to feel the weight of such wisdom upon him, he could not tell what Crestal thought but trusted him to not mock.
‘I don’t know anything of them, species or even how many’
‘Carral spoke with me of that’
‘Males’ Pearl nodded then started when he realised that that too wasn’t a question.  Crestal gave his best enigmatic smile, the corners of his jaw curving and the barest hint of sharp curving teeth.
‘Come let us rest and refresh’

They went together further into the shell base, glowing algae lighting the space around them.  A treasure trove of sunken books and odd rescued artefacts layered the room.  Pearl was driven to touch, to pat a favourite text and run fingers down a swath of silken cloth.  The place had always drawn him in, as his host here always welcomed, a balm when kingdom society overwhelmed the shy prince.

Crestal swam at his side a sinuous serpent of iridescent scales.  Sharp cutting bone lined his spine, coloured tendrils framed his head.  His sharp toothed muzzle could be ferocious and spread fear in people.  To Pearl though the dragon was simply Crestal.  Crestal, the unknown creature that battered by a storm had been flung to ground.  Falling deep into the ocean, swallowed by the Lady Sea in a barrage of uprooted trees and copious sailing debris.

Pearl sent to locate his twin brothers had been caught on the outskirts of the kingdom not far in fact to where Crestal’s home was now placed.  Sinking deep to avoid the swarming waters Pearl had avoided the wooden missiles and caught glimpse of rich Emerald scale.  Unconscious Crestal had been unresisting to Pearl’s aid and it had taken several days care for Pearl to discover him even capable of speech.

His family had been alarmed and scolding when he returned to them, not easily appeased by tales of the mythical sea dragon until they had opportune to meet him themselves.  Saffir the oldest brother had located the twin spawn, circling in the surging waters above scarce safe from tangled nets.  The distraction of Pearl’s find alleviating their stern reprimands.

Crestal remained Pearls find.  A solitary creature his visits to the court were rare, occasional passings more his ilka.  Pearl continued to visit, had seen the appearance of the shell and thrilled in it’s many treasures.  Clothes had appeared for him as soon as Crestal had decided this to be partly an air breath zone, though the very centre of the shell was a large crystal pool that Pearl could ease into and bathe his tail whilst reading dry text and sampling delights of above.

‘You’ve made changes Crestal’ Pearl searched around him in fascination unable to ascertain the purpose for the change.
‘Soon, I’m flooding the shell’
‘But your books?’ Books appeared by trunk loads as soon as Crestal and scented a shared interest in the scribed word.  Loosing them would be loosing Crestal.  A loss of sanctuary.
‘Not here, the other areas.  I thought to connect your pool in a small lagoon that you are spared the pain of changing should wish it’
‘For me?’
‘For you my Pearlescent one’

He’d miss being the dragon’s Pearlescent, treated as tenderly as the treasures he hoarded.  Looking about Pearl could see were shelving and stacks had been raised to avoid waters, the flooding would give him access to all rooms and freedom to move in this main chamber without the ungainly limbs to operate.  It meant Crestal wished continued visits.

‘I know’  Time moved too swift and the court with his harem awaited. 
‘I will be here, waiting for you my Pearl’

‘Farewell Crestal’ He let his eyes soak in the image of his friend before sinking down into the waters, the answering words lost as his gills re-opened and he was sucked down and through to the greater seas to his future.

It was a walk of shame.  Embarrassing.  Pearl despaired at his own pitiable nature.  Ready the plank and jet the flotsam.

Pearl hated being centre of attention.  The middle of the kings sons he was largely left alone.  Content in his private havens he did much of the routine work for the kingdom, firing off missives and tending the archives.  The younger twins kept the people entertained and charmed while his older brother Saffir first in line to the throne helped their father rule.  Taking on increased responsibility since their father’s brief incapacity.  Though why his father had wanted to wrestle a Champion Shark from the deep continued to bemuse him.

All his brothers had harems.  Saffir’s more recent but no less devote.  It was still novel to see his serious brother smile with delight and lower a sudden kiss to an upturned face.  It would be nice to feel such bonds, be so tied to another.  Protect them from harm and have them to tend to your own pleasures.  Pearl scoffed.  He was a glorified librarian of the Lady Sea.  He was not formed to protect any and too subdued a creature to charm a following.  An expectant face upturned to his held the fear for him that fierce dragons lacked.

The outskirts of a crowd held more fascination than the central circle.  Here he was the primary entertainment.  Family and familiar faces lined the way to the raised shell of a throne.  Pearl knew in his reasoning mind that most were here with good intention, celebrating the event and wishing him future joy.  For reasons beyond his understanding he appeared well thought of in the kingdom and many beings made point to greet him.  In his heart there was only horror; crowds gathering to jeer at his ineptness.  There was whispering and curiosity on the edge of his hearing.  He feared applicants turning away in boredom or worse remaining out of pity.  A life time of observing pity poorly veiled.

A sharp shocked gasp drew his eyes to were his younger brothers were perched with their shared harem.  Leland the human sat cross legged between the Selkie’s open knees.  Head bent over a pretty shell with a secret smile, bud Roses blooming in his cheeks.  The twins were strangely for them silent, faces frozen in polite smiles as they bracketed the Selkie, tails curving to touch their human concubine.  Meeting Salim’s deep placid gaze was a mistake.  The knowledge there was unnerving and Pearl noticed that Salim’s arms circled the brothers, hands well out of sight.  Pearl hurried on.

Saffir sat on the throne his harem beside him.  Moonstar a precious fae sat close his wings fanning lazily behind him the momentum lulling a doze, head tucked safe under Saffir’s neck.  His other concubine Carral sat upright at his other side.  A gentle smile caressed his mouth as he looked on at the fae, tight entwined tails betraying his own link with the prince.  Pearl knew Carral was present in an official capacity, aside from his typical presence at his prince’s side.

‘Pearl, we’d began to despair of your company’ the reproof was gentle and Saffir looked on him kindly.  Carral bit his lip, the responsibility of selection had largely fallen to him.
‘I wish well for you Pearl’
‘My love you have done my brother proud.  Indeed looking at the fine wonder of my own harem I can only commend your many abilities’  Pearl gave his brother a sharp look that was ignored as he bestowed a kiss on his concubine, a low giggle proving Moonstar now awake.

Saffir left the throne to near his brother and greet him out of general hearing.
‘Fear not my brother, we felt a public display would be a burden to you, novelty brought all these forth to watch.  We’ll convene behind the daises.  Stay with Moonstar there and Carral and I shall gather your applicants’

Pearl obeyed mutely, aware his brother concubine was in place to ensure his compliance but glad it was gentle Moonstar who’d wait with him.

Moonstar perched on a table the swing of his slender legs causing a light current.  His wings were still stretched behind him to create a personal backdrop.
‘yes’ Moonstar was likely the only person in the kingdom who spoke quieter than him.
‘Do you ever regret your bond’
‘No’ he didn’t have to raise his voice for the shock to fill the room.  His devotion was clear.
‘Saffir loves you, I know the bond is strong’ Pearl quickly re-stepped cursing his clumsy wording ‘It’s just, well.. Saffir and Carral love you?’
‘Yes’ the pretty smile returned.
‘And Saffir and Carral love each other?’
‘yes, oh yes, they do’ The smile went dreamy and his eyes warmed, Pearl was sure even the colour in the fae’s wings brightened.
‘That never bothers you?  You never feel ..awkward?’
 ‘I love Saffir and Carral’

Moonstar jumped down and walked over to him a hesitant hand touching his.
‘You’ll see Pearl.  Trust my Carra’ He could see why his brother and Carral were bewitched by that smile.  It shone with Saffir’s return.

‘Carral will present them to you Pearl, do you wish Moonstar and I to leave?’
‘Relax brother this should not be an ordeal’
‘I was nervous when I was in line’
‘Were you my sweet?  But you could only have been selected’  Moonstar fitted under Saffir’s arm, his rightful place, and the two moved to the edge of the room.  It had gotten they each looked naked without the others.

‘Saffir, how many?’
‘Three’ Carral entered the room his company still out of sight ‘Two I introduce here and on special request a third awaits you elsewhere’
‘Three!’ He’d hoped for one!  Saffir, the eldest claimed two and twins harem was a shared duo.
‘Two were my main selections, the third.  The third you’ll understand on greeting’

‘You’ll not be disappointed brother’
‘I was careful in my selections Pearl’

Carral moved that the selected applicants could enter.

Tentacles were the first thing his startled mind registered.  Tentacles accompanied by a confident grin.  Purple eyes considered him and lips were licked.  No words were spoken though a glance said plenty.  This could not possibly be an applicant for him Peark.

The second figure to enter the chamber caused a second blink.  Skin the burnt red of rich clay, hair shorn close to his scalp fantastic designs were cut into the thick tight curls remaining.  A Coral Dweller or Sea Sprite.  Limbed like a human with fine webbed appendages, thick muscles corded the slight form.  His perusal was serious giving no clue to his thoughts.

‘Will you swear to them Pearl?’  Mesmerized by the ever winding tentacles Pearl had missed the introductions.  He sent his brother a beseeching look and heard the sigh he tried to suppress.  These two had poise, confidence and beauty in their very fibre, a third was bold enough to request presentation elsewhere.  An unheard of happening that was permitted.  For Pearl to promise protection to these was an insult to their nature.  He wished he knew what Carral had been thinking, the Mer’s soft questions and steady looks had not prepared him for these.

‘Pearl, Ocitaviar and Cnidaria are honoured to be select, it is for you to finalise selections’

Pearl turned back to the men in time to see Cnidaria smacking away a wandering tentacle a short self made spear to hand while Ocitaviar nursed another tentacle bringing the offending limb to his mouth where his lips were smeared with traces of navy ink.  He did not look repentant.

‘Perhaps?’ Corral got approval from his own prince ‘Perhaps we should leave you to bond?  Your father wished a ceremony for your oaths but they can be formalised at the gala’
Ocitaviar was approaching before the lovers left the room.

‘You think I chose right for him Saffir?’
‘You did splendid my Carra’
‘’He’s shy, love will be good for him’ Both his lovers gifted kisses until Moonstar giggled squirming away ‘Ocitaviar seemed, highly pleased’
‘Indeed.  He was quite gleeful to hear of a brother to Saffir petitioning a harem.  When I explained my selecting due to his somewhat timidity I believe he stilled for a good hour’
‘Ocitaviar? Still?’
Laughter halted the conferral.

‘No regrets Saffir?  He was one of your select line up’
‘Hardly, my selections were the finest choices’ He sunk down so the pleased kisses had ease hitting target ‘Ocitaviar should do much for his.. reservation’
The three contemplated the closed chamber for a long time then of an accord left to their own room.

No one mentioned the third unmet applicant.

Then on to the second part for the SMUT factor.

Title : Breathing Love - Part two
Wordcount : 2573
Plot : A harem gets a Pearl of their own
Warnings : SMUT

Pearl stared aghast as his brother and concubine left, abandoning him to his harem.  He cleared his throat and shifted in place.  Ocitaviar’s approach was slow, a full predator smile owning his features as he stalked up to Pearl.  Circled him.  Pearl was examined from the tips of the seaweed green hair on his head to the fine fins that graced his tail.  Nothing was missed.  Ocitaviar took everything in, smirk growing hot and eyes softening to mauve.  The study was drawn out, Pearl squirming under the speaking gaze until with a deliberate licking of lips Ocitaviar pounced.  Strong arms embraced him and a mass of tentacles sucking him in and trapping him tight so lips could meet his in an onslaught.  Pearl had been kissed before but never with such intensity.

Gills went into overdrive filtering oxygen from the heating sea to air for his parched lungs, the clever mouth moving from his lips to his neck, tickling sensitive skin and teasing at the gills themselves.  Flicking the delicate filament and delving the folds to leave him breathless.  Arms supported him as tentacles poked and prodded about his person seemingly independent in their wants.

The Coral-dweller Cnidaria stood over him when he managed to unglue his eyes and Pearl started at his nearness, surprised by the resolve showing in his posture.  The webbed hand felt strange sliding over his arm, not unpleasant.  Pearl braved a glance and flinched away from the extent of the focus he was subjected to.  Cnidaria froze in place.  A flicker of expression skittered over his face to fast to interpret.  Then he moved away, returning to the furthest reach of the chamber.  First to speak, Cnidaria gave an angry mutter, dialect the harsh clicks and snarls of his people.

Pearl felt lost.  His body was humming under Ocitaviar’s ministrations, unfamiliar desire waking neglected nerve ends.  He blinked at Cnidaria wishing he could understand the words, fearing he had done something wrong and knowing only that the sprite was displeased.  Ocitaviar stopped sucking Pearl’s neck long enough to mutter something back, segregating Pearl further.  He fought free of his capture, two tentacles replacing each one he removed so he was soon further entangled than ever and had to cease his struggles.

‘I, I don’t.  You can understand him?’
Cnidaria growled at them and Ocitaviar rolled his eyes for Pearl responding with wild chatter, free tentacles waving around.  Pearl heard a faeling slur, verse of spawn’s rhyme and a woof or two in the mix.  Not understanding the language was not going to hold Ocitaviar from answering.

Loosing patience Cnidaria used his spear to direct them out of the chamber.  A pointed stone hewn to a sharp cutting edge, tethered to a sea worn wooden handle.  Very effective.  Pearl had seen the damage that could be inflicted with such a weapon in skilled hands.  His brief stay at the reef impressing him at the speed and dexterity with which the people hunted their prey.  Proud fierce people, both genders carried weapons.  Their short stocky build disguised great agility and cunning as they sped about the reef.

Pearl was an insult to him.  That Cnidaria, whose designs on his head and marks framing his face, declared to be of highest acclaim amongst his people, was a harem applicant at all was unusual.  That he be selected for and not by Pearl unheard of.  Sworn to royalty, allegiance to the greater reef would strengthen, but Pearl compared poorly to his brothers.  Guilt and shame overtook him deadening his senses to the enthused touch of Ocitaviar.

‘I’m sorry.  We don‘t have to bond.  I’ll, I’ll explain to my father’ Cnidaria’s glower intensified.
‘I think we’d best follow him, my prince’  Ocitaviar was scowling at the waving spear, sending a sulky look at Pearl ‘Stubborn species, we’ll need to tame him’ Pearl sucked in his bottom lip, worrying it with his teeth.  Eyes watched the move.

He’d not forgotten the third applicant but couldn’t face further scorn so soon.  Looking around as they left the enclosure Pearl saw the party continued in the greeting court.  People celebrating life, celebrating his union with the others, not knowing how he was being spurned.

Cnidaria hated him and Ocitaviar would soon bore of his ineptitude.  Pearl backed up when Cnidaria spun checking their progress, crimson eyes blazed emotion, lighting their path and Pearl dodged the blade, hitting hard against Ocitaviar a mess of tentacles bouncing to cushion his momentum then arms circling to hold.  Ocitaviar clung to his back, body pressed close against him.  There’d be no escape.  They continued on like that in spurts and ebbs from the propelling limbs, the movements a strange soothing rhythm.  Cnidaria continued to thrust his spear and chatter so Pearl used his tail in the lulls, carrying them faster to the confrontation.  Ocitaviar nipping affectionately at his neck as they swam.  Closing his eyes he allowed the Octa-man and Sprite to lead him by rote, anticipation bad enough without analysing the area they swam

Pearl felt the changes in the current and water quality signalling the entrance to the depths and thought longingly of his friend Crestal.  Of a companionable night reading or playing old human board games.  He startled when they stopped, his tails flex being caught by steadying tentacles that snaked around him.  He’d been touched more since meeting Ocitaviar than in his whole life before.

Opening his eyes reluctantly Pearl was shocked to view a comfortable bed chamber, familiar rose gloss shell forming the ceiling and deep sea algae providing a dim comfortable light with it‘s natural glow.

Crestal stood before them in his more human guise.  Legs and arms long, corded with wiry muscle, he stood tall for a human.  Tail a thick appendage, still present and fascinating as it fanned a lazy trail in the soft sands behind him.  Muzzle gone, his razor teeth still gleamed from his smile.  The more benign form not hiding his true self nor the danger inherent in him.

‘I mislead you my Pearlescent, but I could not tell you sooner’
‘I am’
‘But you’re a Sea Dragon!’
‘I am aware of that’  Pearl could not take offence at the gentle chide.  It was Crestal.
‘How could you? How would Corral dare?’
‘I approached your brother and his concubine.  Demanded it’
‘You did?  You, why?’
‘Pearl, I can be magnanimous and can even share, but I will not permit others to claim you from me.  I refuse it.  Even if you lack the nature to request so yourself’
‘I couldn’t Crestal, you’re ..you, I’m just, well ..me’  Crestal gave a sad laugh.
‘Just you, is all that just I, has ever wished’

Ocitaviar broke the seriousness by using a tentacle to stroke Crestal’s tail, something Pearl would never dare.  Arms folded and expression a careful innocence.
‘No just, you now have us, and we have you’  the purple spark was to gleeful for innocence.  Crestal caught the wandering limb and had the tentacle wind around his wrist in response, he looked amused as he met Pearl’s eyes.

Cnidaria had watched all this with his expression souring.  Pearl started as he marched across the half flooded chamber to confront Crestal, his feet a good metre above the sea floor.  Crestal shot Pearl a concerned look, following Cnidaria’s tirade with growing concern.

‘Pearl you have not sworn to them?’
‘No, I.  The gala.  Ocitaviar…then.. Cnidaria hates me Crestal.  I can not bind him’  This set Cnidaria off on another vicious attack, Pearl dropping his head, eyes stinging from the ringing criticisms.  Ocitaviar embraced him clucking sympathy as he stroked his head fingering the loose strands of his hair.

‘Cnidaria shush now’  Pearl didn’t wander at the familiarity, Crestal was solitary but wise, he had his own means for knowing people and events.  ‘Pearl you misunderstand.  Cnidaria is proud to join your harem.  Coral-dweller hunters do not commonly bond outside their clan, he petitioned strenuously on hearing your father’s tasking of you.  Had hoped your tour would keep you at his reef’

Pearl recalled the visit the demonstrations of skills and brusque enquiry.  The secretism that met his own ventures to query and forever watchfulness.  The sense that something was known to all but he while every honour and grace was bestowed upon him.  He had not met Cnidaria there.  Would not have forgotten his countenance.

‘But why? How would he even know of that or me?’  Magic hazed the sea, itching noses as it took and when Cnidaria spoke Pearl found he could understand.  The minute delay and touch of echo showing magic at work.
‘You saved Crestal in the death winds, sent word that my kind be safe.  Brave.  Good person to fight so for others.  I dare to wish this bond you despise’
‘Despise? But I..’
‘Pearl, Coral-dwellers are a proud people, Cnidaria takes your not swearing a binding as rejection’
‘No! I?’

Pearl bit his lip considering Cnidaria, the sprite was very handsome.  Forcing himself to see past the snarl and clasped weapon Pearl was surprised with the result.  Right now Cnidaria looked like one of the twins caught at mischief, the reluctant wait for judgement with a cocky head tilt.  False bravado, the threat and snarl to hide his pain.  Pearl made himself move towards the sprite, detangling from groping tentacles.

He dropped a hesitant kiss to rust lips, a bare brushing of breath that was neither spurned nor responded to.  Pearl felt a failure, his harem had been foisted on him and would refute him at the gala.  He’d never know a soft touch or wake in loved ones tender arms.  He sobbed as his lips left the sprite, heartbreak and despair leaking his pores.  Cnidaria grabbed his jaw to stare hard at him
‘You do not see your worth’ his accent was thick the words strange spoken on that raspy voice, but clear without Crestal’s magic.  Wonder evident.

Pearl looked down, shied from the piercing eyes and alighted upon a scar.  A familiar crest burnt into the right shoulder, that of a royal house and familiar from frequent blunt correspondence.  Startled he lifted his head meeting the attack of a commanding mouth and invading tongue, hugged before he caught his breath.  His gills closed in shock and the unfiltered waters assaulted his lungs, sharp pain indicating the splitting of his tail and a tentacle or three, bold in their exploration, pushed high and firm so he was unable to change back.  Drowning.

His senses started to slow a heavy haze overtaking his vision, but a gentle mouth met his baring precious air, breathing for him.  Loving lips keeping him sentient.  Pearl found himself clinging to Crestal, surviving only by the link to him.  Cnidaria took a turn to feed him air, contact rougher but just as nurturing.

Ocitaviar continued to play, probing limbs delving deep, massaging his malleable rear and testing the resistance of his entrance.  His mouth opened at increased pressure, gasp bringing in deadly water and panic.  Crestal dragged them upwards were the water thinned and light showed the break to air.

Cnidaria halted the move.  Holding them there despite Crestal’s objection.  He breathed deep into Pearl’s mouth then head inches from his demanded a bond.
‘Do you swear to us Pearl prince?‘  Pearl could only nod, desperate.  He caught the smile as their heads broke the waves, choking in his first eager breath.  Cnidaria remaining under the water, his body slipping low and mouth latching onto Pearl’s erection to suckle.  Ocitaviar who had surfaced with them ducked his head to watch this process, returning to funnel a stream of water high over their heads and coo over a flushed wriggling Pearl.

Pearl was soon writhing lost to moans, loosing track of whose hands touched his body as all three rushed to worship his flesh, every part of him kissed and caressed.  Tentacles spreading him wide, arms and legs open in supplication.  Cnidaria rising to sandwich him to Crestal, both holding him tight enough that he could not deny the evidence of their own desires.  He felt Cnidaria’s gasp in reaction to Ocitaviar’s teasing touches, but then forgot everything but for Crestal.

The Sea dragon stilled him to look deep into his soul, seeking nonverbal permission before the glide to enter his body.  Pain was fleeting, a sharp sting to his upper arm more startling as Cnidaria drew blood.  He licked his blade, dark tongue tasting the edge of the hewn stone and lapping at the blood it had claimed.  Ocitaviar licked the shallow wound before Cnidaria surged forward to bite at it.  Their mouths blended on his skin, tongues linking as they laved the trail of blood.  Sharp teeth claiming him as he spilled his seed to the seas.  Crestal’s cries echoing his, as he released deep in his body.

Eyes hazing Pearl turned to see Crestal kissing an eager Ocitaviar, still holding place in his body, fast pulses shocked his nipples and his whole body became a mindless erogenous zone as static tentacles twitched about his torso.  Tentacles fill the air Crestal and Cnidaria were both explored, clingy limbs finally freeing Pearl to change back to the sea creature of his nature.

Cnidaria stroked a reverent hand down the sheen of his tail and Pearl decided he’d have to make it up to the Coral-dweller for the perceived rejection, have him know his welcome.  He pressed kisses over any skin in reach, tasting traces of himself on the sprite’s mouth as he shyly explored the cavern of his mouth, tongues duelling.

His sheath uncovered, arousal rigid between them and tentacles brushing it, a slow pump to the crossing of his eyes.  Murmurs went over his head and hands directed him, dictating his bodies every move.  Pearl felt himself pushed and dragged closer to a wicked Ocitaviar with the stubborn tentacle gripping him intimately and angling him against a minute resistance before he felt the most wondrous heat engulf his aching member.

The smooth channel restricted around him, unimaginable feelings coursing through him, his hips driven to thrust and the Octa-man crowing his approval.  Rough hands guide him, slowing his impatient dance then stopping it.  Ocitaviar squeezing him deep in his body, desperate in his attempts to continue the mating ritual.  Other hands parted the secret slit hidden in the folds of his scales, fingers gentle in exploration, cool silk gel lining him with thorough consideration.  Crestal then steadied him, holding him secure that Cnidaria could enter him.

Stretched by Crestal the feel was different.  Blunt thrusts rode where the dragon had been a smooth glide, stretching him different and fanning his hunger to new wants.  Crestal swam about them, dipping to swallow his cries, raining feathering light kisses over his upturned face as his long sinuous body wound around them, evading the net of tentacles.  Cnidaria plundered  ruthlessly, driving him forward into Ocitaviar, setting the pace with strong arms and frantic hips until tentacles slap at him and other arms commanded so that they fall into a new dance.  Pearl rocking between them.  Pulled first forward then back, entering and being entered.  Fully claimed.

The water and air reeked the spice of their exertions when they rest, limbs indistinguishable in a tangled mound.

Some time and many touches later the bond was verbalised, kisses punctuating every word.  The gala to come mere protocol for the strong link already forged.

fic: fishy tales - complete, tentacles, smut

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